Supervisory/Department Director Performance Evaluation
The following information is offered as a guide to evaluating employee performance. Each criterion is explained, followed by behaviors which may characterize each of the ratings. This guide is not intended to be a substitute for the Supervisor’s judgement, nor is it to be inclusive of all potential performance characteristics. The following criteria apply ONLY TO EMPLOYEES IN SUPERVISORY/DEPARTHMENT DIRECTOR POSITIONS.
BUDGETING: How well does this employee develop realistic budget requests to accomplish established goals and objectives within the established boundaries for his/her position with the County?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Routinely exceeds appropriated funding in department budget / *Occasionally exceeds appropriated funding in department budget / *Generally operates within department budget / *Expenditures are within established department budget limits / *Monitors budget expenditures closely and stays within limits / *Does not exceed departmental budget limitations
*Unable or unwilling to project expenditures so that requested funds are adequate to support departmental operations / *Departmental budget requests do not always reflect an accurate picture of operational needs / * Department budget requests are generally sufficient to support ongoing requirements, but may lack adequate planning for new or expanded projects / *Adequately plans for ongoing activities and future operational plans for department / *Considers cost of departmental goals and plans accordingly / *Requests are based on realistic expectations for ongoing and future operational initiatives
*Takes a proactive approach in finding ways to save money and/or resources within department budget
PERSONNEL TRAINING AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT: How well does this employee perform and/or manage the training and staff development for employees under their direct supervision?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Does not provide a written training plan for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Occasionally provides a written training plan for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Generally provides a written training plan for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Frequently exceeds the expectations for written training plans for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Exceeds the expectations for written training plans for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Is seen as a leader in the development of written training plans for new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department
*Fails to monitor the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Occasionally monitors the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Generally monitors the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Frequently monitors the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department / *Monitors the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department AND takes appropriate action to address any areas of concern or additional training that may be needed / *Develops and provides guidance to others on how to monitor the progress of new and/or newly promoted employees within the Unit or Department.
*Written Training Plans are used by others as a guide for development in other areas
*Unfamiliar with Employment Laws and how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates limited knowledge of Employment Laws and how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of Employment Laws and how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates working knowledge of Employment Laws and understands how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates sound knowledge of Employment Laws and applies these to the current work environment / *Is often asked to assist others in the interpretation and application of Employment Laws in the work environment
*Unfamiliar with County personnel policies and procedures and how to apply these to the current work environment / *Demonstrates limited knowledge of County personnel policies and procedures and how to apply these to the current work environment / *Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of County personnel policies and how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates working knowledge of County personnel policies and understands how they apply to the current work environment / *Demonstrates sound knowledge of County personnel policies and applies these to the current work environment / *Assists and offers guidance on the interpretation and application of County personnel policies in the current work environment.
*Does not seek out or offer ongoing training and staff development opportunities for Regular Status employees / *Occasionally will seek out or offer training and staff development opportunities to Regular Status employees / *Generally does seek out and offer training and staff development opportunities to Regular Status employees / *Frequently seeks out all training and staff development opportunities available for Regular Status employees / *Seeks out all training and staff development opportunities available for Regular Status employees / *Able to provide training and staff development to others within the Unit and Department
