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This Product MasterSpec Section is licensed by ARCOM to Mason Industries, Inc ("Licensee").

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Copyright 2011 by The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Exclusively published and distributed by Architectural Computer Services, Inc. (ARCOM) for the AIA


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Retain or delete this article in all Sections of Project Manual.

  1. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.


  1. Section Includes:
  2. Flexible, ball-joint, packed expansion joints.
  3. Slip-joint packed expansion joints.
  4. Expansion-compensator packless expansion joints.
  5. Flexible-hose packless expansion joints.
  6. Metal-bellows packless expansion joints.
  7. Rubber packless expansion joints.
  8. Grooved-joint expansion joints.
  9. Pipe loops and swing connections.
  10. Alignment guides and anchors.


  1. Compatibility: Products shall be suitable for piping service fluids, materials, working pressures, and temperatures.
  2. Capability: Products to absorb 200 percent of maximum axial movement between anchors.


  1. Product Data: For each type of product indicated.
  2. Expansion Compensators and Housed Expansion Joints: Bellows material, pressure rating, temperature rating, compression and elongation allowable motion, maximum installation extension, end fitting information, pressure thrust area and forces.
  3. Flexible-Hose Expansion Joints: Bellows, braid and end connection materials, overall length, live length, corrugations per foot, lateral stiffness based on testing at all operating pressures, maximum temperature and pressure ratings, maximum allowable displacement due to seismic motion and thermal motion.
  4. Guides: Load ratings for bottom, overhead or side mounting.

Paragraph below is defined in Section013300 "Submittal Procedures" as a "Delegated-Design Submittal." Retain if Work of this Section is required to withstand specific design loads and design responsibilities have been delegated to Contractor or if structural data are required as another way to verify compliance with performance requirements. Professional engineer qualifications are specified in Section014000 "Quality Requirements."

  1. Delegated-Design Submittal: For each anchor and alignment guide indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation.
  2. Design Calculations: Calculate requirements for thermal expansion of piping systems and for selecting and designing expansion joints, loops, and swing connections.
  3. Anchor Details: Detail fabrication of each anchor indicated. Show dimensions and methods of assembly and attachment to building structure.
  4. Alignment Guide Details: Detail field assembly and attachment to building structure.
  5. Schedule: Indicate type, manufacturer's number, size, material, pressure rating, end connections, and location for each expansion joint.


Retain first paragraph below if retaining procedures for welder certification in "Quality Assurance" Article.

  1. Welding certificates.

Retain paragraph below for product certificates from manufacturers.

  1. Product Certificates: For each type of expansion joint, from manufacturer.


  1. Maintenance Data: For expansion joints to include in maintenance manuals.


Retain "Welding Qualifications" Paragraph below if shop or field welding is required. If retaining, also retain "Welding certificates" Paragraph in "Informational Submittals" Article.

  1. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following:

Retain applicable subparagraphs below.

  1. AWSD1.1/D1.1M, "Structural Welding Code - Steel."
  2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionIX.



  1. Flexible, Ball-Joint, Packed Expansion Joints:

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type BJ assemblies or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Advanced Thermal Systems, Inc.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Standards: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: SectionII, "Materials"; and ASMEB31.9, "Building Services Piping," for materials and design of pressure-containing parts and bolting.
  6. Material: Carbon-steel assembly with asbestos-free composition packing.
  7. Design: Provide 360-degree rotation and angular deflection.
  8. Minimum Pressure Rating: [250 psig at 400 degF (1725 kPa at 204 degC)] <Insert value>.
  9. Angular Deflection for NPS2(DN50) and Smaller: 30 degree minimum.
  10. Angular Deflection for NPS2-1/2(DN65) to NPS 14(DN350) inclusive: 15 degree minimum.
  11. End Connections for NPS2-1/2 (DN65) and Larger: Welded ends.
  12. Seal Type: Two carbon steel and graphite seals suitable for continuous operation at temperature up to 650 degF (343 dec C)
  13. Internal Ball: Plated with minimum 1 mil chrome cover.
  14. Ball Socket: One or two piece design with integral socket/retainer.
  15. Stuffing Box: Incorporates graphite containment seals and compression seals for containment of injectable packing
  16. Packing Cylinders: Providing packing under full line pressure with check valves to prevent blowback.

