Example Risk Assessment – Slips
Title and description of project or activity / This risk assessment is part of the Slips, trips and falls generic risk assessment guidance designed to inform your own local risk assessment.
Responsible Person / Manager
School / University All
Date of assessment / March 2012
Location of work
(Buildings and room numbers) / Newcastle University premises and off site visits
Hazard 1 /
Spills and splashes of liquids and solids
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / All schools should ensure that all staff are aware that they are responsible for taking action to ensure that spills are cleaned up immediately. This may mean cleaning the spill themselves or knowing how to report the spill to the cleaning staff.
If liquid is greasy ensure a suitable cleaning product is used.
Ensure that materials are available to clean up a spill or splash.
Ensure signs are used to tell people the floor is wet and use appropriate bypass routes.
Ensure any machinery which could leak water or another substance is well maintained and visual inspections are carried out.
Staff should be mindful of fridges and freezers defrosting or dripping and to clean this up.
Discarded leaflets from promotional campaigns should be cleaned up by the event organiser.
Staff accessing bin areas should take care as substances may have leaked or there may be debris on the floor.
Additional controls will be needed where wet processes take place such as washing up areas. Controls may include mats, floor drainage, minimising spills and extra cleaning/mopping.
Supervisory staff should proactively look for food and drinks spills and debris in both kitchen areas and where food/drinks are served/consumed. The sorts of thing that have caused slips in the past are spilt beer, butter wrappers, cooking oil, tomato from a sandwich, waste food, cucumber on the floor).
Where areas are used by multiple people then everyone needs to be aware of the possibility of a spill or item on the floor. For example there may be washing up liquid or debris on the floor of a student kitchen.
In extreme cases there may be floods. Staff involved in such clean ups will have access to local risk assessments and procedures.
Hazard 2 /
Wet floors (following cleaning)
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / Cleaning staff are trained in cleaning to BICS/NVQ standard.
Planned cleaning takes place out of hours and/or avoid periods of high traffic on pedestrian circulation routes such as the start of the day and lunch time.
Leave warning signs out in prominent locations where floors could still be wet after cleaning.
Staff who may need to clean periodically should have a basic understanding of cleaning techniques so they do not slip themselves or leave a wet floor for other people.
Hazard 3 /
Unsuitable footwear
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students and visitors
· Higher risk for workers in specific areas (kitchens, maintenance work)
Control Measures / Some workers (e.g. catering) will be required to use the correct type of footwear, particularly with the correct type of sole. This footwear should be fit for the task, maintained and renewed. This should be identified in the local risk assessment.
There should also be controlled access to areas that have a greater likelihood of slips.
The local risk assessments and policies for areas such as labs and workshops will have controls relating to all users wearing certain sorts of footwear.
Hazard 4 /
Loose mats on polished floors
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / Any school wishing to have mats or an absorbent surface on polished floors should speak to ESS.
Hazard 5 /
Inclement weather conditions (Rain, sleet , ice and snow)
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / ESS and their design partners consider rain water entering the building when designing new builds and refurbishments such as canopies over entrances.
A prioritised gritting programme is undertaken by ESS Grounds on the main campus during inclement weather. This is based on the main pedestrian routes, numbers of people using a route and emergency exit routes.
Whilst it may not be reasonably practicable to grit all areas due to extreme weather conditions, any concerns about areas which appear to be untreated or inadequately treated should be raised with ESS.
Some schools and sites also undertake gritting of entrances and paths. This should be documented locally.
Off site visits may need to take place in inclement weather. Any treatment of surfaces will be outside the control of the University so staff are asked to be extra vigilant. Anyone undertaking off site visits should stick to main routes and not take short cuts. They should also be vigilant when exiting vehicles.
Hazard 6 /
Leaves & Moss
/ Implemented / DateRisks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / ESS Grounds are responsible for leaf and moss clearance.
Some services/schools also clear leaves. These arrangements should be documented locally.
Anyone having concerns about a build up of leaves or moss between should use the ESS defects procedure (ring 7171).
Hazard 7 /
Change from wet surface to a dry one.
/ Implemented / DateRisks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / Doormats and absorbent matting is located where change is likely in areas like building entrances.
If there are any problems with water trailing beyond the absorbent surface please speak to ESS.
Hazard 8 /
Unsuitable floor surface/ covering
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / ESS work with schools, designers and contractors to specify suitable flooring.
Temporary ramps etc. should be to the standard specification.
Anyone having concerns about the suitability of a floor surface should use the ESS defects procedure (ring 7171).
Hazard 8 /
Sloping Surfaces & Stairs
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / ESS ensure that sloping surfaces and stairs are adequately marked. This may include hand rails, floor markings and nosings.
Staff and students are asked to be extra vigilant when undertaking fieldwork and outdoor working. Local risk assessments should take account of any site specific sloping surfaces.
Hazard 10 /
Slippery surfaces
/ Implemented / Date / N/ARisks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / The slip resistance of all surfaces on University premises are assessed by ESS when the surface is specified.
Surfaces are maintained by ESS (or locally in AHS and some other areas).
If there are any concerns about slippery surfaces on University premises please contact ESS on 7171 who will assess the cause and action accordingly.
Some surfaces which are designed to be stood on will be naturally wet such as showers and baths in residential bathrooms and at the various sports facilities. Users are asked to take extra care when using these facilities.
Staff and students are asked to be extra vigilant when undertaking fieldwork and outdoor working. Local risk assessments should take account of any site specific slippery surfaces such as seaweed, slippery rocks, wet grass, wet decks on ferries etc.
Hazard 11 /
Smoke/steam/ obstructed view
/ Implemented / Date / N/ARisks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / There are working environments in the University where there is smoke and steam generated. Local risk assessments should cover directing the smoke/steam away from pedestrian routes, ventilation.
Care should be taken when moving and handling that the view is not obstructed.
Hazard 12 /
Uneven flooring
/ Implemented / Date / N/ARisks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / ESS look at all external surfaces as part of the planned preventative maintenance programme. There are action levels relating to work on uneven surfaces.
Staff should be encouraged to use designated pedestrian routes. The ability to take shortcuts (e.g. a gap in a fence leading people to not use the normal pedestrian route or across decorative cobbles ) should also be looked at.
Hazard 13 /
Lack of self awareness from groups at risk of slipping
/ Implemented / DateMarch 2012
Risks / · Slip causing injury
· People at risk are staff, students, visitors
Control Measures / Slips can happen to anyone. This is supported is accident statistics which show that slips happen across the University for a variety of reasons. Everyone reading this risk assessment should be vigilant about their own safety. Signs will be displayed where there are slip risks. Everyone should also be aware of some factors which have caused or contributed to slips in the past:
Talking to friends and colleagues.
Not watching what they are doing or being distracted.
Wearing footwear such as flip flops and slippers.
Alcohol consumption and horseplay.
Rushing or being tired.
Name / Signature / Date
USO / March 2012
Responsible Person / Manager
Name / Signature / Date
Please remember to report all Slip, Trip and Fall near misses and accidents to the University Safety Office using the accident report form.
STF – Generic Risk Assessment Slips v1 Page 1 of 5