Sport / Tennis Pairs
Venue / Loughborough University, LE11 3TE
Date of event / Friday 15 September 2017
Closing date for entries / Friday 30 June 2017

Please completeall sections in BLOCK CAPITALS. CSSC membership numbers must be included;

Please completean entry form for each team member. Team captains must send a list of players’ names & CSSC numbers separately via email to

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / : / Surname:
Male/Female / Age on day of event: / :

Section 1: Your Details(Delete as applicable)

Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.
Partners Name/s / Your Department:

Level of Play

Fun Club League County National

Please select which events you wish to participate in.

Doubles Mixed Doubles

Please indicate here if you require a partner for the doubles events.

Section 2: Accommodation

All accommodation is on the Loughborough University site. If you are competing in a team and you would like to stay in the same accommodation area, you will all need to book the same category of accommodation at the same time. Single ensuite rooms are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Pricing below is per person. Rates include a day of sport, lunch and evening entertainment. Dinner, bed and breakfast is included for those staying overnight.

Accommodation available Thursday 14 September and Friday 15 September 2017. The games closing party night will be held on Friday 15 September 2017

£55.00Single Standard 1 night (Thursday/Friday night only- Please delete accordingly)

£70.00Single Standard 2 nights

£65.00Single Ensuite 1night (Thursday/Friday night only- Please delete accordingly)

£90.00 Single Ensuite 2 nights

£20.00 Day Visitor Friday Only- No accommodation provided(Includes Lunch)

Total amount to pay: £

Section 3: Payment

Please complete entry form and send to the CSSC Games team prior to payment. Once your entry has been confirmed payment will be required to secure your space.

To pay by credit card or debit card please contact a member of the Event Team on

01494 888438, 439,434, 407, 417 or 402. There are no additional charges for paying via this method. We unfortunately cannot accept American Express.

Please quote CSSC Games and relevant sport when making a card payment.

Cheques should be made payable to ‘CSSC Ltd’ and should accompany the entry form. Please do not send cash.

Paying by BACS: HSBC, Sort Code: 40-02-06, Account Number: 50232572

Please quote GAMESTENNIS followed by YOUR SURNAME as a BACS Reference.

Section 4: Medical and Dietary Requirements

Medical: please let us know if you have any physical or medical conditions, that might
affect your attendance. / Yes No
If yes, please give details
Dietary: please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements. / Yes No
If yes, please give details

WITHDRAWALS: Before1July 2017a full refund will be given. No refund will be given after this date. Withdrawals must be in writing. A competitor may be ‘replaced’ in the same event subject to written details reaching The CSSC Games Team by 31 August 2017.

CONFIRMATION: Entries will be confirmed by email after full payment has been received, which must be before the final deadline of: Friday 30 June 2017.

PUBLICITY, PHOTOS and VIDEOS: CSSC photographers will be taking photographs throughout this event for publicity and promotional use. If you do not wish any images of yourself to be used please see the Games Handbook (to be published in August 2017) for details of how to opt out.


Signed: Date:

Please send all entries to:Email:

Post:The CSSC Games Team, Compton Court, 20-24 Temple End, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 5DR

Tel:01494 888438

IMPORTANT: These events are active and players should be aware of the physical aspects involved. CSSC reserves the right to cancel the event if under subscribed.

All CSSC members taking part in the event are covered by CSSC Sports and Leisure Public Liability Insurance. Please note that this policy is NOT a Personal Accident Policy. Members are encouraged to take out their own insurance policy.