These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
MONDAY 18-SEPT-2017 and WEDNESDAY 20-SEPT-2017
1.1 Call to Order/Verbal Quorum Check – OPEN/CLOSED
The Fluid Distribution System (FLU) Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 18-SEP-2017.
It was verified that only SUBSCRIBER MEMBERS and invited guests were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
* / Joe / Bebey / The Boeing Company
* / Sam / Buri / The Boeing Company / Chairperson
Daniel / Chin / The Boeing Company
Ron / Clements / The Boeing Company
* / Shweta / Dundon / Rolls-Royce
Emilio / Garcia / GE Aviation
Chris / Green / Rolls-Royce
Christopher / Gumm / NAVAIR
Robert / Hainline / The Boeing Company
* / Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation
* / Dan / Smith / GE Aviation
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEMaria Olivia / Adapon / Incotec
Clifton / Breay / Eaton
Mathias / Bahr / Witzenmann GmbH
Jonathan / Beaumel / JPB-Systeme
James / Beryl / Parker
Keven / Bires / SAE
Ray / Bitting / Wyman-Gordon
Greg / Brennan / Novaria
* / John / Brittain / Eaton
Owe / Carlsson / Arconic
Ken / Chang / AdelWiggins
Mike / Clemente / Titeflex
May / Danhash / Aerofit, LLC.
John / Dobmeier / Permasuage USA
Cynthia / Eulitz / KLX Aerospace
Ted / Goosen / Parker Hannifin
* / Dale / Gordon / Aerofit, LLC.
Mike / Howlett / B&E Manufacturing
Steve / Hudlet / Jetseal
Dave / Janes / PACMET
Gary / Jenski / Eaton
Wooseok / Jung / DK-lok
Jim / Kabbara / FAA
YoungWoo / Kim / DK-lok
Jonathan / Kweder / Technetics Group
Fabian / Lambert / Eaton
Beng / Lee / AdelWiggins
Frank / Lee / Airdrome
Steve / MacDonald / Permaswage
* / Andrew / Mau / Parker Hannifin
Stephen / McGree / National Utilities Co.
Mansoor / Motavvef / Esterline
Daniel / Munley / Eaton
Shadrach / Nanney / Parker Hannifin
Erwin / Oman / SAE
Nilesh / Patel / Shur-lok
Mike / Paveglio / United Flexible
Bill / Perea / Atlas Specialty Products
Leo / Perez / Allan Aircraft
Sara / Pfannenstiel / Eaton
Kevin / Proschold / Shur-lok
Doug / Pyle / Arconic
* / Mark / Scatoloni / Spencer Aerospace
* / Mike / Schleckman / Voss Industries
* / Chris / Schofield / Hydraflow
Denis / Sindezingue / Zodiac Aerospace
Doug / Smith / Titeflex
Tim / Soran / Sandvik
Nathan / Soucy / Titeflex Aero
* / Matt / Swabb / Voss Industries
LT / Taylor / KLX Aerospace
* / Phillip / Wade / Titeflex
Jim / Zebris / Wyman-Gordon
Geoffrey / Zhang / Parker
PRI Staff Present
Keith / Purnell1.2 Safety Information – OPEN/CLOSED
Fire exits were reviewed. It was noted to inform PRI Staff of any emergencies
1.3 Review Code of Ethics (Ref: Attendees’ Guide) And Meeting Conduct – OPEN/CLOSED
The Nadcap code of ethics was reviewed.
1.4 Present the Antitrust Video (Only @ the First Open and First Closed Meeting of the Week for Each Task Group) – OPEN/CLOSED
The antitrust video was reviewed.
1.5 Review Agenda – OPEN/CLOSED
The agenda for the meeting was reviewed.
1.6 Acceptance of Meeting Minutes – OPEN
Motion made by M. Schleckman and seconded by P. Wade to approve the March 2017 minutes as written. Motion Passed.
The minutes from March 2017 were approved as written.
There are currently four audits in Supplier Review and one audit in Staff Engineer Review.
A list of currently scheduled audits was also reviewed.
There were no problem audits to discuss.
Auditor performance and consistency data, including the standard data set were reviewed. No auditors stood out as requiring additional action.
