Clarkson University

Grants Implementation

Walkthrough Document

Clarkson University

Travel and Expense

Version 1.0


Travel and Expense Process Flow

Functions and Features of the Expense Management System


Travel and Expense Center

Expense Report

Expense Submission Process

Expenses Approval Options

Approval Workflow

Payment Process

Travel and Expense Process Flow

No matter what application you use for tracking your time and expense data, these transactions flow through PeopleSoft Enterprise Expenses for reimbursement and eventually for billing purposes. Reimbursements can be processed through PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables or Payroll. Billing lines are created when the transaction data is sent from Expenses to PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing.

Functions and Features of the Expense ManagementSystem

Function / Purpose
Policy compliance capabilities / Establishing business rules such as cash advance limits, minimum receiptamounts, preferred suppliers, and authorized expense amounts enables youto enforce compliance with your organizations policies.
Approvals and auditing / Defining approval and audit policies, enables you to establish routingrules and stipulate criteria for travel and expense transactions that must bereviewed and approved.
Workflow and notifications / Using the Expenses workflow functionality along with email you canexpedite your approval, audit and expense processing by proactivelyinforming your employees of transactions statuses
Commitment control / Activating the commitment control option provides you the ability tobudget-check travel authorizations and expense reports.
Travel authorizations / Using travel authorizations enables you to manage the pre-approval oftravel costs and to reserve funds for the trip.
Cash advance processing / Utilizing the cash advance process includes cash advance entry,reconciliation and enables employees to withdraw cash advances from anATM. This feature minimizes the impact of business travel on employeepersonal finances.
Expenses processing / Using the expense reporting process enables your employees to easilyrecord expense reports that meet your auditing standards, approvalpolicies, and tax reporting requirements. Thisfunctionality has the abilityto capture expenses by project fields to pass to PeopleSoft EnterpriseProject Costing.
Time reporting / Using the time reporting system to track project and non-project time foremployees replaces written time sheets, punch cards, and spreadsheets thatrequire manual monitoring of organizational budgets.
Global business rules / Configuring your system with business rules for individual countriesenables you to accommodate country specific processing such as valueaddedtaxes (VAT) and multicurrency processing.
Credit card data importing / Importing credit card transactions enables you to capture expense data andpopulate expense detail lines for expense report entry. This process canexpedite payments to vendors and employees.
Airline ticket reconciliation / Reconciling airline ticket receipts ensures that all purchased airline ticketsare applied to expense reports. Expenses enable you to importpurchasedairline flight segment information and track unused tickets by reconcilingcompleted and submitted segments against purchased tickets.
Reporting and analysis / Utilizing the real-time reporting functionality in Expenses enables you totrack where transactions are in the overall process and make inquiresabout specific transactions.


PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM and PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America

Expenses use HCM data by receiving employee and direct deposit information from tables in HCM and North American Payroll. Payroll data is used to define the bank account information for reimbursement processing to employee accounts. If the client pays through payroll, payment information is sent back to Expenses.

PeopleSoft Enterprise General Ledger

Expenses utilizes General Ledger GL Business Units and their respective

ChartFields. The General Ledger is updated with data from Expenses using the

Journal Generator to create journal entries from expense reports and cash advances.

Commitment Control ledgers (if applicable) are updated through the budget checking feature.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables

Accounts Payable (AP) data is used to define the bank account information for reimbursements to vendors for direct billing as well as processing payments to employees via AP. The Pay Cycle manager of Payables is utilized to process Expense payments on a flexible schedule. Vendors are set up in AP (such as Visa and American Express). You have the option of processing employee reimbursements through payroll or accounts payable systems. Note. Payables do not create journal entries for these transactions. You post payments in expenses using the Expense Transactions page. When you run the Application Engine process, it will populate the EX_ACCTG_LINE table with data that is staged for posting to your general ledger. Then you can run the journal generator that creates journals to post the information to GL.

Travel and Expense Center


Go to Menu: GrantsTravel and ExpensesTravel and Expenses Center.

Expense Report


Go to Menu: GrantsTravel and ExpensesTravel and Expenses Center Expense ReportCreate

Each part of the expense report uses setup data such as:

• The general information can be populated with data from your user defaults.

• The expense detail lines uses your setup information such as expense types, locations and preferred merchants.

• The account distribution is based on ChartField defaults established in your employee


Creation Methods

The default creation method on your employee profile will determine the page that is

displayed when adding a new report. Expenses will display a blank report or one of the

following selection pages:

• Select A Template

• Populate from A Travel Authorization

• Copy from An Existing Report

When the creation method is set to Open a Blank Report you can select any of the

creation methods from the Quick Start field on the Expense Report Entry page.

Field / Description
Description / Enter a description to identify the expense report
Comment / Enter additional information about the expense report
Business Purpose / Select a purpose from a predefined list that was created when you implemented the expense system. Because tax laws require a business purpose for business expenses, this field is required.
Reference / Enter characters for tracking or identification
Accounting Defaults / Click to access the Accounting Defaults page and view or modify the default accounting ChartFields and the distribution split. The default accounting is implemented at the expense report level, and each expense that you add to the report inherits it.
Apply Cash Advance(s) / Click to access the Apply Cash Advance(s) page and select and apply part or all of a cash advance to the expense report
Select / Use in conjunction with the Copy Selected or Delete Selected buttons
Expense Type / Select an expense type to add an expense item.
Expense Date / Enter the date when the transaction began or occurred.
Amount Spent / Enter the amount that you spent for the expense. This field is grayed out when the expense type of Automobile is selected.
Currency / Displays the currency associated with the transaction amount spent. The default for this field is the employee's base currency; however, you can change it.
Payment Type / Enter how you paid for the expense, such as with a credit card or cash. This value may appear by default if a payment type is entered in the Expense defaults group box on the Employee Profile - User Defaults page.
Billing Type / Select the appropriate billing type for the expense transaction. If you use PeopleSoft Project Costing, the system requires billing codes to identify project costs that are both billable and charged to project costing ChartFields. PeopleSoft Expenses sends the information to PeopleSoft Project Costing, and PeopleSoft Project Costing passes these items to PeopleSoft Billing for processing. The billing type determines the billing code that PeopleSoft Project Costing uses.
/ Click the Accounting Detail button to access the Accounting Detail page and view or edit ChartFields. Expense items are charged to a set of ChartFields that represent the business unit or department of the employee who is submitting the expense report.
/ Click the Add Additional Attendees button to access the Attendees page and enter names (lastname,firstname), companies, and titles for an expense type that requires a list of attendees on your expense report.

Select the Detail tab

Field / Description
Description / Enter a description about the expense transaction
Non-Reimbursable / Select if charges are neither business related nor subject to employee reimbursement.
No Receipt / Select if no receipt is available to substantiate an expense item that requires a receipt. PeopleSoft Expenses compares the expense to the minimum amount that is required for a receipt (as defined by the employee's business unit). If a receipt is required, you may need to provide an explanation on the No Receipt Included page for not having a receipt.
/ Click the Receipt Split button to access the Receipt Detail for Expense [expense type] page to itemize the charges on this receipt into smaller, detailed expenses
/ Click the Credit Card Selection button to access the Credit Card Selection page. If the user profile contains more than one credit card, select a credit card to use for the expense item. The credit card numbers appear in a masked format in which only the last four digits of the credit card number are visible.

Select the Location tab

Field / Description
Location / Select the location where you incurred the expense. PeopleSoft Expenses prepopulates this field if you enter a default location in the General Information group box or if you enter a previous line with a location.
Originating Location / Select the location (which you establish during system setup) from where you began your business travel. PeopleSoft Expenses prepopulates this field if you enter an originating location on the Employee Profile - User Defaults page.

Select the Merchant tab

Field / Description
Preferred Merchant / Select from a list of merchants with whom your organization has contractual agreements. The merchant list varies according to the expense type.
Non-preferred Merchant / Enter the name of the non-preferred merchant that you used if you did not select a preferred merchant. PeopleSoft Expenses may prompt you to enter an explanation about why you did not use a preferred merchant on the Preferred Merchant Not Selected page.
/ Click the Non-Preferred Merchant button to access the Preferred Merchant Not Selected page to enter an explanation as to why you did not use a preferred merchant for the expense type. This button appears only if you do not enter a preferred merchant.

Delect the Air/Hotel tab

Field / Description
Ticket Number / Enter the unique airline ticket number. PeopleSoft Expenses verifies that the ticket number is unique and prompts you (when you check for errors) if it detects that the ticket number was used previously.
Nbr of Nights (number of nights) / Enter the number of nights that the expense covers.
/ Click the Itemize Hotel Bill button to access the Itemize Hotel Bill page and itemize the hotel receipt into more specific charges, such as room and telephone charges. Once itemized, PeopleSoft Expenses populates the main expense grid with each itemized charge. You may itemize the entire bill or only part of it if some expenses are non-reimbursable. PeopleSoft Expenses supports the ability to itemize lodgings with different room rates.

Select the Milage tab

Field / Description
Transportation ID / Select a transportation ID. This field is active if the distance rate for expense type Auto Mileage is Varied. This field does not appear if the distance rate for expense type Auto Mileage is Standard.
Rate / Displays the rate that it uses to calculate the reimbursement for the distance traveled.
/ .Displays the rate that it uses to calculate the reimbursement for the distance traveled.
Passengers / Enter the number of passengers in the automobile.
Originating Location / Enter the originating location.

Select the Per Diem tab

Field / Description
Per Diem Range / Select a per diem range that defines the number of days at a specific location. PeopleSoft Expenses uses this information for per diem calculations.
PeopleSoft Expenses looks at the employee's base country to determine whether to display the Per Diem Range field or the Start Time and End Time fields.
Start Time and End Time / Enter the start and end times for the day.
Amount Spent / Displays the calculated per diem amount based on the location and other per diem setup rules. You can override the Amount Spent field if you are authorized to do so.
Currency / Displays the employee's base currency
/ Click the Refresh Per Diem Amounts button to calculate the amount.
/ Click the Per Diem Deductions button to access the Per Diem Deductions page and deduct qualified expense types from the per diem amount.

Select the Currency tab

Field / Description
Exchange Rate / If the currency code for the transaction amount differs from the base currency of the employee's business unit, PeopleSoft Expenses populates this field with the current market rate that is defined in the system rate tables. You can override the system-supplied exchange rate.
Dflt (default) / Indicates if system rate exchange tables or user-defined exchange rates are being used. If selected, PeopleSoft Expenses is using the current market exchange rate that is defined in the system rate tables. If not selected, PeopleSoft Expenses is using a user-defined exchange rate.
/ Click the Reset Rate button to change a user-defined exchange rate to the system-defined exchange rate.
/ Click the Rate Detail button to access the Exchange Rate Detail page and view the exchange rate information that the system used.
Reimburse Amt (reimbursement amount) / Displays the amount in the employee's base currency, which may be reimbursed to the employee.
Copy Selected / Click to access the Expense Report - Copy Selected Expenses page to enter details about copying expense lines that you selected in the Enter Expense Lines grid.
Delete Selected / Click to delete expense lines that you selected in the Details grid.
Add / Select Entries from My Reservations to access the Add My Confirmed Reservations page and select available, confirmed reservation lines to add to the expense report transaction lines.
Check For Errors / Click to check the expense transaction lines for missing or invalid information. Lines flagged with errors display an error icon. You can click the icon to go to the Expense Report - Expense Detail for [expense type] page, which displays all the errors associated with the expense line.

Expense Submission Process

Expenses Approval Options

In some organizations, employees are expected to submit their own travel authorization;cash advance requests, expense reports, and time reports. Other organizations have dedicated travel and expense staff that enters data into the system on behalf of theemployees.

Some organizations require approvals only on an exception basis, while others requireone or more approvals for each transaction, depending on the amount of the expensesincurred, and so on.

The system is delivered with basic business processes and workflow capability. Usingthis functionality, along with email, expedites expenses processing and proactivelyinforms the employees of transaction statuses.

Approval Workflow

Travel and Expenses delivers an approval and workflow configuration that provides you theflexibility to configure your own approval and audit rules for approvers of expensetransactions.

Payment Process

Generating Expense Payments

After expense reports or cash advances have undergone final approval, Expenses converts their detail lines into data that you need for generating a payment. The process begins by staging and reviewing payments in your expense system, and it is completed when your accounts payable or payroll system creates the actual payments. The Accounts Payable Pay Cycle Manager will use employee and vendor data from the staging tables for reimbursement or that employee reimbursements can be sent to payroll.

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