Ball Joint Pipe Size
NPS(DN) / Quantity of
Packing Cylinders
1-1/2(40) to 3(80) / 3
4(100) / 4
5(125) / 4
6(150) / 5
8(200) / 6
10(250) / 7
12(300) / 8
14(350) / 9
  1. Slip-Joint Packed Expansion Joints:

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type SJ assemblies or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Advanced Thermal Systems, Inc.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Standard: ASTMF1007.
  6. Material: Carbon steel with asbestos-free PTFE packing.
  7. Design: Provide internal guide and minimum of two injection ports for repacking with injectable graphite under full system pressure. Housing shall be furnished with drain ports and lifting ring. Include drip connection if used for steam piping.
  8. Configuration: [Single joint] [Single joint with base] [and] [double joint with base] class(es) unless otherwise indicated.
  9. Slip Tube for sizes NPS1-1/2 (DN40) through NPS 16(DN400): Schedule 80
  10. Slip Tube for sizes NPS18 (DN450) through NPS 24(DN600): Schedule 60
  11. Sliding Surface: 2 mil thick chrome finish
  12. End Connections: Flanged or weld ends to match piping system.


  1. Metal, Expansion-Compensator Packless Expansion Joints: NPS3/4 (DN20) through NPS 4(DN100)

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type EC assemblies or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Adsco Manufacturing LLC.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Minimum Pressure Rating: 200 psig (1379 kPa)operating pressure and 700 psig (4826 kPa)minimum burst pressure.

Mason Industries uses the two-ply bellows construction to provide a low spring rate with minimal deflection. This lengthens the active life for the expansion joint to a minimum of 10,000 cycles. Expansion joints where the bellows comes into contact with either the internal pipe sleeves or the external shrouds are not acceptable. The lifting lug is placed near the connector’s center of gravity to prevent rotation during installation

  1. Description: Totally enclosed externally pressurized two-ply, stainless-steel bellows isolated from fluid flow by an internal pipe sleeve; [carbon] [stainless]-steel external shroud, two drain plugs and lifting lug for the NPS3 (DN80) and larger. The bellows are to have operating clearance between the internal pipe sleeves and the external shrouds. Joints shall be supplied with a built in scale to confirm the starting position and operating movement.
  2. Joint axial movement: 2-inch(50-mm) of compression and .5 in (12 mm) of extension.

Retain "Permanent Locking Bolts" subparagraph below if compensator is carbon steel. Locking Bolts can also be used to set pre compression or pre extension if required. Locking bolts can also be used to lock the position of the connector for easy removal and reinstallation if required for system maintenance

  1. Permanent Locking Bolts: Set locking bolts to maintain joint lengths during installation. Temporary welding tabs that are removed after installation in lieu of locking bolts are not acceptable.
  2. Configurations:
  3. Copper Tubing: Solder joint
  4. Steel Pipe NPS2 (DN50) and Smaller: Threaded.
  5. Steel Pipe NPS2-1/2 to NPS4 (DN65 to DN100): [Flanged] [Threaded] [Grooved][Welded].

Retain Subparagraph below if flanged end connections are to be used. The floating flange ensures that joint will not be over stressed during installation. Expansion joints with two fixed flanges will not be acceptable.

1)Compensators to be furnished with one raised fixed and one floating flange. Two fixed flanges are not acceptable.

  1. Metal, Expansion-Compensator Packless Expansion Joints: NPS2 (DN50) through NPS 14(DN350)

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type HEJ assemblies or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Adsco Manufacturing LLC.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Pressure Ratings: 225 psig (1551 kPa). minimum operating pressure and 788 psig (5430 kPa) minimum burst pressure.

