Elementary Applied Mathematics, Math 108-020

MWF 10:00-10:50am, Room 208


Instructor:Soad Emmert / Office:MathBuilding 327
Phone:254-968-9172 / e-mail:(preferred)
Web address:
Office hours:11:00-11:40pm MWF, 10:30am-11:30pm TT
Textbook ISBN-10: / 0321361466
Textbook ISBN-13: / 9780321361462

Textbook:Mathematical Ideas & Mathematical Ideas, Expanded Edition, 11/e by Charles Miller, Vern Heeren, John Hornsby

Calculator: A TI-83/84 is required. Other types of calculators will not be allowed.

The mathematics department, room 142, offers calculator rental for $25/entire semester.

MyMathLab: Contact the university book store about purchase access code. You can also purchase an access online through Once registered, you will need the course ID below to be able to access your online assignment for this course.

Course ID:emmert43095Last day to enroll: February 1st.

You will need to register as soon as possible because the assignments will have a due date. NO extensions will be granted, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Course Work: Online Homework20%, Quizzes25%, Tests 35%, Final Exam20%.

NOTE: If you miss a quiz/test for a documented university excused absence(death in the family, illness, or university sponsored activity), then you have 2 days (weekends and holidays count) from the quiz/test date to schedule a make up of the missing work, preferably via e-mail. After 2 days, no makeup arrangement will be offered.

Midterm andFinal exams will NOT be given at any othertime.

Grading Scale: The percentage of your course work determines your course grade in accordance with:

90%-100% A / 80%-89% B / 70%-79% C / 60%-69% D / Below 60% F

Attendance: You are expected to be in class daily. Attendance will be taken regularly starting the second week of classes. You are responsible for obtaining assignments and other materials for the days you miss.

Services for students with disabilities: Students with documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations that will enable them to participate in and benefit from all educational programs and activities. Successful accommodation often requires advance planning. Therefore, all students are strongly encouraged to make early contact in order to identify their needs and to ensure that service will be available in an effective and timely manner. If you are a student with a disability seeking accommodations for this course, please contact Trina Geye, Director of Student Disability Services, at 254.968.9400 or . Student Disability Services is located in Math 201.

Final Exam: Friday May 7th , 3:00-5:30pm , same classroom.

Note: This syllabus is tentative and is subject to changes.

Material Tentative Plan

Chapter 9: Geometry

Day 2: 9.1

Day3-4:9.4+“Sherlock Holmes

Day 5:9.3++Quiz1over 9.1, 9.4 (Multiple Choices)

Day 5-7: 9.3+”Cast Away”+ 9.5

Day 8: Quiz2and9.3, 9.5 (Multiple Choices) +Review for test 1

Chapter9 test (Multiple Choices)

Chapter 14: Financial Management

Day 10-12:14.1

Day 13:14.2+ Quiz 3 over 14.1 (Multiple Choices)

Day 13-14:14.2

Day 15: 14.3

Day16: Quiz 4 over 14.2, 14.3 (Multiple Choices)+ 14.4

Day 17-19: 14.4

Day 20: Review for Test 2 +Quiz 5 over 14.4 (Multiple Choices)

Chapter 14 test (MultipleChoices)

Chapter 11: Counting Methods

Day 22: 11.1 +11.2

Day 23: 11.2

Day 24: 11.3

Day25: 12.1 + Quiz 6 over 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 (Multiple Choices)

Chapter 12: Probability

Day 25-26: 12.1 +12.2

Day 27-28 : 12.3

Day 29: Quiz 7 over 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 (Multiple Choices)+ Review for test 3

Chapter 11, 12 test (Multiple Choices )

Chapter 13: Statistics

Day 31: 13.1 + 13.2

Day 32-34: 13.2 + 13.3

Day 35: Quiz8over 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 (Multiple Choices)+13.6

Day 35-36: 13.6

Day 37: Quiz 9 over 13.6 (Multiple Choices)+ Review for Test 4

Chapter 13 test (Multiple Choices)

Day 39 Mock Final

Final Exam: Friday May 7th, 3:00-5:30pm, same classroom.