QUALITY OF WORK: Is the work of this employee performed to the established Haywood County standards for the position held?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Review of work product shows that tasks are performed carelessly and/or are most often incomplete / *Work product still must be regularly checked for completeness and accuracy as quality of work cannot be depended upon / *Work product is generally acceptable and meets the minimum requirements for the position held / *Generally the work product of this employee is performed with minimal mistakes / *Completes a very good work product and sets standard for Unit/Department / *Work product is superior and sets industry standard
*Work product consistently requires numerous corrections and has to be redone / *Improvement is needed before quality of work can be relied upon without significant supervisory oversight / *Work product is generally thorough, accurate and completed timely / *Employee demonstrates the ability to find and correct own mistakes in their work product / *Employee demonstrates the ability to catch mistakes of peers/subordinates and able to correct these in a responsible and professional manner
*Does not follow superior’s directions as to quality of work / *Sometimes does not follow superior’s directions as to quality of work / *Work product occasionally requires corrections and employee is showing progress / *Employee catches own mistakes and is able to make the necessary corrections / *Employee is sometimes called upon to train peers in attaining higher quality of work / *Assists others in attaining higher quality of work
*Employee is not familiar with the duties assigned to the position held and demonstrates no interest in learning assigned tasks / *Employee has a limited knowledge of the duties assigned to the current position held / *Employee demonstrates an adequate knowledge of the duties assigned to the position currently held / *Employee can perform all tasks and demonstrates knowledge of the duties assigned to the position currently held / *Employee has mastered all the duties of position currently held / *Employee is seen as expert in position and is asked to train others on duties of the position currently held
QUANTITY OF WORK AND TIME MANAGEMENT: Does the employee and subordinates perform assigned work within the required and established timeframes? How well does the employee and subordinates budget his/her time for daily work and long term projects or assignments? How does this employee’s team/unit/department meet their established standards and goals?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Work is not being completed on time and employee is constantly missing deadlines / *Frequently misses deadlines and is slower than most in getting the work completed. / *Generally meets deadlines, but may require additional follow-up / *Performs job assignments within the allotted time frames / * Completes all assignments within established time frames / *Almost always finishes assigned tasks/projects before deadlines and produces superior results
*Wastes time or does not use time and resources wisely / *Work quantity is somewhat less than normally expected / *Does not volunteer for or seek out additional work when time is available / *Demonstrates the ability to prioritize tasks / *Can be counted on to take on additional work when not busy / *Always takes on additional work when not busy
*Quantity of work performed is far below normal expectations and requirements for position held / *Occasionally avoids work assignments deliberately / * Work quantity is generally at the expected and required level for the position held / *Consistently sets realistic time frames for completion of assigned tasks and projects. / * Assists others in meeting assignment deadlines without being asked
*Sets unrealistic time frames for accomplishing tasks
*Frequently absent from work without medical excuse
Frequently late for work and does not set a good example for subordinates in this area / *Consistently uses all leave time as soon as it is earned.
*Does not use earned leave in a responsible manner
*Does not monitor subordinates leave time usage to ensure adequate staffing for Unit/Department / *Attendance and arrival time meets the minimum standards for position held
*Adequately monitors leave time usage for subordinates to ensure adequate staffing for Unit/Department / *Frequently exceeds the expectations for overall attendance for position held.
*Unit/Department is staffed appropriately to meet the needs of customers / *Consistently exceeds all expectations for attendance for position held.
*Consistently monitors the leave time usage of subordinates and actively addresses problem areas for improvement / *Role model for attendance and staffing is almost always adequate to serve the needs of customers.
STAFF SUPERVISION: How well does this employee perform the supervisory functions of his/her position i.e. training, monitoring, evaluating, directing, counseling and disciplining the employees under his/her direct supervision?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Department employees lack motivation and are performing in an inefficient manner and this is not addressed by Supervisor/Department Head / *Supervisor/Department Director often fails to hold employees accountable for performing at the acceptable/desired standard of the position held in the County / *Supervisor/ Department Director assigns work fairly and impartially based on Unit/Department and County needs / *New employees are consistently monitored by ongoing review of training plans implemented at beginning of employment within the department / *Supervisor/Department Director prioritizes projects and assigns employees tasks to insure maximum efficiency, timeliness and accuracy in accomplishing work / *Sets high performance standards for self and motivates subordinates to do the same.
