AAHA Board Meeting 6/16/2008

Attendees: Dave King, Anna Schmidt, Joe Trawinski, Mike Larabell, Debbie Goodchild, Pam West.

Ace Coordinator: Todd Schmidt

Absent: Tom Heenan, Tom Reese, Heidi Kozlowicz, Susan Bush, John Marshall

President: Dave King

Dave Coe has promised to look into the possibility that AAHA may have lost ice time without being consulted.

Kick off weekend dates will need to be confirmed with AFIC and LawrenceUniversity hockey team. Lawrence has committed to helping with the event.

Secretary: Debbie Goodchild

All new members of the board advised to contact the webmaster and obtain a user name, password, and have directors and email addresses updated.

Minutes from May 12, 2008 approved.

Member Services Coordinator: Mike Larabell

Bids have been received for tryout jerseys.


Purchase tryout jerseys from Penalty Box based on bids that were received.

Motion: To purchase tryout jerseys from Penalty Box by Joe Trawinski

Second Pam West and Anna Schmidt

Motion passed.

Volunteer Hours

Home tournament volunteer hours will need to be filled by the home team. After every one from the home team has filled the slots, they will be open for the general membership. If there are still open hours, the home MUST fill the open slots. If needed, the tournament director will assign any open hours.

Travel Director: Joe Trawinski

Questions how travel teams were selected and tryout process works. Dave King reviewed the team selection process and tryout process.

Girls Director: Pam West

Received request to have fees from last year refunded for medical reasons


Based on medical evidence presented to the board, a partial credit will be issued for 2008-2009 season. If the skater does not return for the 2008-2009 season fee will be forfeited.

Sponsorship director: Anna Schmidt

Sponsorship letters have continued to be mailed.

Motion to adjourn meeting: Dave King & Pam West

Meeting adjourned

Nest meeting is scheduled for July 14, 2008 @ 7:30