Mason Industries uses the two-ply bellows construction to provide a low spring rate with minimal deflection. This lengthens the active life for the expansion joint to a minimum of 10,000 cycles. Expansion joints where the bellows comes into contact with either the internal pipe sleeves or the external shrouds are not acceptable. . The lifting lug is placed near the connector’s center of gravity to prevent rotation during installation

  1. Description: Totally enclosed externally pressurized two-ply, stainless-steel bellows isolated from fluid flow by an internal pipe sleeve; carbon-steel shroud, two drain plugs and lifting lug for the NPS3 (DN80) and larger. The bellows are to have operating clearance between the internal pipe sleeves and the external shrouds. Joints shall be supplied with a built in scale to confirm the starting position and operating movement.
  2. Joint axial movement: [4-inch(100-mm) of compression and .75-inch(19 mm) of extension] [8-inch(200 mm) of compression and 1-1/2-inch(38-mm) of extension].

Retain "Permanent Locking Bolts" subparagraph below if compensator is carbon steel. Locking Bolts can also be used to set pre compression or pre extension if required. Locking bolts can also be used to lock the position of the connector for easy removal and reinstallation if required for system maintenance

  1. Permanent Locking Bolts: Set locking bolts to maintain joint lengths during installation. Temporary welding tabs that are removed after installation in lieu of locking bolts are not acceptable.

The floating flange ensures that joint will not be over stressed during installation. Expansion joints with two fixed flanges will not be acceptable.

  1. End Connection Configuration: Flanged; one raised fixed and one floating flange.
  1. Rubber, Expansion-Compensator Packless Expansion Joints:

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by Mason Industries, Safeflex SFDEJ, SFEJ or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. General Rubber Corporation.
  3. Unaflex.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Description: Flexible spherical expansion joints shall employ peroxide cured EPDM in the covers, liners and Kevlar tire cord frictioning.
  6. Solid steel rings shall be used within the raised face rubber flanged ends to prevent pullout. Flexible cable bead wire is not acceptable. Sizes NPS2(DN50) and larger shall have two spheres reinforced with a ductile iron external ring between spheres. Flanges shall be split ductile iron or steel with hooked or similar interlocks. Sizes NPS 16 to 24(DN 400 to 600) may be single sphere. Sizes NPS3/4 to 2(DN 19 to 50) may have threaded two piece bolted flange assemblies, one sphere and cable retention. Connectors shall be rated at 250 psig (1723 kPa) up to 170deg F(77deg C) with a uniform drop in allowable pressure to 215 psig(1481 kPa) at 250deg F(121deg C) in sizes NPS 14(DN 350) and smaller. For sizes NPS 16 through 24(DN 400 through 600) the single sphere minimum ratings are 180psig(1240kPa) at 170deg F(77deg C) and 150 psig (1870kPa) at 250degF (121degC). Higher rated connectors may be used to accommodate service conditions.
  7. All expansion joints must be factory tested to 150 percent of rated pressure for 12 minutes before shipment. Safety factors to burst and flange pullout shall be a minimum of 3/1. Concentric reducers to the above ratings may be substituted for equal ended expansion joints. Expansion joints shall be installed in piping gaps equal to the length of the expansion joints under pressure.
  8. Mason CR control rods need only be used in unanchored piping locations where the manufacturer determines the installation exceeds the pressure requirement without control rods. If control rods are used, they must have 1/4-inch(6-mm) thick Neoprene washer bushings large enough in diameter to take the thrust at 1000 psig(6890 kPa) maximum on the washer area. Submittals shall include two test reports by independent consultants showing minimum reductions of 20 dB in vibration accelerations and 10 dB in sound pressure levels at typical blade passage frequencies on this or a similar product by the same manufacturer.
  1. Flexible-Hose Packless Expansion Joints:

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type 60 degree VEE assemblies or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Adsco Manufacturing LLC.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Description: Manufactured assembly with inlet and outlet 120-degree elbow fittings, two flexible-metal-hose legs joined by a 60-degree elbow. Loop configuration shall be capable of plus or minus 4 inches (100 mm) of motion in all planes for thermal expansion and contraction or seismic motion

The spring rate, and movement capability of the device is dependent on the live length and number of corrugations of the hose sections

  1. Flexible Hose: Corrugated stainless-steel hose and braided stainless-steel sheaths. Minimum live hose lengths and number of corrugations are shown below.

