Present: Connie Kudlack, Dale Dorner, Mary Carney, Deb Kropp, Scott Kunkler, Sharon Costello, Janet Acker,Director- Kim Graff; Guest- Linda Styer

Excused: Paul Kelly

Absent:John Gordon, JR Delia, Mark Lewis

Welcome/President’s Comments

Welcome from Connie to Linda Styer.

Annual Meeting Minutes

MOTION- Dale moved that the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes be accepted; Janet seconded; all in favor

Director’s End Year End Report

Kim distributed the “2014 Numbers” report.

Building Committee

Janet reported the following:

-Plumbing repairs were made this year related to harsh winter weather.

-Completed scope of work included in our last UHLS building matching grant. Access to the library has been improved with the ramp and covered porch.

-Received donations of plants to beautify front entrance and received donation of chairs for seating in front of building.

-Improved the lighting for the book sale area and received a donation of a dehumidifier for downstairs.

-Volunteers improved the lower gardens this summer and will be painting the garage in the early Fall.

-Continued work toward more energy efficiency and improved facilities and will be exploring solar options and fire safety upgrades.

-A grant application has been submitted to UHLS to repair the stone steps to the back gardens moving us closer to expanding library usable space to the outside grounds.

Fundraising Committee

Connie reported the following:

-October 2014 Murder Mystery event. Profit $1000

-November 2014 Greenery Sale- all trees and wreaths sold. Vendors sold crafts. 2015 greenery trees to be donated thanks to John Gordon. Profit $1381.58

-Poetry Month in April 2015, chaired by Linda Miller. Everyone enjoyed reading and hearing poetry, including the cowboy and cowgirl dinner part at the Palmer House with readings of western poems.

-Cocktail Party May 2015, held at Carey Center, enjoyed by all including music. Profit $2303.92

-Spring Forward Raffle in May. Profit $113

-3 FOW presents songwriters showcase held behind Palmer House. Dan Johnson, Ian Fitzgerald and Olivia Quillio.

-FOW authors presents 4 authors prior to Lawn party on Sept. 5th.

-Ongoing book sales throughout the year.

-Goals for Next Year:

-Increase events to be held on lawn behind library.

-Increase the number of people who are Friends of library and increase volunteer participation at events.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget

Scott reported on the Treasurer’s report and Budget.

-The report was updated and reviewed by the Board.

Proposed Amended By-laws


Thanks to Outgoing Board Members

-Mark Lewis is an outgoing Board Member

-Connie expressed her thanks

-Kim delivered a Mum plant as a “Thank You” to Mark

Current Nominating Committee

-Jim Hutchins and Donna Bartlette served as this year’s Nominating Committee

-Connie introduced the twocandidates: John Gordon and Linda Styer

-Connie asked for nominations from the floor; no response

MOTION- In her role of Co-President, Dale cast a vote for John Gordon and Linda Styer to be elected as Trustees for the Library Board; Sharon seconded; all in favor

Formation of 2015-2016 Nominating Committee

MOTION- Deb Kropp moved that Jim Hutchins, Rosie Kuhar and Mark Lewis be appointed to the Nominating Committee; Dale Dorner seconded; all in favor.

Election of new officers

Discussion of different officer responsibilities interspersed with the following nominations:

President- Scott proposed Dale Dorner and Connie Kudlack as co-presidents

Vice-President- Connie proposed Mary Carney as vice-president

Secretary- Janet proposed Paul Kelly as secretary

Treasurer- Sharon proposed Scott Kunkler for treasurer

Assistant Treasurer- Scott proposed Sharon Costello as assistant treasurer

Kris asked for nominations from the floor; no response

MOTION- Dale moved that the slate of officers as noted above be elected; Scott seconded; all in favor

MOTION- Scott moved for adjournment; Sharon seconded; all in favor