For observations, it was determined that the two auditor trainees will require observation once they are approved as auditors.
No Auditor Conference Confidential Topics were discussed.
Auditor Qualification for the two new auditors was discussed. Auditor candidate J. Smith will be considered qualified for AC7112/3 audits after some online training with K. Purnell.
Two potential auditor candidates’ resumes were reviewed. K. Purnell will arrange for Task Group interviews with the candidates.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to conduct online AC7112/3 training with J. Smith. (Due Date: 30-Oct-2017)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to arrange for Task Group phone interviews with two auditor candidates. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2017)
Task Group oversight of Audit Report Reviewers was reviewed. Delegated reviewer K. Purnell met the requirements of having at least 10% of NCRs reviewed by the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members with over 90% concurrence; he also reviewed the required 10 audits in the previous annual review period. Delegation is maintained.
Non-delegated reviewer J. Lewis had 100% of NCRs reviewed by the Task Group Subscriber Voting Members.
One t-frm-11 was received for an initial audit that changed location prior to the audit taking place. The AS9100 certificate contained the new address so no additional action was required.
Establishment of Task Group Leadership term duration will be discussed in the open meeting.
Discussion of if a QPG advisory should have an impact on Nadcap audit merit was discussed. PRI-QPL and Nadcap Audits are two separate programs. K. Purnell was asked to set up a meeting with W. Grubbs and J. Lewis to discuss the procedure, contract, and form changes required to facilitate the open communication between the two groups.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to set up a meeting with W. Grubbs and J. Lewis to discuss the procedure, contract and form changes required to facilitate the open communication between PRIQPL and Nadcap FLU Task Group. (Due Date: 30-Oct-2017)
Frozen processes and process changes were discussed. Critical attributes for each fluid product needs to be established. This will be a topic of discussion in the OPEN meeting.
All action items were reviewed and due dates established. For specific details, please see the current FLU Rolling Action Item List posted at www.eAuditNet.com, under Public Documents.
8.0 Review Membership Status – OPEN
The following requests for additions or changes to voting membership were received and confirmed by the Task Group Chairperson pending verification of PD 1100 requirements:
· Subscriber Voting Member: UVM
· Supplier Voting Member: SVM
· Alternate: ALT
· Task Group Chairperson: CHR
· Vice Chairperson: VCH
· Secretary: SEC
First Name / Surname / Company / Position:(new / updated role) / Meetings Attended
Matt / Swabb / Voss Industries / ALT SVM / March 2017 / September 2016
Pedro / Perez / GE Aviation / ALT UVM / March 2017 / September 2017
The compliance to voting requirements per PD 1100 was reviewed and all members met the meeting attendance and voting requirements. S. Dundon will be leaving the Fluids Task Group and will be replaced by C. Green of Rolls-Royce, plc. This was C. Green’s first meeting and he will be eligible to be a voting member at the next meeting attended.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to help C. Green establish a profile in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 31-Nov-2017)
9.0 Staff Report – OPEN
K. Purnell presented a summary of Nadcap and Task Group information. A. Baer, formerly a Nadcap auditor, is now a consultant reviewer and there are two trainee auditors currently going through training.
Most task group metrics are green since the last meeting except for Supplier Cycle Time. The overall cycle time still met the goal of 53 days. An effort must be made to vote on audits with a non-delegated reviewer.
The most common NCRs were reviewed. A summary of the most recent eAuditNet enhancements was also shown. Auditees were reminded to upload their self-audits into eAuditNet at least 30 days prior to the audit. Auditees are also required to include procedure and paragraph numbers for compliance with each self-audit question. The importance of verifying the audit scope was discussed. The current potential Fluid audit scopes are contained in s-frm-14. Auditees and Auditors verify the audit scope at the beginning of each audit. Auditees need to ensure Aerospace Standards intended to work to in the near future are included in their audit scopes.
