

The words in this lesson describe different degrees of emotion, or lack of it.

1. allure

a. A strong attraction; the power to attract

Unable to resist the allure of the jewelry, the thief grabbed it from the display case.

b. To attract with something desirable

Although Cindy knew she should do her homework, the new puppyallured her.

2. avid

eager; very enthusiastic

Being an avid reader, Dad finished three books while on vacation. .

3. devotion

Complete dedication to a cause or person

Out of devotion to his fans, the actor took the time to sign numerous autographs.

The doctor left his hospital job and devoted his time to finding a cure for cancer.

4. effusive

Overly emotional or expressive

Mrs. Smith showedeffusive praise of her daughter’s performance, when she ran up on stage and gave her a big hug.

We were embarrassed by Stephanie’s effusiveness when she squealed “I’m so, so, so sorry you didn’t get the part!”

5. exhilaration

Excited happiness

Imagine the exhilarationshe felt when she won the beauty pageant.

Jack was exhilarated when he received a raise.

6. fanatic

A person who is unreasonably devoted to a cause or belief

  • The fanatic stood on the street corner and screamed his political views to those who passed.

7. indifferent

Not interested in or concerned about something; not caring

When it comes to football, I am indifferent about which team wins the game.



 Charles was jubilant when he found out his lottery ticket was a winner.

The room was filled with jubilation when Cheryl’s family discovered she passed the bar exam.

9. reticent

Unwilling; reluctant

Ashley was reticent about going on vacation with her friend’s family.

10. zealous

Highly motivated by dedication to a cause

The zealous teacher worked for hours after school on her curriculum.


Write your own sentence for five vocabulary words.







Write the letter of the word that best completes the sentence.

_____1. I could tell by her blank expression that she was_____to my plan.

a. avidb. fanaticc. indifferentd. effusive

_____2. The wedding was a _____ occasion.

a. jubilantb. devotionalc. zealousd. indifferent

_____3. The _____football fan came to the stadium five hours before the game to get a glimpse of the players. a. indifferent b. fanatical c. reticent d. jubilant

_____4. The chocoholic found it hard to resist the_____of the Hershey bar within her reach.

a. zealousb. allurec. jubilanced. effusiveness

_____5. My voice coach’s _____praise of my solo embarrassed me in front of my friends.

a. reticentb. avidc. devotedd. effusive

_____6. The dog’s_____to his master was evident in the many tricks he performed.

a. fanaticismb. allurec. avidd. devotion

_____7. The _____student never participated in class.

a. reticentb. alluringc. jubilantd. fanatical

_____8. Samantha is a(n)_____gymnast who practices every chance she gets.

a. indifferentb. reticentc. avidd. effusive

_____9. Jane was a(n) _____advocate for children’s rights.

a. reticentb. zealousc. exhilaratedd. indifferent

____10. Mike’s_____after winning the marathon was evident by the smile on his face.

a. devotionb. exhilarationc. effusivenessd. indifference


Complete each sentence so that it shows the meaning of the italicized word.

  1. I am reticent about______
  1. Something that I am indifferent about______
  1. I am devoted to______
  1. I would be jubilant if______
  1. An avid reader would______


Complete the sentence by writing the correct form of the word shown in parentheses. There may be some words that may not need to change.

______1.My Uncle Steve is an _____football fan.(avid)

______2. When Jill got the job, she_____screamed and cried for joy. (effusive)

______3. The concert was full of excitement and_____. (jubilant)

______4. The diamond earrings in the window were too_____to pass up. (allure)

______5. The newly married couple were completely_____to each other. (devotion)


Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation.

_____1. Something that someone who feels indifferent might do

a. moan and cryb. shrug her shouldersc. shout

_____2. A person who would be zealous about her work

a. a secretaryb. an animal trainerc. a waitress

_____3. Something a jubilant child might do

a. take a napb. jump up and downc. drink from a bottle

_____4. The best way to describe a reticent person

a. confidentb. enthusiasticc. shy

_____5. Something that would be alluring to a teenager

a. a teddy bearb. a Smart phonec. a 100 question test