EVOC notes from NE Localities Leadership Team Meeting 17/08/2017
Local Improvement Plan (LIP) Update: Evelyn Kilmurry
- Action/Work/Locality Groups/Workstreams described:
- Community Safety: SIP (led by the police)
- Children Young People and Families: ICSMG
- Employability: new group led by Edinburgh College?
- Health andWellbeing: new group led by NHS?
- Place: 'Team Around the Place' group (does thisalreadyexist?)
- Small Areas Consultation was led by People Know How through aseries of direct engagements (in-person surveys, community councils, but overwhelminglyonline survey responses).Demographicbreakdown ofresponseshas not been made available, but Willy Barr has requested it and it will be made available to the LLT.
- Measures which will be detailed in the LIP are being developed now by the Strategy and Insight Team, withinputfrom the 'various teams for each theme'.
- There will be anaccessibleinfographic-heavy version of the LIP at some point.Versionsin other languages will be produced on request.
- Willy Barr has volunteered to "include a statement of locality-wide staff resources in the plan itself".
- Strategy and Insight Team is looking for some way of getting the plan signed off in time by all the relevant public bodies, but could not detail this at time of meeting.
- Final draft due at the end of August with publication in October.
NHS / Health – service priorities and update: Angela Lindsay
- Older People'sCapacityPlan is being puttogether, and is priority work.
- Winter Plans are also underway.
Fire and Rescue Service – service priorities and update: [on behalf of] Andy McDermott
- Recent priority has been looking at safety in high-risebuildingsto reassure public following Grenfell Tower disaster. Targeting buildings over 7-stories.
- Next statutory plan is up on the website for consultation, and will becirculatedto LLT.
- Modernisation of fire deployment crews and vehicles is coming: rollout of cardiac arrest response teams is starting after completion of pilot; expansion of home checks to include safety beyond fire safety. Theme is "the changing nature of what it is that afire-fighterdoes".
Interventionfrom the Chair [Stephen Moir](relevant to next agenda item)
"Partnershipworking through thisgroupis in consultation with elected councillors, and the LLT will include a number of elected councillors soon so the dynamic is likely to change a little."
Locality Partnership and Governance arrangements:Evelyn Kilmurry (See relevant paper in agenda file)
- There were no questions asked about the paper.
Partner/Workstream updates:
CSMG Update:
- There is a new person in this role, replacing Gill Lawrence (who is on a career break).
- Another CSMG meeting will need to be heldbecausethe schools are now back.
- In the future will be able to report on the relevant LIP implementation and workstream activity.
Edinburgh College update:
- Recruitment is going very well this year, but the expansion of universityplacesacross the UK means the colleges will always have anxiety about non-enrolment of new recruits because of universities poaching their students.
Police andCommunitySafety:
- Successes linking up family andhouseholdsupport with methods to tackle antisocial behaviour (includingrelevantparking and traffic issues) andhowthisfacilitatescriminalinvestigations and evenreferralsto social work teamswhen appropriate.
- Festival and Summer City commitments taking up lots ofpolicingcapacity.
- Operation specificallytargetingmotorcycle crime and recent spate of youth antisocialbehaviour.Speculationthat the moving of Portobello Highschool has played a role in the recent 'bad patch', which police are now confident is on the wane.
- 'Youth TAC' (team around the clusters?) meetings between council, police and others to look at specific cases. Confidential soexpandedattendance is difficult, butlookingat ways to achieve this.
"Third Parties" - ie.anyone else who want to update the LLT on something.
- EK suggests that in the future invitingcontributions from 'third parties'by thememightbe a better structure for noting progress, identifyingbarriersand sharing bestpractice.
- "Hire Me Edinburgh" event for school leavers coming soon,detailswill becirculated.
- WB says he will normally give an update on VOLT, but also wants to give the locality-wide youth worker based at Citadel (Kirsten) some direction on targeting her work.
- SM [Chair]: offers LLT members the opportunity to use his position and connectionswithinthe council (access to CEO, etc.) to feed back things to the council when needed. Will continue to hold meetings individually with LLT members too.