Lake Braddock Indoor Track & Field 2016-2017

Welcome to Lake Braddock’s track and field team. We are excited you want to be part of a program that truly represents success in sport. There is no other program in Virginia that can boast more conference, regional, and state titles in Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor track.

Last year, both teams won Conference Titles. The Girls added a Regional Championship and 3rd at the State Meet. The Boys were 3rd at Regionals and 7th in the State Meet. We return many veterans who are ready to lead this team to a great season.

First Practice is Wednesday November 9 @ 3:15

We will also have a regular practice on Thursday. November 10th. There will be no practice on Friday November 11th due to the State Cross Country Championships.Normal practice will resume Monday November 14th.

*** Please complete the uniform page that is attached to this packet. It needs to be returned by Friday November 4th in order for us to guarantee that everyone has a uniform.

*** In order to try out, each athlete must turn in a purple card from our athletic trainers and an emergency care form. If you ran cross country, you must still do the purple card, but I already have your emergency care form. If you were in a different fall sport, I will need both from you.

Our coaching staff is determined to get the most out of your child, and has high expectations for them on AND off the track. Academics are the top priority while our kids are at Lake Braddock, and we will do all we can to continue our reputation as a program with great student/athletes. Athletically, we work very hard to be competitive at the conference, regional, state, AND national level.

WE COUNT ON YOUR CHILD TO BE AT PRACTICE EVERYDAY! Our expectation is that parents will email/call BEFORE practice the same day if your child will miss practice. Communication with the coaches is paramount. We need to know when and why your child will not be with us. Athletes not in attendance every day run the risk of not competing. Conflicts such as homework, music/theatre practice, jobs, and outside sports, need to be discussed with the coaches immediately and will require make up practice time.

Coach Mangan’s email is Track office #-703-426-1067

I also ask that you please do not schedule appointments that conflict with our practice/meet schedule. There are days that certain groups of athletes have days “off”. We’d appreciate appointments being scheduled during this time

Please take a minute to review the team policies.

Please stay up to date with our team on and look to the right for Co-Ed Indoor Track. We have also designed a Blackboard 24-7 page for our athletes to keep up to date.

Mike Mangan

Director Men’s & Women’s Track & Field

Lake Braddock Indoor Track Team Policies

DailyPractice Rules:

  • Monday – Friday 3:15-5:45pm. Practices are mandatory
  • If you are unable to attend practice, it is your parent’s responsibility to inform Coach Manganbefore practice begins that day. If you go home sick, stop by track office. DON’T send the message through someone else! Don’t just tell your event coach.
  • Technique events (jumps, hurdles, vault, etc) practice schedules are different. You will be given a schedule as soon as we identify you as a technique event athlete. Many of our technique practices will be in the morning before school 5:45-7:45am. Those athletes will most likely not have afterschool practice (Unless it is lifting)
  • Office phone: 426-1067 or email
  • You will be dressed in appropriate attire daily. Long sleeves/sweats, and long pants are required, no matter what the weather. You will be dismissed from practice without appropriate clothing. Proper training shoes are required as well. Make sure you have a water bottle daily.
  • Athletes with multiple unexcused absences will be removed from the team.


  • Please try and schedule nothing that conflicts between practice hours. No jobs/ doctor/dentist/music lessons/etc. should conflict. Schedule appts on your day off.
  • If you must stay after for academic help please bring a note. Make sure your teacher puts a release time on it. Hustle to practice once your work is complete.
  • Music/theater students see Coach about conflicts. Missed practices will be made up.
  • If you are planning on a trip for any break, letCoach Mangan know now. Winter break can be a big problem. Please let Coach know your plan. If you are here you may have the opportunity to compete in a big invitational. SKIING/SNOWBOARDING is not allowed during the season.
  • If you are in town over the holidays, you are required to be at practice. Practice schedule will be published in early December.


  • Everyone competes: There is no bench in track. There are some outdoor “polar bear” meets. Parents may be asked to drive as there are a minimum number of busses.
  • No one may drive without prior approval. You will stay until the meet is over. You may leave w/your parent when the coaching staff dismisses you. No one else may go home w/your parent without written notice from their parent.
  • You will be dressed in your uniform from beginning to end. No one will be allowed on the bus unless they are in their “Bruin Gear”.
  • Act like a Bruin. If coaches/captains see you misbehaving at meets, you will be asked to leave. We are a team. Cheer for each other.No one is more important than the team. TEAM MEANS EVERYTHING.

Participation Pledge / Concussion Ed / Impact testing

  • Will be completed asap.

have concussion ed testing for both parent and child


  • Please complete the uniform order form. Return to the Track and Field Office by Friday November 4th. It is important we all wear the same uniform. These are your responsibility. Make sure you know where they are at meets. Other teams like our stuff!! You will be asked to purchase your uniform top and bottom, team warm up shirts (long and short sleeve) and a pair of black running pants. If you have a financial issue, please contact coach Mangan directly. The uniform from cross country is the same and will this be the same for outdoor track.


  • Can and do happen in this sport. If you follow proper warm-up / cool down procedures, you reduce your risk. If you think you are injured, see a coach. Only a coach can send you to the trainer.
  • See a doctor ONLYafter seeking the advice of the trainer or coach. A doctor must give you written documentation of your inactivity time (days you will miss)and then another written note releasing you to full participation. This may require 2 trips to the doctor.
  • Please tell the coach if you are hurt. Don’t try to tough it out. You can only make it worse.
  • Aches and pains after practice is not unusual. Ice when you get home. NEVER PUT HEAT ON AN INJURY UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO!!!!!!!!

Varsity vs. Junior Varsity team and Event Groups:

  • There will be varsity standards for each event. We will have time trials and opportunities for athletes to earn their spot on the varsity.
  • Varsity athletes will have their awards at the varsity sports banquet. JV athletes will be given awards before the banquet, and are invited to the desert portion / varsity awards portion of the sports banquet.
  • There will be testing done early in the season to identify possible technique athletes.
  • Each group of athletes will have minimum standards.
  • THERE ARE NO CUTS. Coaches can/will move you to the event group they feel is best for you. It may not be what group you originally wanted, but it is what coaches feel will work best for you and the program..
  • Only Varsity athletes that meet minimum standards will be allowed to travel.

Lettering (any of these gives you a letter)

  • Score in varsity events throughout the season. (Minimum 2 meets)
  • Any athlete who has been in program 3 seasons showing steady improvement.
  • Qualify for the Conferencet meet. Not just be entered in it.
  • All athletes must follow team rules and be in good standing at the conclusion of the season in order to letter.


  • Will be discussed at Meet the Coach Night

Check out under Co-Ed Indoor track and our Blackboard 24-7 site for all updates, meet schedules, results, photos, and more.

Coaching Staff:

Head CoachMike Mangan

Asst. CoachesBob DigbyJason Switzer Michaela Sands

Nils LindenbladRickey LewisIvy Roe

Please Sign and Return immediately.

  • I have read and understand the Lake BraddockIndoor Track team policies.
  • I understand disciplinary action can result for not following team policies.


Student ID (for blackboard site)______

Athlete signature______

Athlete email______

Parent Signature______

Parent email:______