Kid’s Fest
Our annual Kid’s Fest is approaching quickly, and as a church, we have an awesome opportunity to make a Kingdom Impact in our community. On Saturday, October 31st, we will open up our parking lot with games, hot dogs, hot chocolate, and CANDY, inviting the community to join us. This will give us an opportunity to interact with families and individuals, in an effort to build relationships.
There are several ways you can participate in this community outreach ministry:
First, you can be part of the set up, and tear down process. Show up one hour before the event to help set up games, prepare food, or any other area of set up that might be needed.
A second way to help at Kid’s Fest is to volunteer at a game station, or to help serve food. If you like interacting with kids and their families, this is a great place for you. We will need people to hand out candy, explain rules, and keep the games going.
The largest area of opportunity is what we would refer to as relational ministry. We need people from every walk of life to come and interact with the families and kids. To strike up a conversation about someone’s costume, talk about ministries we have for their children, and just to be a friendly face pointing them to Jesus.
Please be praying about your involvement during this outreach ministry. There is literally a place for everyone to serve. As a church we need to be about taking opportunities to live out, and speak the Gospel.
If you have any questions about getting involved, or ways you can get involved, please don’t hesitate to talk to Keith Jeffries or one of the Pastors. This is an exciting opportunity to show the community that we are followers of Jesus, and genuinely care about them.
In His Service,
Brad Kerr, Associate Pastor of Music and Education
Update 9-23-15
We are about to finish up our 9th month of Sunday church! August has been our highest average attendance so far with an average of 30 folks and a high of 35.
At the beginning of September we had a change of location. We started out meeting in the South Callaway High School cafeteria, but have moved about 200 feet to the high school auditorium. The room is a little big for us, but it has come to feel like home and we are grateful that we are able to rent space from the school.
We continue to look for opportunities to serve the South Callaway Community. We were involved with the Tebbetts picnic this year and served the Mokane Lion’s Club again at the Mokane Fair by taking a shift in their concession stand. Ten of us worked from 6:00pm until 10:00 pm on Saturday night making hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs as well as serving bar-b-que mutton, and beef sandwiches.
I have also been able to serve at the South Callaway Athletic Booster Club by working the concession stand for high school softball and football games. You can see a lot of folks in a short period of time at sporting events so we are trying to take advantage of them when we can.
I have been invited to and started attending a coaches Bible study on Monday mornings at 6:45 am. This has been a great opportunity to get to know a lot more of the coaching staff and an encouragement to see the number of coaches that attend.
I coached the 5th and 6th grade boys’ basketball team for the school last year and will do that again this January and February.
If you are interested in what one of our services looks like you can go to our website and click on “Sunday Video”.
Please remember to pray for us and I do thank you for all the support I receive.
Dear Church Member,
The word “gospel” means “good news.” It is the good news that the angels heralded at Jesus’ birth (Luke 2:10-11), the good news that Jesus consistently proclaimed throughout his ministry (Mark 1:14-15), and the point of the entire Bible (Gal 3:8). The gospel is the good news that God sent his Son Jesus Christ to live a perfect life, die on the cross, and rise bodily from the dead so that we could be rescued from our sin and brought back to God. This message of salvation through grace is the defining message of our church. It is at the heart of everything we are and everything that we do. The only way to become a member of our church is to believe in this gospel.
Yet as a church we must continually examine ourselves when it comes to the gospel, because we are not only called to believe it, but to live it out. Our goal should be to believe in the gospel and then live out the gospel. This is what leads us to know and worship God, and this is what allows us to help others come to know and live for God. We are called to be gospel-centered and gospel-focused in both our doctrine and our practice. It’s only as we continually come before Christ with all humility, devotion, repentance, and faith that we will be the church he has called us out to be.
The book accompanying this letter is called The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ. The point of this book is to help us see what the gospel is and how the gospel is supposed to form everything that we are and everything that we do. I first read this book around New Year’s Day of this year, and I was immediately taken with the vision and truth that it contains. I read a lot of books on the church and what the church is supposed to be biblically, but I have rarely found one that so closely matches and carefully explains what God actually wants us, as his church, to be. I read it again as I led Martin, Brad, and John through the book in our staff meetings, and I caught myself repeatedly saying “I wish I could just get everyone in our church to read this!” This is why you are now holding the book in your hands, because I think you will benefit from it.
At our business meeting in June, we as a church approved a motion to buy a copy of this book for every household in our church, taking the money from a special fund. Beginning October 11, I am going to begin a seven-week sermon series based on the book, with each sermon coming from the primary passage of Scripture in each of the seven chapters. I invite you to read along with the sermon series, a chapter a week, and come to church expectant and hopeful, looking forward to what God is going to do through his Word. I ask you to pray that God would lead you and our church to a greater appreciation of the gospel, both in what we believe and what we do, as we read through this book together. God saves us to do great things for him, and he has great things in store for us. They will only happen, however, when we all come together around the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Gary
From the Financial Secretary
In the future if you are writing a check for two (2) different funds, for example if you’re writing a check for your tithes and the Building Fund, please write two (2) separate checks.
Thank you,
Dee Jeffries, FBC Financial Secretary
Praise Team Gathering
Sunday night, October 18, we will have a meeting for everyone who is currently serving on one of our Praise Teams. At this meeting we will pray, study what God’s word says about leading people to worship him through music, and have a time of training in equipment usage. Please make plans to join us. We will have light refreshments and snacks. If you are a member at FBC Fulton, not on a Praise Team, but would like to be, please contact Pastor Brad. We would love to get you plugged in to our music ministry.
First Baptist,
Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers that Mary Sillivan brought to me for my birthday! It was so thoughtful to remember me and your kindness warmed my heart.
LauraNell Kennon
First Baptist Friends,
Thank you for the beautiful flowers you brought me during my recent hip surgery recovery. Thanks Mary for delivering them and your visit. Thank you also for the visits, food, cards, and the many prayers. Your love and support mean so much to me.
Thanks Again,
Frances Moody
1 Kyle Davison
4 Richard Hughey
5 John Guerrant
6 Amy Jones
7 Roxie Buress
7 Cayleigh Garriott
9 Ricky Roselius
10 Will Jeffries
11 Dane Kemp
11 Jaclyn Morgan
11 David Shively
14 Kathy Nielsen
15 Shannon Love
15 Sharon Sims
17 Dara Davis
17 Lorna Mitchell
17 Rachael Weaver
19 Lori Avery
21 Caylin Hughey
22 Michele Krueger
22 Joel Matthews
25 Autumn Young
30 Morgan Pfaff
31 Evelyn Hopkins
31 Tamara Poindexter
Celebrating their Anniversary
18/1953 John & Becky Guerrant
30/2001 Dean & Shannon Love