The next Fluid Nadcap meeting will be 7-Mar-2018 to 9-Mar-2018 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
The next Nadcap Meeting will be 23-Oct-2017 to 26-Oct-2017 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to include a copy of the s-frm-14 in the meeting minutes. (Due Date: 9-Oct-2017)
10.0 Review of Procedure Changes – OPEN
10.1 Review any changes to General Operating Procedures since the last meeting
K. Purnell reviewed a presentation which included procedural changes since March 2017. None of the changes required a change to the FLU TG OP 1116 Appendix; changes are required to align with OP 1114. It was noted that the failure to upload the self-audit to eAuditNet 30 days prior to the audit with the location of evidence of compliance identified will result in a minor NCR the first time that it happens and a Non-Sustaining Corrective Action and major NCR for subsequent times.
10.2 Review changes to OP 1114 and OP 1116 Appendices since the last meeting
OP 1114 was revised on 4-May-2017 with the major change being the requirement for each Task Groups to define the term limits of leadership appointments. The FLU Task Group reviewed the following wording and agreed to adding it to the next revision of OP 1114 Appendix FLU.
Succession planning for Task Group leadership shall be discussed during the Task Group open meeting. The Task Group Chairperson shall be elected for an initial term of three years. For any leadership position, extensions of one year to the initial term shall require an affirmation vote by the Task Group, with no limit to the number of extensions allowed. The resolution of the vote shall be decided by a simple majority.
The Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Supplier Support Committee (SSC) Representative, and Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Task Group Representative may be elected for an initial term of three years.
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to update OP 1114 APP FLU to address the latest changes in OP1114 including leadership term limits. (Due Date: 31-Nov-2017)
11.0 G-3 QPG Status Report – OPEN
R. Hainline presented an update from the G-3 Qualified Product Group (QPG) meeting. They are planning to revise their controlling document, PD2101. Proposed changes would include a requirement for manufacturers to utilize the Qualification Test Summary, development of a QPG Review Checklist, removal of the requirements to review Test Plans, and clarification of requirements (qualification, failures, etc.)
It was also noted that Value Added Distributors (VAD) may only be qualified for products that are also qualified by the Original Component Manufacturer (OCM) that they use. This must be verified during any VAD qualification submittal.
There was discussion of the Change Notification Process Plan using c-frm-13 QPL Change Notification Form. Changes may need to be coordinated between the PRI-QPL Coordinator W. Grubbs and the Nadcap Staff Engineer K. Purnell when involving a change of address, ownership, or QA personnel. Nadcap change notifications are submitted using a t-frm-11.
It was reported that buyers are having difficulty identifying approved suppliers from the PRI QPL because of all the different attributes that need to be entered to conduct a proper product search. It was asked if the QPL system could be modified to perform a search by part number. K. Purnell will take the request back to the eAuditNet programmers and D. Smith will investigate if there is any available software that could be used.
ACTION ITEM: R. Hainline and W. Grubbs to conduct a Webex meeting to discuss future changes to PD2101 including critical process changes for each product group. (Due Date: 30-Nov-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Suppliers to provide any suggested changes to PD2101 to R. Hainline and W. Grubbs. (Due Date: 27-Nov-2017)
ACTION ITEM: K. Purnell to provide supplier feedback to eAuditNet programmers on excel download, upload and time out issues and part number search capabilities. (Due Date: 31-Oct-2017)
ACTION ITEM: D. Smith to report back on availability of software that could aid in performing a QPL part search. (Due Date: 1-Mar-2018)
12.0 Supplier Meeting Report – OPEN
M. Scatoloni presented an update on the G-3 Supplier Group meeting. The Suppliers asked why the periodic review projects submitted show as open. R. Hainline will have the periodic projects submitted marked as closed. Some Suppliers said their QPL listings in eAuditNet have errors or omissions. There are multiple reasons for incorrect listings; Suppliers were requested to review their listings, and, if errors or omissions are detected, they are to submit the errors and proposed changes in Excel, along with objective evidence the required testing was performed and the product should have been listed, to W. Grubbs. Suppliers are having difficulties downloading some QPL listings to Excel as the system will time out because the files are so large. Suppliers would also like the eAuditNet to allow projects to be uploaded using Excel as it is easier to sort and proof in Excel which could eliminate errors. Notifying PRI of process changes was discussed. A list of critical attributes for each product group needs to be developed so they can be added to the standards and PD2101. This will aid in determining which process changes require QPG notification.
ACTION ITEM: R. Hainline to coordinate with W. Grubb to get aging Periodic Review projects closed (Due Date: 1-Mar-2018)