City of Seattle Request for Proposal – PRK 3386


Up dated on 10/28/2014

The following is additional information regarding Request for Proposal– PRK 3386,titledProject Controls Center System, released on10/20/2014. The due date and time for responses is 11/13/2014, 4:00pm (Pacific). This addendum includes both questions from prospective proposers and the City’s answers, and revisions to the RFP.This addendum is hereby made part of the RFPand therefore, the information contained herein shall be taken into consideration when preparing and submitting a proposal.

Item # / Date Received / Date Answered / Vendor’s Question / City’s Answer / ITB Revisions
1 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/2014 / How many projects does the Parks Department do a year? / Approximately 25 public works projects a year.
2 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/2014 / What is the Parks Department annual construction budget? / Approximately $15 Million.
3 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/14 / Is the $65K the annual budget for software (SaaS) only? / The Parks Department has estimated the expenditure to be approximately $65K - $85K for initial purchase, installation, training and affiliated services for system configuration.
4 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/2014 / If the $65K is the annual software budget, please provide or describe the budget for implementation. / The Parks Department has estimated a first time cost of $65K - $85K and an ongoing cost for maintenance and support at $30K - $50K.
5 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/2014 / How many and what types of users are expected for the Project Controls Center System? / The Parks Department would anticipate 50 – 75 users for the system. Each project will likely have 2 – 3 users of the system. The typical users, per project, would possibly entail design, project management, contractor and administration. Some of these users would be repeat users and may need to access the system on multiple projects.
6 / 10/21/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Has the City met with or received demonstrations from vendors who provide Projects Controls Software System prior to the release of the RFP? If yes, please provide the names of the vendors. / Yes, vendor names are as follows:
Dexter & Chaney, Aconex, E-builder
Oracle, Aurigo.
7 / 10/24/2014 / 10/27/2014 / The Parks Department current excel workbook. /
8 / 10/24/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Updated Insurance Requirements. /
9 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Do you want the forms to be duplicated exactly the way they are In Excel? / No. The content and hierarchy of the information needs to remain the same. The look and feel of the form can change; but, it must be professional and include the parks logo.
10 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / If the system provided delivers industry standard processes and templates, are these acceptable to your organization? / Standard forms will have to be customized to meet our specific needs. If the templates are readily editable and up-loadable, by our staff in a reasonable amount of time, this could fulfill the requirement.
11 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Does the Parks and Rec department have Microsoft SharePoint? If so, is it used throughout the agency and for what applications? / Yes, we use SharePoint through-out our department for communication by working units.
12 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Does DPR use InfoPath forms? / No
13 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Are all DPR users using office 2013? / No, but it will be online by mid 2015
14 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Does the agency utilize MS Project Server? / No, we buy individual licenses.
15 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Does the $65K to $85K budget include integration/interfaces with existing City systems? If yes, please describe the integration/interfaces expected (manual, scheduled batch, real-time). / For the first phase, the system will not need to integrate/interface with existing City Systems. In the near future As-Built and Operations and Maintenance plans and cut-sheets (.pdfs)will need to be transmitted to the future Asset Management Software. Additionally, in a future phase, we would like to regularly upload accounting data to maintain project estimates.
16 / 10/27/2014 / 10/27/2014 / Would penetration testing and certification by WhiteHat Security meet the Mandatory Technical Requirement (fourth bullet) on page 8 of the RFP? / Yes, penetration testing and certification by WhiteHat Security will meet the Mandatory Technical Requirement (fourth bullet) on page 8 of the RFP.

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