Selectors: Iain McGowan FRPS, Joy Whiting ARPS & David Cooke FRPS

Closing date for postal entries: Monday 15th February 2016

Selection of Exhibition: Sunday 28th February 2016


1. This is a FREE to enter members competition. You may enter either TWO or THREE prints.

2. Images must originate as photographs (image captures of objects via light sensitivity) made by the entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. All photographic content in an image must be the sole work of the photographer. Images may be altered by the maker, and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates.

3. By virtue of submitting an entry for this exhibition, the entrant certifies the work as his or her own and permits the organisers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication in a catalogue, on the internet, website and/or in other media related to the RPS Digital Imaging Group.

4. Any image previously accepted in an Exhibition or Competition organised by the main DI Group is not eligible. This does not include those organised by the Group’s Centres or by other ‘sub-groups’.

5. Mount your prints on 50x40 cm card. (mounting is not required for Overseas members). Please do not have extra layers of protection.

6. Mark each print on the reverse with the print title, and your name and address as on the entry form.

7. If you wish to have your accepted image published on the website and in DIGIT, it is important that you should submit electronic copies of your entries as jpegs in sRGB colour space and 2000 pixels on the longer side.

The files should be named as follows:

Your surname including RPS distinction, an underline, your first name, an underline, finally the title of the print eg the electronic file for a print titled ‘Landscape’ by Andrew Smith LRPS should be titled Smith LRPS_Andrew_Landscape.jpg. These will be used for publication in DIGIT so please make sure that they are exactly as you want them to appear in print.

Please send images as attachments to emails, not embedded. Apple Mac users should compress each image individually and then attach to an email – please ensure titling is still correct.

8. Electronic images must be emailed to with an electronic copy of your entry form.

If the files are not in the correct format, the prints will be accepted for the exhibition but, regrettably, the images may not be able to be published.

9. Complete the Entry Form (below).

10. If you are not able to bring your prints to the AGM, send your prints, with the entry form and return postage of £7.99 to the Exhibition Secretary at the address given, and email the jpgs.

11. Payment for postage (for UK members only) can be made on the RPS website.

12. If the prints are being delivered to the AGM, email your entry form and the jpgs to the Exhibition Secretary by 15th February.

13. Ensure that the packing is suitable for use in return posting of the prints, unless collection arrangements have been agreed previously with the Exhibition Secretary. Please include a cheque for £7.99 to cover return courier should you want them back.

14. Selection will take place following the AGM. Each entrant will have one print accepted. A Gold Medal and six Ribbons will be awarded.

15. It may not be possible to display all accepted prints at every exhibition venue.

16. The utmost care will be taken of all prints but the Digital Imaging Group cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage during the exhibition or whilst in transit.



Name:______RPS Distinction: ______RPS Member No.: ______

Address: ______

Post Code: ______Tel: ______E-mail: ______

Return postage enclosed with the prints (£7.99). N/A (will be collected)

Print Titles:




Entries should be posted, or emailed, to

The Exhibition Secretary, 52A Horsell Moor, Horsell, Woking, Surrey GU21 4NJ, Tel: 01483 769474,


DIG Print Exhibition: Important Information

The prints are selected at the AGM in February each year.

Please note that the procedure for submission no longer requires a CD, and the return procedure has been changed so that your unselected prints will be returned to you much more quickly.

1.You can enter two or three prints. Just one print is not allowed.

2.Please make sure that the entry form, jpgs and prints all have the same titles.

3.The category is OPEN (that is, they can be Open, Nature or Creative) and the prints can be of any size but the mount must be a 50cm x 40cm board (unmounted prints are accepted from Overseas members). Please adjust any mount boards that might be 20in x16in, as they will not fit into PAGB or RPS 50x40 frames. Please do not have extra layers of protection such as tissue paper, nor Velcro on the back.

4.The entry forms have to be posted or emailed to the Exhibition Secretary at by the closing date, which is 15th February 2016. The electronic images must be emailed to the Exhibition Secretary by the same date.

5.If you are not coming to the AGM/Selection then the prints have to be sent, with the entry form and return postage of £7.99 (if required) to the Exhibition Secretary before the closing date. Jpgs must be emailed in all cases. If you are coming to the AGM/Selection, then you can bring the prints with you. However the Exhibition Secretary must have the entry form and jpgs in advance before the closing date.

6.Please make sure that the print titles are the same as the jpgs, and the entry form; this is often a cause of errors. Please put the title, and your name, in large letters on the top of the back of your print. The Chairman reads out the title of the selected image after each selection and it’s a lot easier if she is not hunting everywhere for the title.

7.You can save money by arranging for a group of members to collect the prints and for one person to deliver, or you can arrange to pass the prints through a committee member.

8.Courier services such as Hermes or Doddle may be more economical. The Post Office offers some packaging that is suitable for sending prints, but the Post Office have changed their package sizes in the last year, and posting a box that is about 55cm x 45cm is quite expensive. There is a ParcelBox, code NPBX5 which is suitable, or a PostPak code IS 6191910, or a Jiffy bag, size 8. Please make sure that the packaging is clearly marked with your name and address, with a separate piece of paper with your name and address on, in large print, that we can tape to the outside.

9.After the selection at the AGM, one print from each member will be retained for the Print Exhibition and will travel around the country to various venues. The prints that have not been selected can be taken away if you are at the AGM. If the prints have been posted then the two unselected prints will be returned by courier in your packaging, if you have paid for the return postage (£7.99) within the following month. The selected prints will be held over until the next AGM, when they will be available for collection, or will be returned with next year’s unselected prints.

10.Any prints not able to be returned will be retained until the end of May 2017, after which they will be distributed to a suitable charity.