95th Little International

BBQ Contest

TEAM NAME: ______

CHIEF COOK: ______

PHONE #: ______

ADDRESS: ______



  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______
  1. ______

I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations covering

this contest and have informed all team members of the official rules.

CHIEF COOK:______DATE: ______

Mail completed forms and $20.00 non-refundable entry fee to:

Leah Bunkers

716 4th St

Brookings, SD 57006

Please make all checks payable to SDSU Little International

BBQ Contest Rules on following pages


  1. Each team will have a head cook, and the head cook can have up to 4 assistants.
  2. Each team will provide their own cooker to be use by their team only, during the competition.
  3. Each team will provide their own cooking utensils and seasonings.
  4. All seasoning and cooking of the meat should be done within the team’s assigned cooking area. Each team will be assigned a space to cook in.
  5. No cooking will start before 7:00am, with check in beginning at 6:30am
  6. All teams must respect the other teams. Causing disruption to another team may result in disqualification
  7. No consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed. However, alcohol is allowed to be used in cooking.

Time Line

  1. Pick up meat in Animal Science lobby at the time of registration. 2 pork loins will be provided per team.
  2. Mandatory Head Cooks Meating at 6:45am Saturday morning.
  3. Start turning in meat samples at your designated time you signed up for, with judging going from 12:30pm to 3:00pm.
  4. People’s Choice tasting (Arena) will be from 1:00pm-2:30pm (or until samples run out)
  5. Awards presentation (Arena) will be held at the time of the auctioneering contest. This will be at approximately 5:55pm.

Set Up

  1. Each team will be assigned a cooking space equal to the size of one parking space.
  2. The location of cooking is TBD.
  3. There will be an area for contestant parking away from the contest area if needed.
  4. Generators are Allowed. No electricity will be provided.

Judging Overview

  1. Blind judging containers will be handed out at the mandatory Head Cooks Meeting.
  2. The team must provide seasoning, cooker, cooking utensils, cutting utensils, and anything else needed other than the meat. Sampling and judging utensils will be provided (tooth picks, napkins, plates, forks, eating knives, etc).
  3. Anything placed in the judging container that identifies you team will cause your entry not to be scored.
  4. All entries must be delivered to the judging location (a sign will indicate where, and will also be instructed where during meeting) at designated time signed up for when meat is picked up. If late, meat will not be scored.

Judging Criteria

  1. Entries will be judged by a panel of 3 judges
  2. Entries will be judged based on Appearance, Texture, Tenderness, and Taste. The scoring scale is 1 (Bad) to 100 (Excellent).
  3. No toothpicks, skewers, etc. are permitted in the judging containters. Any entries not complying with this rule will receive a 50 point deduction in all judging categories.
  4. No extra garnishments allowed (lettuce, parsley, etc.). Sauces will be allowed, but there must be no pooling of sauces in the judging container. No sauce containers will be allowed in the judging container.

Contest Prizes

1st - $100

2nd - $75

3rd - $50

People’s Choice - $50 Gift card

Registration and Entry Fees

  1. There will be a $20 entry fee per team. You may pay with cash or check. Entry fees will be non-refundable.
  2. The registration form and fee must be turned in or postmarked by March 13th.
  3. The registration form may be found at sdsulittleinternational.com and SDSU Little International on Facebook.