St Thomas’ CE Primary School

Wyberton Low Road, Boston, Lincs PE21 7RZ

Tel: 01205 362860 Fax: 01205 362496

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Executive Head Teacher: Mrs H Richardson

8 November 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

Year5 Pantomime trip

We have been given the opportunity to go to Blackfriars Theatre on Wednesday 14thDecember at 1pm to see the pantomime“Robin Hood and The Babes in the Wood”.

The bus will leave school at approximately 12.15pm and we will be back at approximately 3.30pm. Children need to be wearing their normal school uniform. If your child has a hot lunch booked for that day please contact Willoughby to cancel it and send a packed lunch instead they will need to eat it before they go.

The cost per child will be £10. This cost also includes an ice cream for each child during the interval. I apologise for the short notice but if you would like your child to come on the trip then we will need their £10 contribution by Monday 14th November 2016.

Under the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988 we can only raise the cost of the trip by voluntary contribution. There is no obligation to contribute and children will not be treated differently according to whether or not any contribution is made. However, the trip can only go ahead if the level of support is sufficient. If you have any problems, please see your child’s teacher in confidence.

We are all looking forward to the trip – it promises to be a lot of fun.

Yours faithfully,

Miss J Sharples

Head of School

Year 5Pantomime permission slip – please detach and return

I do/do not (please delete as appropriate) give permission for my child………………………………….. Class ….... to go on the pantomime trip on 14th December 2016.

I enclose £10. (Please make cheques payable to St Thomas CE Primary School.)

Signed ………………………………..Parent/Carer (please delete as appropriate)