Tables, Scales and Graphs Exercise
1. This table shows information about the earth's four oceans.
Ocean / Area
(km2) / Area
(square miles) / Average depth
(m) / Average depth
Arctic / 13 230 000 / 5 110 000 / 1 205 / 3 950
Pacific / 166 240 000 / 64 190 000 / 4 188 / 13 740
Indian / 73 430 000 / 28 350 000 / 3 872 / 12 700
Atlantic / 86 560 000 / 33 420 000 / 3 736 / 12 260
a. Which ocean has the greatest area?
b. Which ocean would appear to be the deepest?
c. List the oceans in order from smallest area to largest area.
d. Use the table to find out how many km2 there are in a square mile.
e. Use the table to find out how many feet there are in a metre. /
2. The scale (x 1000) shows the number of revolutions of an engine.
Give each reading to one decimal place e.g. 4.8
a. Give the reading shown by the green pointer.
b. Give the reading shown by the blue pointer.
c. Give the reading shown by the black pointer.
d. Give the reading shown by the red pointer.
e. Give the reading shown by the purple pointer. /
3. The chart gives the high tide times and the change between high tide and low tide, in metres, at two seaside towns for a week.
Day of week / Bluesville / Greentown
am / m / pm / m / am / m / pm / m
Monday / 1.30 / 2.7 / 2.10 / 2.8 / 4.20 / 2.6 / 5.00 / 2.7
Tuesday / 2.30 / 2.8 / 3.10 / 2.9 / 5.40 / 2.7 / 6.10 / 2.9
Wednesday / 3.40 / 2.9 / 4.20 / 3.0 / 6.50 / 2.9 / 7.10 / 3.1
Thursday / 4.50 / 2.9 / 5.20 / 3.1 / 7.40 / 3.1 / 8.10 / 3.4
Friday / 5.50 / 3.1 / 6.20 / 3.2 / 8.30 / 3.4 / 8.50 / 3.6
Saturday / 7.40 / 3.2 / 8.10 / 3.3 / 10.20 / 3.6 / 10.40 / 3.7
Sunday / 8.40 / 3.3 / 9.00 / 3.4 / 11.00 / 3.7 / 11.20 / 3.8
a. At what time and where was the lowest tide?
b. On what day and where was the biggest tide?
c. On how many days was the average of the tides in Bluesville greater than the average of the tides in Greentown?
d. What was the time difference between high tides in Greentown on Friday?
e. What was the difference (in hours), in time between the first high tide in Bluesville and the last?
4. The graph shows the temperatures in some of the towns and cities in the Pacific region on a particular day
a. Estimate the difference between the high and low temperatures for Suva.
b. Which town or city had the greatest difference between high and low temperature?
c. Use the graph to estimate the average low temperature on this day in Honolulu, Nadi and Noumea.
d. Which city had the lowest temperature and what was this temperature?
e. Four towns or cities had the same high temperature. Which ones were they?
5. The chart shows some conversions between metric units and imperial units for measuring length.
Centimetres / Inches / Metres / Yards / Kilometres / Miles
2.540 / 1 / 0.394 / 0.914 / 1 / 1.094 / 1.609 / 1 / 0.621
12.700 / 5 / 1.969 / 4.572 / 5 / 5.468 / 8.047 / 5 / 3.107
25.400 / 10 / 3.937 / 9.144 / 10 / 10.936 / 16.093 / 10 / 6.214
50.800 / 20 / 7.874 / 18.288 / 20 / 21.872 / 32.187 / 20 / 12.427
127.000 / 50 / 19.685 / 45.720 / 50 / 54.681 / 80.467 / 50 / 31.069
254.000 / 100 / 39.370 / 91.440 / 100 / 109.361 / 160.934 / 100 / 62.137
a. How many kilometres in 50 miles?
b. How many inches in 10 cm?
c. How many metres in 30 yards?
d. How many metres in a 880 yard race. (The old Olympic distance)
e. For experts! Use the chart to calculate how many centimetres in 1 mile. (Clue: There are 36 inches in a yard and 1760 yards in a mile)
6. The scale below shows a ruler.
Find the measurement given at each of the following points:
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
7. The table below shows weather conditions and temperatures in towns and cities around the Pacific region one day in Spring.
City / Conditions / High / Low
Adelaide / showers / 17o / 13o
Auckland / fine / 16o / 9o
Apia / thunder / 30o / 24o
Honolulu / fine / 30o / 23o
Nadi / fine / 31o / 22o
Noumea / fine / 28o / 21o
Papeete / fine / 31o / 24o
Perth / fine / 24o / 10o
Port Moresby / fine / 31o / 26o
Suva / thunder / 31o / 22o
a. Which, would you say, was the warmest place from the table above?
b. What is the difference between the high and low temperatures in Honolulu?
c. In which city was the biggest difference between the high and low temperatures?
d. There is a small fault in the table, what is it?
e. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using the table and the graph (in question 4) for finding information.
Tables, Scales and Graphs Answers
1 / a. The Pacific Ocean / b. The Pacific Ocean / c. Arctic, Indian, Atlantic and Pacific / d. There are 2.59 km in a square mile / e.There are 3.28 feet in a metre.
2 / a. 2.4 / b. 7.5 / c. 0.2 / d. 10.9 / e. 4.8
3 / a. Greentown, 4.20 am on Monday / b. Greentown, 11.20 pm on Sunday / c. Two days / d. 12 hours 20 minutes / e. 163.5 hours
4 / a. 9oC / b. Perth / c. 22oC / d. Auckland at 9oC / e. Nadi, Papeete, Port Moresby and Suva
5 / a. 80.467 kilometres / b. 3.937 inches / c. 27.432 metres / d. 804.67 metres / e. 160 934 cm
6 / a. 5.5 / b. 5.9 / c. 6.25 / d. 6.85 / e. 7.45
7 / a. Port Moresby / b. 7oC / c. Perth / d. Units not given (oC)
e.The graph clearly shows which are the highest and lowest values. The exact values can be seen more clearly in the table.
Tables, Scales and Graphs