Rules and Guidelines for Our Films, Our Europe
-As part of a team of four, come up with a creative idea for a film (up to 3 mins) about how being a European citizen affects you, as a young person living in Scotland. You must include at least one European language other than English.
- The competition is open to any team ofup to four pupilsfrom S3 – S6.No team with more than four members is eligible to take part. Any team of more than 4 pupils will be automatically disqualified.
- Teams may be comprised of single or mixed age-groups studying at S3, S4, S5 or S6 level in Scottish schools.
- Teams must submit their storyboards before the given deadline (12noon Thur 10th Dec) to be eligible to take part
Storyboard entries:
- All teams must submit a storyboard during the first stage of the project along with a recorded presentation explaining the ideas depicted.
- Storyboard presentations (in the audio/video clip) must last no longer than 3 minutes.
- All team members must play a role in the creation and presentation of the storyboards.
- Students must display knowledge of European institutions and the concept of Europe – culture, history, geography, economy etc.
- Teams should tell a story about what it means to be a European citizen, and how this affects their lives and employability as young people living in Scotland.
- Students are encouraged to consider how decisions and actions of the European Parliament affect them, and how they might engage with the democratic process.
- Teams are strongly encouraged to use our services to select a twin school abroad with which they can swap ideas.
- Judges will be looking for storyboards that demonstrate the potential to effectively tell a story. Therefore storyboards should clearly depict a plan of what the film will look like and an explanation as to what will happen in each scene.
- A convincing presentation of the anticipated finished film is required, including sound, lighting, shots to be used, etc. This can be described either verbally or in written format.
- Storyboard presentations can be submitted in electronic format (MP3, MP4). Those in MP3 format must be accompanied by either a legible JPEG image, or a hard copy of the original storyboard.
Language element:
- The main language of the film is expected to be English.
- As part of their storyboard entries, students are asked to speak at least one language other than English. This should be a European language whichis notthe participant’s mother tongue.
- Students are strongly encouraged to use European languages that they are studying in school. Other languages that may be eligible for consideration include any of the 24 official languages of the EU.
-A transcript with a translation written in English must be provided for all non-English content.
- How do I enter?
Fill in a registration formhere, then you can contact to arrange SEET visits to your school and get help finding a partner school. Then, send us your storyboards and audio/video clips, find our addresshere.
-How many teams can participate from each school?
There is no limit to how many teams can take part from each school but we do ask that if a whole class is participating, the teacher narrows the entries at their own discretion before sending them in (due to limited space at workshops). Remember to state how many teams you wish to enter when registering.
-Does everyone who submits a storyboard get to make a film?
SEET is keen to involve as many schools as possible in Our Films, Our Europe. We currently have space for 18 teams to make films, ideally this will be one team per school. Therefore, if we receive high entry numbers, SEET will select the 18 storyboards we feel best respond to the theme.
-How long can the storyboard presentations be?
Storyboard presentations (the audio/video clips) must be no longer than 3 minutes.
-In what format must the storyboard presentations be submitted?
Submissions/ presentations can be recorded in any format. However, we recommend sending audio files saved as mp3 and videos as mp4. We do also accept entries via Dropbox.
-What languages can be used in the film?
All entries must be recorded in English, however part of the film must be inat least one other EU language. Transcripts in English must be provided for parts of the film that are in another European language.
-How do schools submit recordings?
Physical storyboards and any recordings saved to USB devices can be posted to the SEET address found on our website. Alternatively videos can be saved online and linked to SEET’s Dropbox account. Further information about this method will be given to schools who wish to share their entries online. All entries must be received before 12noon on Thursday 10th December.
-When will teams be notified about whether they will have a space in a workshop?
Teams will receive feedback in January 2016 about the status of their entry.
-Will there be financial help available to cover costs of transport and/or accommodation associated with the film making workshop?
If you feel you will not be able to participate in the project due to restricted funds for transport and/or accommodation please get in touch with the Trust to see what help is available.
If you have any further questions regarding Our Films, Our Europe, please get in touch with Madeleineat SEET: