World History Final Exam Study Guide

Identifies: You should be able to identify all the following people, places and terms. Identify means that you understand the historical significance, characteristics, and relationship of that person, place or term. Make sure your understanding is complete and detailed. The more you know the better off you will be for the final exam.

Open Response Questions You should be prepared to write well developed responses about the following topics. Your answers should indicate that you understand the historical significance of your topic and should include multiple, specific supporting historical facts from both the sources provided and your knowledge of history – including the relevant people, places and terms associated with the event. Your responses will be assessed according to the following rubric:

Score / Rubric
4 / Response provides exemplary evidence of the ability to cite multiple pieces of evidence from documents to support claims AND provides substantial accurate outside historical knowledge.
3 / Response provides sufficient evidence of the ability to cite multiple pieces of evidence from documents to support claims AND provides sufficient accurate outside historical knowledge.
2 / Response provides limited evidence of the ability to cite multiple pieces of evidence from documents OR sufficient evidence of the ability to cite one piece of evidence to support claims from documents AND provides some accurate outside historical knowledge.
1 / Response provides limited evidence of the ability to cite at least one piece of evidence from documents to support claims AND provides only limited accurate outside historical knowledge.
0 / Response provides no evidence of the ability to cite evidence from documents to support claims AND/OR provides little or no accurate outside historical knowledge.

World War I


  1. System of Alliances
  2. Russian problems on Eastern front
  3. Causes of Russian Revolution, 1917
  4. WWI on home front
  5. Allied view of Wilson’s 14 Points
  6. Weaknesses of Treaty of Versailles
  7. Legacy of Treaty of Versailles
  8. Reasons for Russian Revolution
  9. Russian withdrawal from war
  10. Totalitarian state

Open Response Topics:

1.  “M.A.I.N.” causes of World War I

2.  Problems with Treaty of Versailles and how they contributed to World War II

Between the Wars (1920’s -1930’s)


  1. Chinese Civil War
  2. Compare Attaturk and Pahlavi
  3. Literature trends in 1920s
  4. “Spirit of Locarno”
  5. Spread of democracy after WWI
  6. Conditions breeding totalitarianism

Open Response Topics:

  1. Causes and effects of the Great Depression in the United States and Europe.
  2. Examples of totalitarian states and their common characteristics.

World War II


  1. Similarities between Communists, Fascists and Nazis
  2. Differences between Fascism and Communism
  3. “Aryans”
  4. Differences between Japan and Axis partners Italy and Germany
  5. Spanish Civil War
  6. Munich conference
  7. blitzkrieg
  8. Atlantic Charter
  9. Battle of Midway
  10. El Alamein, Stalingrad, D-Day invasion
  11. D-Day Invasion
  12. Atomic bomb justification

Open Response Topics:

  1. The Axis acts of aggression leading to World War II
  2. Identify how one of the following was a turning point: Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor.

Cold War & Contemporary World


  1. European Union
  2. Problems caused by communism in the Soviet Union
  3. Domino theory
  4. Impact of technology on 20th century economy
  5. September 11th, World Trade Center Attack
  6. Impact of technology on 21st century

Open Response Topics:

  1. Innovations in science and technology
  2. Role of arms race in the Cold War
  3. Cause, course, & consequences of Arab-Israeli Conflict.