St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff
Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315
Mass Intentions from Sat. 28th May – Sun. 5th June 2016
Sat. 28th May [V] 7.00 p.m.:Phyllis & Eanis Mc Donnell
Sun. 29th May 10.00 a.m.: Mary Butler (Birthday Remembrance)
Mon. 30th May 10.00 a.m.:Michael & Joe Murphy & decd. family, Derrynamuck
Tue. 31st May 10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Wed. 1st June10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Thu. 2nd June10.00 a.m.:Special Intention
Fri.3rd June10.00 a.m.:Brian Clarke
Sat.4th June10.00 a.m.:Mary, Patrick, Paddy, Noel & Josephine Hanahoe &
Margaret Casser
Sat. 4th June [V] 7.00 p.m.: Paddy & Kathleen Mullaney
Sun. 5th June10.00 a.m.: Michael Melvin (Anniv.)
CONFESSIONS:CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass.
READERS: 5th June – [V] Ruth Brennan.[10] Mary O’Connor.
E. MINISTERS: 5th June – [V] Mary Nallon. [10] May Early.
CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 3 –Bernie Horan, Patricia Flynn.
Adoration on Wed. 1st June after Mass until 11.30 a.m.
Visitation of the Sick & Housebound: Fri. 3rd June.
Noel MacHale Memorial 7 A Side Football Tournament: In Knockmore this Sun. 29th May at 2.00 p.m. Adm. €5.
Walking Group: Every Wed. leaving Knockmore Gym at 7pm. New members welcome.
Mini-Ceilí: Next Ceilí will be on Sun. 5th June in the Mayfly Hotel, Foxford at 8.30 p.m.
Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.
Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura cares! 1850 622 626.
Accord: Counselling for people experiencing difficulties in their marriage – 096 21478.
Bingo in Knockmore C. Hall: Mon.6th June 9pm. Usual prizes. Refreshments served.
Counselling: Abortion Counselling – Call 1850 622 626 or
Conn Rangers Lotto Results: Details to Follow.
David’s Lawn Service: For all your gardening needs – Contact 086 895 7181.
Boil Water Notice: Shraheen Group Water Scheme Co Op Society wish to advise its members to boil water before consuming.
Knockmore Quarry: Opening (Fri.-Mon.) for the following week selling topsoil, maintenance, stone and 804. Phone Duane on 087 3991032.
Certificate in Theology & Community Involvement: Will commence in Sept. at the Newman Institute, Ballina – accredited by NUIG & St. Angela’s College, Sligo, is offered on a part-time basis and leads to Diploma in Year 2 & then to Degree level. Info. 096 72066 or Email
Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015
Church of Christ the King, Knockmore
Corpus Christi – 29th May 2016 – Year of Faith
Sat. 28th May [V] 8.00 p.m.:Vin Brogan, Stonepark
Sun. 29th May11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
Mon. 30th May10.00 a.m.:Jim & Maria Herbert
Tues. 31st May 10.00 a.m.:Michael, Margaret, Brendan & Mickie McCormack
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament this Tues. from 10.30 – 6.30 p.m
Wed. 1st June10.00 a.m.:Decd. Ferguson family, Rathbane
Thur. 2nd June10.00 a.m.:Decd. Langan & McNulty family, Shraheen & B’macredmond
Fri. 3rd June 7.00 p.m.:Paddy Reddington, Gortnadreha (Anniv.) – First Friday
Sat. 4th June10.00 a.m.: John & Nora Murphy, Currabaggan
Sat. 4th June [V] 8.00 p.m.:Kathleen McGovern (1st Anniv.) Cuingbeg
Sun. 5th June11.00 a.m.:For the People of the Parish
Calls to the Sick/Housebound: Usual calls on Friday next, 3rd June.
CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Vigil Mass.
READERS: 5th June – [V] Cathal O’Boyle. [11] Bernadette Coleman.
E. MINISTERS: [V] J. Feeney & Marie Lacken. [11] Aidan Mulvihill & Martina Gardiner.
SERVERS: [V] Natalie Martin & Grace Naughton. [11] Sean McLoughlin & Luke Browne.
CHURCH CLEANING: Barnfield Area.
COUNTERS: (May – The C Team)
COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.
Annual Cemetery Mass: Ballinahaglish Sun. 31st July 6pm; Cloghans, Sun. 7th August 6pm.
Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.
Killala-Achonry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 23-28th August. Flight from Knock. 5 nights full board in the Hotel Agena. €710. Pilgrim Section: Michael Walkin, JWT Rep. 086- 6080763. Assisted/Invalid Pilgrim Section: Eileen O'Brien on 087-4431325.
Our Lady of Fatima Statue: Available for private devotion. Contact David – 086 8738141.
The Diocese of Killala: Invites parishioners to a launch by Bishop John Fleming of Fr. Brendan Hoban’s new book, “Telling the Story”, A Dictionary of Killala Clergy, at the Newman Institute, Ballina 8pm Thur. next, June 2. All are welcome.
Clothes Recycling:If you have any unwanted: clothing, shoes, bags, belts, bed linen, curtains.
Please leave them into the Resource Centre.
Prayer Meeting: In St. Anne’s Church, Belcarra on Tues. 31st June 7.30 p.m. All Welcome.
Corpus Christi Procession: From Ballina Cathedral 3pm this Sun. 29th May. All welcome.
Knock Shrine: Are currently seeking volunteers to help with the meeting and greeting of pilgrims during the summer months. Information from the Witness to Hope Office on 094-9375070.
Recent Death: Please remember in your prayers – Joe Hughes, Rathbane; all whose anniversaries occur at this time and all our Faithful Departed. May they rest in Peace.
Fundraiser for Knockmore Church Maintenance: Declan Nerney & his Band will perform in Hotel Ballina on Sun. 26th June. Tickets €10 are on sale in the parish. A great night is expected and all support greatly appreciated.