“Making My Own Way: Supporting self-directed life in the community”

NDA Annual Conference 2017

The Gibson Hotel, Point Square, North Dock, Dublin 1

10:00am–3:30pm, Wednesday, 25October 2017

National Disability Authority

The National Disability Authority (NDA) is the lead state agency on disability issues, providing independent expert advice to Government on policy and practice.

The NDA hosts an annual conference in which it aims to highlight and disseminate relevant and topical research and policy analysis.

Conference theme

The National Disability Authority is centrally involved in advising on the implementation of the agreed programme of change in disability services to give individuals more choice and control in their daily lives. A significant part of the transformation will be consideration of how to maximise and develop the natural supports already available to people within the community - supports that will assist them in having control over their day-to-day lives – as well as those supports for self-directed living that can be put in place at a system level, such as individualised funding.

The National Disability Authority’s Annual Conference 2017 is an opportunity to consider and discuss various elements of policy and practice involved in bringing about this transformation, and consider them in conjunction with each other.

Who should attend?

  • Government Departments and public bodies
  • Disability organisations and service providers
  • People with disabilities, their families, and carers


The venue is The Gibson Hotel, Point Square, North Dock, Dublin 1.

For more information on the hotel, directions, and public transport options, please see the hotel website.


9:00amRegistration opens

Helen Guinan, Chairperson, NDA

10:10amPlenary Session Chairperson
Frances Spillane, Assistant Secretary General, Department of Health

10:20amOpening Speech
Minister Finian McGrath, T.D., Minister of State for Disability

10:30am“Local Area Coordination and supporting independent living in the community”
Ralph Broad, Director, Inclusive Neighbourhoods Ltd. United Kingdom

10:55am“Real choice and control for people with disabilities: How families get involved”
Caroline Tomlinson, Associate, In-Control UK


11:35am“Indicators of a Person-Centred life”
Mary Lou Bourne, Director of NCI and Quality Assurance, National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, USA

12:00pm“Individualised funding and self-directed living – the example of Micro Boards”
Linda Perry, Executive Director, Vela, British Columbia, Canada

12:25pmQuestion & Answer Session

12:50pmBuffet lunch

14:00pmParallel Workshops (main conference room and breakout rooms)

15.00pmMain Conference Room
Synthesising main themes emerging from workshop sessions
Chair Siobhán Barron, Director, NDA

15:30pmConference close

Parallel Workshops

Workshop 1:
“Circles of Support
Chair: Martina Smith, HAIL
  • Paula McNulty (HAIL)/Aoife Farrelly (HSE)/Richard Wynne (WRC)
  • Catherine Kelly (WALK)
  • Pat Flanagan (CARA)
/ Workshop 2:
“Local Area Co-ordination”
Chair: Frances Hannon, NDA
  • Deirdre Lynch (Northside Partnership)
  • Elisa O’Donovan (Headway Ireland/Mid-West LAC)
  • Susan Carton (DESSA)
/ Workshop 3:
“Personalised budgets”
Chair: Christy Lynch, KARE
  • Yvonne Finn-Orde (Independent Healthcare Consultant)
  • Aoife O’Toole (Dara Residential Services)
  • Fionn Angus (Holder of a personal budget)
  • Gordon Ryan (Holder of a personal budget)

Location of Workshops

Workshop 1:Circles of Support

Alhambra Suite

Workshop 2: Local Area Co-ordination

Stratocaster C

Workshop 3: Personalised Budgets

Main Conference Room – Stratocaster Suites A & B