Family Resource Youth Services Center Coalition of KY, Inc.

Board Meeting

September 23, 2005

Louisville, KY


Members present: Anne Snyder, Michael Jones, Rebial Reynolds, Darlys Warren, Jaye Bittner, Dee Dee Cecconi, Mary Ann McKenzie, Linda Prater, Leslie Calk, Tana Jones, Kathryn Turner, Ron Gager, Leesa Stivers, Sallye Pence, Sherry Kelly, Ivan Tuggle, Joan Howard, Nancy Booth, Sherryl Anderson, Angela Boone Frierson, Robin Leigh, Paul Cookendorfer, Doug Jones, Sandy Goodlett, and Terry Conliffe.

Darlys welcomed everyone. Tana Jones said an opening prayer.

The meeting was called to order at 10:04.

Minutes from the June 29-July 1 retreat were presented. Several changes/corrections were made. A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Leesa; Paul seconded. Motion passed.

Budget report was presented by Ron for June – August 31, 2005. It was reported that the retreat was close to the budgeted amount of $5000.

Michael Jones gave a budget report for July – September 2005. Everyone liked the format he used for the budget report. It shows both budgeted amounts as well as expenditures. He has now opened a checking account in his area. Ron has closed the Hopkinsville checking account. There is still an open savings account with $25 in it because it is required to maintain the CD. The CD, which comes due in November, is at a Credit Union in Hopkinsville. When the CD comes up, it will be cashed out and the check for both accounts will be sent to Michael Jones. Michael will reinvest it.

Michael asked for everyone to bring cookbooks that have not been sold to the Fall Institute. He wants to get an accurate inventory of them and of course sell them!

Motion to accept Ron’s report made by Ivan, second by Sherry. Motion passed.

Motion to accept Michael’s report made by Sherryl and second by Angela. Motion passed.

Ron gave an update on the audit. He said he sent everything to Welenken & Himmelfarb. He said a meeting between the accounting firm and FRYSCKy officers did not take place but there were lots of phone calls. A decision was made to stay with this firm through this audit period. Ron stated that several issues have been clarified. The audit is to be ready for the full membership meeting in November. Darlys signed the letter of engagement for this audit. It just made sense to stay with them through the end of this audit since they already had most of the information. Jaye suggested in the future that the President and President-elect meet with the CPAs when we contract with another firm. Ron met Christy when the firm was first engaged, but did not meet Eric when he took over the account. Darlys did talk to Stuart Robinson, the Senior Partner. The contract with Welenken & Himmelfarb will be severed at the end of this audit. Michael will look for accountants in the Lexington area.

After Sandy arrived for the meeting we expressed our thanks for his many years of service to the Coalition board. Jaye made the presentation. She reminded us that Sandy has always been our constant supporter. He was presented a framed photo of the spires at Churchill Downs.

Committee Reports

The committee working on the policy manual has not met. The personal contact information sheet was distributed. The committee hopes to begin working soon to develop a policy manual.

Paul presented the Bridges Over Barriers Committee report. He reported that the changes to this program have been well received by coordinators across the state. Comments that have been heard include the simplicity and ease of application. Michael reported that the EKU support for the video is not available to us since the division pulled the contract from EKU. Michael is not sure of the cost to produce a video. The board felt this might be very expensive. A suggestion was to create a power point with a narrative, pictures and some music. It would be more cost effective. Paul seemed to think power point would be a good way to go. The discussion was that it adds a burden to the nominators that they were not aware of when they made a nomination. Mary Ann will ask Mary Ann Taylor if they have any resources in Northern KY co-op. The nominator will be asked to get two dozen digital pictures and then see if they can find someone to put together a presentation. The committee will assist. The committee will also decide the winners. It was mentioned that a good partner might be nominated by several centers.

It was decided that the coalition would acknowledge with a letter all organizations that received a nomination. A letter will also be sent to the winners asking them to contact Michael Jones to make travel arrangements. Committee members are Sherryl, Linda, Mary Ann, Rebial, and Paul. Michael and Darlys will write the congratulations you were nominated letters. Mary Ann also said all references to the center should be removed before the information goes to the committee members for judging.

Gaming issues: We have someone coming to fall institute from KY Lottery. The committee has not met to discuss this issue. The issue is how gambling effects the families and youth that we serve. Lottery money is now KEYS money, which helps students. Darlys said at the recent Partners for KY’s Future meeting the consensus seemed to be that if gambling passes it will not be designated for education. The people present at the Partners for KY’s Future meeting believe it will be an easier sell to the public if the money is designated for education. We can’t represent families and children without funding but we also need to make sure that families are not negatively affected by it. Families do not have money for gas and electric bills for their homes but stay at the gambling boat. It does lead to addictions. The Public Policy committee will continue to look into this issue.

New member handbook committee has not met and has no report.

Steadman Graham books must be ordered in advance from him. We could send out something pre-ordering books in the confirmation letter. It will also have the Tuna Christmas and shopping excursion information. We will sell them by pre-order only. Michael thinks the cost is about $22. Another KY group is also having Steadman Graham as a speaker at their conference in February.

