PASCH Contest 2017/18

Announcement: “Blickwechsel – Ein Jahr in Deutschland“(“Change ofperspective – ayear in Germany“)

Interested in spending a year with a host family and attending school in Germany? Create a PowerPoint presentation including pictures and texts on the topic: “What is happiness?“. The seven best entries are awarded a partial scholarship for a school year in Germany!

What you can win

The participants responsible for the best seven picture stories will win a partial scholarship for a school year in Germany.

The winners will live in a German host family and attend a German public schoolduring their exchange experience.

What is a partial scholarship?

Should you win the contest, you’ll receive a scholarship paying for half of an exchange year’s cost - meaning you will have to pay a part of the program fee yourself. The prize for a year in Germany is different in every country. Additional details can be obtained from your country’sYouth For Understanding (YFU) organization, which is responsible for the exchange program.

All scholarship holders will be extensively prepared by their national YFU organization. YFU guarantees personal support throughout the exchange year.

The contest’s topic

“What is happiness?“– picture stories with text

All of us are experiencing moments of happiness in our daily lives even though we aren´t always aware of them.

Tell us about your small and big moments of happiness!

Who or what makes you happy?

Is everyone the architect of his/her own fortune?Can one influence one´sown happiness?

Participate in the contest and present us your idea of happiness. Take pictures and annotate

them. Win a year in Germany with your picture story!

How you can participate

  1. Are you a 15-17 year old (born between 1st of April 2000 and 1st of August 2003) attending a PASCH school supervised by the Goethe Institut?
  1. Before winning the scholarship you need to go through a selection process of the YFU-organisation in your home country. Please fill out the application form. YFU will then invite you to an interview.
  1. In addition to that, you need to register online on
  1. Become a member of the student community and join the group: “Blickwechsel-Wettbewerbfür Fit-Schüler 2017/2018”
  1. Take pictures concerning the topic “What is happiness?”. Please use only pictures that you created yourself and don’t copy/paste from the internet! You can also make drawings. Write a short explanation and/or add a speech bubble. Use the pictures, drawings, explanations and speech bubbles to create a PowerPoint presentation (10 slides at most). Feel free to be creative! Each slide should include three sentences in German and one picture minimum.

6. Upload your entry to the community. Then assign it via the link “Medien hinzufügen” (add media) to the group “Blickwechsel-Wettbewerb für Fit-Schüler 2017/2018“. Remember that your contribution can’t be larger than 5 MB and has to be saved as either a PowerPoint presentation or PDF file.

Deadline on PASCH-net is December 6th 2017. The winners will most likely be published by the end of January 2018. Good luck!