This was a plan for a particular person to read. References to that person were eliminated.

Please skip what you need to skip and then choose to come back or not.

You may wish to discuss some of these with your partner, perhaps after your partner reads them.

Feedback on whether this is helpful is very much welcomed but not required or requested of you.

© 2005 Keith D. Garrick 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SelfDevelop\Rel8shpsLap\Sustaining\LearnTrainMaster\BriefingPiecesTry.doc



Where it say “D” for “do”, it makes the tool immensely more worthwhile if you do it, if you want to gain more from this exercise. Scan reading is indicated in certain areas. Doing this as a project, since it is so vital, is well worth the time and effort. Look for these in the relationship section, since they are not yet linked on this page.

S / The Seven Secrets of a Lasting Love Relationship / 1
S / The Dynamics of Intimate Relationships / 1
D / The Choice in the Stages of Close Relationships / 3
R / Getting The Love You Want – A Brief Summary / 2
S / The Process For Creating and Sustaining A Great Relationship / 2
D / (Rating) The Overall Level of Our Relationship / 2
D,R / (Rating) The Level of Our Relationship / 3
D / My Commitment To Actions I Will Take  Conscious Rel. / 4
D / Creating Our Relationship And Having It Be What We Want It to Be / 2
R / Asking Your Spouse to “Improve” / 3
R / (Old comm to Nancy, “poem”) My Request Dear One / 4
R / (Old comm to Nancy, “poem”) To My Sweetheart / 3
R,D / Adjust to the Elephant In the Middle of the Room? / 2
R,D / The Judge / 4
R,D / No-Blame – The Reasoning For / 2
D / Blame Talk or Conscious Loving Talk / 1
R,D / Live Through The Tools and Decisions of a Child / 2
R,D / Your Personas and Roles / 6
S or D / Characteristics of My Caregivers / 2
R / Fact, “Truth”, Reality, And Perception / 7
R,D / Make Wrongs / 3
R / The No-Blame Conversation; No-Blame Relationship / 5
R,D / Responsibility Versus Blame / 3
R / Responsibility in a Relationship – Where End, Begin? / 2
S / Learning Module – Blame, Forgiveness / 1
R,D / Criticism, Blame and Resentment / 4
R / Complaining / 4
R or S / The Behavior Change Request / 2
R / Setting Boundaries / 2
D / Healthy Behaviors In Relationships / 2
R, D / Negative Communications And Their Costs / 6
R / Projecting Onto Another – Some Comments / 1
R,D / Assuming, Mind-Reading And Interpreting Versus… / 4
R,D / Resentment! / 6
R / Gunnysacking Or Problem Resolution – Your Choice / 1
R,D / Impatience And Its Effects / 3
R,D / Relationship Exits / 2
D / What Makes Me Feel Loved / 1

See also Learning Plans (in second navigation bar), then separate modules section, Relationships, for other plans.

© 2005 Keith D. Garrick 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SelfDevelop\Rel8shpsLap\Sustaining\LearnTrainMaster\BriefingPiecesTry.doc