HR Self Service User Guide
Mileage & Expenses - Authorisers Guidance
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
1.1 General 3
1.2 Authorising Mileage & Expenses Claims 3
2 Completion Help 4
3 Authorising Employee Vehicles 5
3.1 Introduction 5
3.2 Authorise Employee Vehicles 5
3.3 Authorise / Reject Claims 8
3.4 View All Employee Claims 10
3.5 Employee Details 10
4 Change History 12
1 Introduction
1.1 General
This user guide contains detailed information relating to the HR Self Service Portal. This portal is the primary method used to notify the HR Service Centre of any changes to jobs within your structure, the employees working within it, submitting mileage claims, additional payments and personal changes.
The HR Self Service portal is accessed from the ‘How do I’ section of the Home page on the intranet or by selecting click here.
Note: Where this document refers to policy regulation or company specific features, these will be typed as follows:
Pink for DMBC
Turquoise for Schools and Academies
Brown for St Leger Homes
1.2 Authorising Mileage & Expenses Claims
The Mileage & Expenses e-forms awaiting authorisation are accessed by selecting the Mileage and Expenses Authorisation link located under the Your Employees heading in the HR Self Service Portal or from within the Staff Tasks menu. The Mileage and Expenses Authorisation menu is shown below.
2 Completion Help
If a field is marked with an it means it is a required field and must be completed in order to move on to the next window.
If a field has an arrow button at the side then it will contain a pick-list from which you should make your selection. It will not be possible to enter data in the pick-list.
If a field has a small calendar button next to it then this should be clicked to enter the relevant date. It will not be possible to enter a date directly into the field.
The claim form will pre-populate information where possible to improve speed, accuracy and ease of completion.
The claim form will also validate some key fields when data is entered. If any information entered is incorrect, error messages will pop-up to assist correct completion.
It should be noted that if you do not use the HR Self Service portal for 30 minutes, the system will time out for security reasons.
3 Authorising Employee Vehicles
3.1 Introduction
To make a mileage claim, a claimants vehicle details must be held on the HR & Payroll system and have been confirmed as correct by their line manager. It is not possible for an employee to make a claim against a vehicle until the vehicle details and associated paperwork have been checked and confirmed by their line manager.
3.2 Authorise Employee Vehicles
Authorisers will be notified via email when vehicle details are waiting for them to authorise.
The Vehicle Authorise task will be listed in the Outstanding Tasks list which can be viewed by selecting OK to the message displayed when logging on.
The Outstanding Tasks list can be viewed at any time by selecting the Outstanding Tasks link located within the Your Employees menu. The number of open outstanding tasks is displayed in brackets next to the menu option.
This link will take you to the Outstanding Tasks menu where it is possible to view all of the staff tasks that are assigned to you.
It is also possible to access the vehicle to be authorised from the main Mileage and Expense menu shown in section 1.2. Click the Authorise / Reject Vehicles.
A list of vehicles awaiting authorisation are displayed.
Selecting view will open the Authorise / Reject Vehicle screen as below.
To authorise a vehicle, check the following documents that need to be provided by the employee:
· Valid driving licence
· Car insurance policy (which must include cover for ‘business use’)
· V5C (vehicle registration) document
· MOT certificate or that the vehicle is less than 3 years old
Tick the boxes to indicate the documents have been checked and select Authorise. An automated email will be sent to the employee advising them that the vehicle has been authorised and that they can now make claims.
If the vehicle details entered do not match the V5C (vehicle registration) document, the vehicle should be rejected. To reject a vehicle a rejection comment should be entered and then you should select reject. The employee will be notified with an automated email instructing them to amend the details and re-submit the vehicle authorisation request. The authoriser will be notified by email when changes have been made and are ready for authorisation.
Council Travel and Subsistence policy states that the employee’s Line Manager should check the 3 documents listed above annually.
The system will prompt employees that their vehicle requires re-authorisation and that their car documents need checking annually to make sure they are still valid. The trigger for this is on the anniversary that the car documents were approved. The claimant must also have made a mileage claim in the previous year.
3.3 Authorise / Reject Claims
Authorisers will be notified via email when a claim is waiting for them to authorise. From the main Mileage and Expenses Authorisation menu, shown in Section 1.2, click on Authorise / Reject Claims.
After selecting the Authorise / Reject Claims link the Claims Awaiting Authorisation window will be displayed listing any employee claims awaiting authorisation.
Claims awaiting authorisation can also be accessed from within the Staff Tasks option.
Click on View Claim to open a claim.
The authoriser should validate the information prior to authorisation. Details of what should be included in each field are defined in the Mileage & Expenses Claimant’s Guidance.
An employee’s home to work base mileage is displayed in the Home to Work Base Mileage field and can be used to check the correct Diversionary Mileage deduction has been made.
If the Passenger Count field is greater than 0, details of passengers who accompanied the employee on the journey will be displayed when holding the mouse pointer over this field.
Distances of journeys can be checked on the internet using the AA mileage checker website. Click here to go to this website.
Where a journey is in excess of 200 miles the authoriser can view the 2nd class rail fare associated with the journey by holding the mouse pointer over the Gross Value highlighted field.
The Council’s Travel and Subsistence policy states that for journeys in excess of 200 miles (round trip) an employee can claim the lesser of mileage or the cost of a 2nd Class rail fare (or 2 x 2nd Class rail fares where a passenger has accompanied the claimant on the journey). For journeys in excess of 200 miles, claimants are required to complete a pop-up box requesting the cost a train fare would have been. This allows the authoriser to decide if it is more appropriate to pay the employee the mileage or reject the claim and request the employee claims the rail fare instead. Where a train journey was not feasible (e.g. due to times or inaccessibility of area) an authoriser may decide to authorise mileage in excess of 200 miles.
Where journeys total over 150 miles in one day the employee should have ticked the Over 150 Miles tick box to claim the lowest mileage rate in line with Council policy.
To authorise a claim, click on Authorise.
To reject a claim, enter a reason in the Rejections Comments field on the relevant claim line and also an overall rejection comment in the Overall Rejection Comments field and click on Reject. A claim can only be rejected in its entirety. If you reject any line of a claim, all of the mileage and expenses contained in the claim will be rejected. Once rejected, the employee will receive an automated email informing them that the claim has been returned.
Rejected claims are returned to the employee for them to amend or delete lines where necessary. Once amended, they can only re-submit the claim to the same authoriser who rejected it.
3.4 View All Employee Claims
Any claim that has been submitted by a direct or indirect reportee of a manager, irrespective of the authoriser, can be viewed by selecting View All Employee Claims from the main Mileage and Expenses Authorisation Menu as shown in Section 1.2
3.5 Employee Details
A list of your employees is displayed as below.
Selecting the View Mileage & Expenses Claims link for an employee will display a list of their claims. The information is grouped by the stage the claim is at, as shown below.
Select View under the action heading for any of the claims to see all of the details regarding that claim.
4 Change History
Issue / Owner / Approver / Author / Date / DCR No / Change DetailsRelease / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 09-07-12 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
Update / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 14-11-12 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2013.07 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 01-0713 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2013.11 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 29-11-13 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2014.02 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 21-02-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2014.07 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 28-07-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue.
2014.11 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 17-11-14 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.02 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 25-02-15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.05 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 14.05.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.07 / Alan Rodgers / Shirley Henderson / 29.07.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2015.11 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 25.11.15 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2016.03 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 10-03-16 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2016.09 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 15-09-16 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2017.02 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 23-02-17 / N/A / Approved for Issue
2017.10 / Martyn Stacey / Shirley Henderson / 11-10-17 / N/A / Approved for Issue