Pipe Size
NPS(DN) / Live Length
inch(mm) / Corrugations per Foot (30 cm)
1/2(15) / 14(355) / 92
3/4(19) / 15(381) / 80
1(25) / 16(406) / 72
1-1/4(32) / 17(432) / 67
1-1/2(40) / 19(482) / 63
2(50) / 20(508) / 58
2-1/2(65) / 22(559) / 48
3(80) / 24(610) / 46
4(100) / 26(660) / 32
5(125) / 30(762) / 29
6(150) / 33(838) / 25
8(200) / 36(914) / 23
10(250) / 42(1067) / 21
12(300) / 48(1219) / 20
  1. Connections:

Floating flanges ensures that joint will not be over stressed during installation. Expansion loops with two fixed flanges will not be acceptable.

  1. Copper TubingNPS4 (DN100) and smaller: Copper-alloy fittings with [solder-joint] [threaded] ends.
  2. Steel PipingNPS4 (DN100) and Smaller: Carbon-steel fittings with [threaded] [welded][free-floatingflanged]ends.
  3. Steel PipingNPS2 to NPS12 (DN50 to DN300): Carbon-steel fittings with [welded] [free-floatingflanged]ends.
  4. Rated Pressure: Minimum rated pressures for flanged ends are shown below

inch(mm) / Rated Pressure
at 70 degF
(21 degC) / Rated Pressure
at 250 degF
(121 degC) / Rated Pressure
at 350 degF
(176 degC) / Rated Pressure
at 450 degF
(232 degC)
2(50) / 360 psig
(2482 kPa) / 330 psig
(2275 kPa) / 310 psig
(2137 kPa) / 290 psig
(2000 kPa)
2-1/2(65) / 290 psig
(1999 kPa) / 270 psig
(1861 kPa) / 250 psig
(1724 kPa) / 235 psig
(1620 kPa)
3(80) / 280 psig
(1931 kPa) / 260 psig
(1793 kPa) / 240 psig
(1655 kPa) / 230 psig
(1586 kPa)
4(100) / 225 psig
(1551 kPa) / 210 psig
(1448 kPa) / 200 psig
(1379 kPa) / 190 psig
(1310 kPa)
5(125) / 200 psig
(1379 kPa) / 190 psig
(1310 kPa) / 180 psig
(1241 kPa) / 170 psig
(1172 kPa)
6(150) / 200 psig
(1379 kPa) / 190 psig
(1310 kPa) / 180 psig
(1241 kPa) / 170 psig
(1172 kPa)
8(200) / 180 psig
(1241 kPa) / 170 psig
(1172 kPa) / 160 psig
(1103 kPa) / 150 psig
(1034 kPa)
10(250) / 170 psig
(1172 kPa) / 160 psig
(1103 kPa) / 150 psig
(1034 kPa) / 140 psig
(965 kPa)
12(300) / 170 psig
(1172 kPa) / 160 psig
(1103 kPa) / 150 psig
(1034 kPa) / 140 psig
(965 kPa)
  1. Metal-Bellows Packless Expansion Joints:

See Editing Instruction No.1 in the Evaluations for cautions about naming manufacturers. Retain one of first two subparagraphs and list of manufacturers below. See Section016000 "Product Requirements."

  1. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Mason Industries type EJFFL, EJW or comparable product by one of the following:
  2. Adsco Manufacturing LLC.
  3. Hyspan Precision Products, Inc.
  4. Insert manufacturer's name>.
  5. Standards: ASTMF1120 and EJMA's "Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, Inc."

Mason Industries uses the two-ply bellows construction to provide a low spring rate with minimal deflection. This lengthens the active life for the expansion joint to a minimum of 10,000 cycles. Expansion joints where the bellows comes into contact with either the internal pipe sleeves or the external shrouds are not acceptable. The lifting lug is placed near the connector’s center of gravity to prevent rotation during installation