*Department employees are performing poorly as a result of inadequate training, coaching and direction from Supervisor/Department Head / *Performance evaluations for employees generally do not accurately reflect worker performance for position held / * Supervisor/Department Director generally holds employees accountable for performing at the acceptable/desired standard for the County / *Subordinate evaluations are objective and constructive in helping the employee succeed and progress in their currentpositions / *Supervisor/Department Directordevelops, coaches and mentors employees so that they may gain greater knowledge, skills and responsibilities. / *Is seen as a role model for their position within the Unit/Department, County and Industry
*Does not take necessary disciplinary actions on negative evaluations and ignores poor performance of employees under his/her direct supervision / *Performance evaluations generally reflect an accurate review of worker performance / *Subordinates are offered equal opportunities to train for promotions and Succession Planning / *Performance evaluations are consistently used to help employees succeed and progress in their current positions / *Exemplary in preparation of performance evaluations and sound knowledge in how to properly evaluate employee job performance
*Supervisor/Department Director shows favoritism and/or bias in work assignments
RESPONSIBILITY: Does this employee accept responsibility for his/her duties, as well as those of direct reports? Is this employee willing to be held accountable for achieving established Unit/Department/County goals and objectives?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Places blame on others when tasks are not accomplished according to plan / *Often fails to accept responsibility for mistakes, errors, failures of self or subordinates / *Occasionallyaccepts responsibility for staff directed efforts and failures / * Accepts responsibility for staff directed efforts and failures / *Consistently accepts responsibility for failures by self or subordinates but shares the credit for accomplishments and successes of the Unit/Department and County / *Is seen as a role model in this area within their respective Units/Departments/County and Industry
*Fails to accept responsibility for mistakes, errors, failures of self and subordinates
DELEGATION: Does this employee demonstrate the ability to empower their respective employees by allowing opportunities for growth and development through proper delegation of tasks?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Does not or will not delegate assignments to employees / *Frequentlyperforms work that should be delegated to subordinates / *Occasionally performs work that should be delegated to subordinates / *Generally delegates work in an effective and efficient manner / *Consistently delegates work in an effective and efficient manner / *Is seen as a role model in this area for others within the Unit/Department/County and Regional entities
*Has difficulty working with and through others / *Frequentlywill not allow subordinates to make decisions / *Often does not recognize and/or misses opportunities to allow subordinates to make decisions at their level within the Unit/Department and County / *Generally allows subordinates appropriate decision making responsibility within the Unit/Department and County / *May be asked to train, coach and mentor employees/peers on how to take on increasing amounts of responsibility and encourage Succession Planning with the Unit and Department. / Trains, coaches and mentors employees/peers on how to take on increasing amounts of responsibility and encourage Succession Planning within the Unit and Department.
CREATIVITY: Does this employee develop innovative approaches to problem solving? Does this employee welcome new ideas and have a positive attitude with regard to new and innovative approaches within the work environment?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Inflexible and demonstrates no imagination in ability to problem solve or to develop new ideas / *Performs best in routine work situations and is satisfied with “Status Quo” for self and subordinates / *Requires specific and detailed instructions on how to implement change in the work environment for self and subordinates / *Does a good job in gathering/analyzing data to produce new ideas and suggestions for improvement in the work environment / *Consistently seeks new and better ways of doing things / *Initiates positive change by introducing new methods that are adopted by others
*Copes poorly with any change in the work environment / *Demonstrates difficulty coping with change in the work environment / * Generally performs in a satisfactory manner when change is introduced into the work environment / *Takes a flexible approach but may be somewhat constrained by conventional approaches / *Consistently willing to try new ideas and approaches in the work environment / *Very enthusiastic in implementing new and better ideas and approaches in the work environment
*Seldom develops new ideas for problem solving and innovation in the work environment / *Reluctant todevelop new ideas unless prodded to do so / *Generally will defer to others to develop new ideas / *Is seen as a trend setter and innovator by others in the Unit/Department/County and Industry
GOAL SETTING: How effective is this employee inestablishing reasonable goals for self and/or subordinates? Does this employee take appropriate action toward achieving/monitoring of progress being made towards established goals?
A rating of 1 may becharacterized by: / A rating of 2 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 3 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 4 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 5 may be
characterized by: / A rating of 6 may be
characterized by:
*Lacks foresight/initiative to establish goals beyond the “Status quo” / *Demonstrates the ability to set simple goals / *Sets goals with only occasional assistance from supervisors or peers / *Sets realistic, sometimes progressive goals for self, Unit and Department / *Almost always establishes Unit/Departmental goals consistent with the needs, resources, policies and standards of the County / *Innovative and forward-thinking in establishing goals for self, Unit and Department.
*Requires assistance in determining appropriate action to achieve goals established for him/her and subordinates / Frequently requires basic direction on what is required to meet established goals and steps on how to proceed / *Takes responsible action toward achieving goals based upon personal instincts, job knowledge and input from others / *Implements an appropriate course of action to achieve goals / *Consistent in establishing priorities to meet work goals and objectives for self and subordinates / *Always exercises creativity in achieving goals within the existing or easily available resources
COMMUNICATION: How well does this employee demonstrate the appropriate communication skills when interacting with internal and external customers?