Georgia Programs
Board Report –August 10, 2009
SafeCare Program
- To date six provider cohorts have completed SafeCare training
- These cohorts consist of 26 people from 12 agencies in Paulding, Cherokee, Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton and Douglas counties
- Three additional cohorts are scheduled for August with agencies from Oconee, Carroll, Clayton, Fulton and DeKalb
- Trainings are also planned for Macon in September
- The online training registration for providers is available through the Catalyst for CARE website; interest in SafeCare continues to grow
- 14 CFC trainers have completed SafeCare Train the Trainer
- The next Train the Trainer is scheduled for August 26-27; 3 CFC trainers will complete
- CFC provides a biweekly provider progress report of their implementation of SafeCare in the field
Family Team Conferencing
- Completed FTM training for Atlanta Metro Area
- Invited to provide FTM trainnig for ILP Coordinators
- Scheduled to provide FTM training in Macon on July 28-29, 2009
- Had preliminary discussion with Department of Chilren and Families (DCF) to provide Train the Trainer FTM for 2 persons within the Department
- Reports are that Flordia FSS has implemented FTM and are being sucessful with families
Opportunity Passport (IDA)
- Thirteen accounts are open from Statewide Expansion Youth
- All thirteen youth have taken baseline survey
- 13 youth from Statewide Expansion have taken baseline survey
- 200 young people received letters to open their accounts
- Conducting ongoing financial literacy seminar of Independent Living youth; Atlanta, Macon, Savannah (end of April)
- Trained CFC staff in MISIDA and OPPS
- Participated in video about Opportunity Passport
- Received $80,000.00 contract from The Community Foundation
- Participate in monthly meetings with ILP
- Participate in quarterly meetings with ILP
- Partnering with FDIC to host 4 trainer the trainer for community parnters to provide fininical literacy throughout Georiga
- In the progress of hiring an Assistant to the IDA program to work 20 – 25 hrs
- Asked to participate in the Youth Advisory Council with DHR
- In planning stages of coordinating mentoring training/networking sessions
- Target implementation - Mid September
- Receiving additional requests for housing, transportation and food from graduating or transistioning youth
- Scholarships amount for 2009 $29,250.00
We awarded 21 scholarships from $250.00 to 2000.00.
28 young people applied for the scholarship
12 Committee Members
Guardian Scholars
- Identifying schools to provide Guardian Scholars on their Campus (Clark Atlanta Univeristy, Albany, Gordan, GeorigaState)