Recognitions. Dee Dee presented information on gift options for the Above and Beyond Award. Several things were mentioned and pictures shown for vases, silver trays, clocks, etc. It was discussed that it would be nice to present the same item (or similar) to each recipient of the Above and Beyond award. The presentation will be made at the Bridges Over Barriers Brunch. Tana will try to make sure Donna is in attendance. A letter will be sent to Donna about the award and inviting her to attend the conference. Tana will get a picture of her for Michael to put on the power point screen. It was decided to give a crystal clock as the award. Jaye made a motion for the award recipient to be a guest of the coalition for the conference and for the gift of a crystal clock to be given at a cost of around $50. Rebial seconded. Motion passed. Dee Dee to obtain the gift. Others to be thanked for their service are Sandy, Terry, and Mendy.

Terry Conliffe (TC) was recognized and thanked by the board for his service to us. Jaye did the honors of presenting him with a gift.

Michael Jones presented an Administrative report. He said the highlights to mention on it are the database with everyone on it. Membership information has been transferred from Gay. The date for the legislative event has been set for January 9th.

Old Business

Yale Schools of the 21st Century just won’t go away. Yale called and said they were waiting to hear from us. They want KY to be targeted for their conference. Missouri has plans to bring their principals, superintendents, etc., and Yale would like the same for Kentucky. They want KY people to attend. Yale would like us to present some of the workshops. Darlys suggested that if anyone from KY was to be involved it should be Sandy as their consultant. Make him the point person if he is interested. Darlys said she would talk to KSBA and the superintendents’ organization to see if there is any interest. Yale wants to have our involvement in the programming area but not the financial aspects of the conference.

Partners for Kentucky’s Future: We joined this organization a year ago and made a financial contribution to it. Should we continue our involvement with this organization and should we continue to invest money? UK officials indicated they would not fund the organization at the level it did last year. Discussion was that the Partners group has few specific plans and an unsure focus. There were questions about how the Coalition would benefit from involvement with this organization. The coalition is not ready to invest in this organization at this time. The general consensus was to “let it ride” at this time.

Facilitation Training: Michael has sent a request in writing to the DFRYSC but nothing has been received to date. The conversation was that DFRYSC would make training mandatory for new coordinators in the first 2 years. DFRYSC will offer the training for all coordinators. Michael has sent dates to Marla and they are still trying to arrange dates. He is waiting to hear back from the division. It is ready to go – but on hold waiting for word from the Division. Michael will keep us posted.

Logo: Michael distributed the new logo he has created. The old bridge logo is dead in the water. Everyone liked the new one with a few changes. It was suggested adding a youth and removing the kid on the left. (It appeared to many people that the child on the left was holding a rifle.) Motion to accept as altered was made by Paul and Sherryl seconded.

Newsletter: Tana moved and Paul seconded for newsletter to go as is and new logo for next edition. Michael asked for clarification of child-focused articles. It was decided that this meant information on items that were in the news like childhood obesity and the Kids Count data.

Michael to send membership applications to all non-members. Michael also wanted to mention the children’s event at the capital on February 8th. There is training on November 1st for the rally on Feb. 8th.

Legislative advocacy training: Doug does not have the date. He will email Darlys with the info and she will send it out. Doug said that it is good training and geared for lobbyists. Might be good to send someone from public policy to attend.

Michael has obtained bonding insurance and will be paying for it.

Door prizes and table decorations. Each region is responsible for 6 table decorations and one door prize basket. Paul has not heard back from everyone in Region 4. It is difficult for region 4 to get organized because they are not meeting regularly in the absence of an RPM. The goal is to have every college in KY represented by a table decoration. Door prizes every region should have one. Rebial is in charge of this again. All door prizes to be turned in at the registration table. Door prizes to be worth about $150.

Website: Michael presented the outline for the new website. Headers in bold. Bullets would be imbedded behind the headers. Links to other websites will be listed. He will let us know when he is ready for the board to look at it and offer advice.

Fall Institute:

The Agenda was presented. Jaye to get the Mayor for Opening General Session.

DFRYSC has speaker booked for the luncheon. Mary Ann to remind Ms. Taylor to get a gift for the speaker.

TC and Michael went over the schedule for the conference.

The partners have requested a de-briefing for the conference at the end of the conference.

Michael discussed the profit sharing agreement with the partner organizations and presented a copy of the signed agreement.

What type of gift to give the keynote was discussed. Doug to get Kentucky Colonel memberships. He will try to get it framed for about $20, if not he will send them to Angela for framing.

DFRYSC will be responsible for Cowherd luncheon decorations.

Legislative Event: Contract has been signed for January 9th in the evening. Food will be in the center with FRYSC regions and people around the room. Reception style. Can do displays to recognize the regions. One table for each region. Area reps are responsible for the displays from each region. Area representatives need to assign legislators to coordinators for them to be contacted by phone to invite them to the event. Written invitations will be sent also. Region 1 sent legislators a certificate of appreciation before the last event. There would not be a registration charge. Doug has booked it with Jody Richards. Coalition training event should be included. It was suggested to have training on the Kids Count data from 4-5 with registration for the legislative event to follow. Darlys to work with Kids Count

New Business

KSBA: A group met with Bill Scott, director of KSBA. Michael, Darlys, Joan, Sallye, Mary Ann McKenzie met with Kerri Schelling and Bill Scott. He believes that the Board of Ed members should be there to protect the child. He wants us to become partners. We are working on Partnering Toward Proficiently. A joint survey will be sent out to FRYSC coordinators and Board of Education members. It was suggested to have community meetings to bring FRYSCs and school boards together to do pilot groups. Then work on taking the program statewide. KSBA will present at our conference and FRYSC will present at theirs. KSBA is looking for funding for this partnership. They have agreed to take the lead on this partnership issue.

Legislative talking points: