Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan

2015 – 2017

Vice-Chancellor’s Leadership Statement

It is with pleasure I present to you the Curtin Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Management Plan 2015– 2017.

This is the seventh EEO Management Plan to be implemented at Curtin. Over the years, the Curtin community has worked hard to achieve an inclusive organisational culture through the creation of flexible working conditions and the removal of barriers that prevent staff from reaching their full potential.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan 2015-2017 is designed to enable the University to build on and improve its performance in supporting a diverse and broadly representative workforce. The Plan has been developed in accordance with Part IX of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 and is aligned with the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity’s outcome standards framework:

Outcome 1: The organisation values EEO/diversity and the work environment is free from racial and sexual harassment.

Outcome 2: Workplaces are free from employment practices that are biased or discriminate unlawfully against employees or potential employees.

Outcome 3: Employment programs and practices recognise and include strategies for EEO groups to achieve workforce diversity.

Outcome 4:Maintaina relevant and achievable EEO Management Plan through Communication, Review and Amendment and Evaluation.

The EEO Management Plan provides a foundation for our goal of supporting a working environment that values diversity and promotes equity and inclusion. An inclusive workplaceprovides a quality working environment for staff and gives Curtin the competitive edge in the employment market.The strategies in this EEO Management Plan are aligned with the University’s Strategic Plan and are designed to ensure that we deliver onourDiversity and Equity KPIs.

I look forward to ongoing commitment and involvement from all staff in implementing this EEO Management Plan.

Professor DeborahTerry


Curtin University

Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan 2015-2017


The Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan is a mechanism for progressing the Curtin Strategic Plan and the People and Culture Plan

Strategic Directions

The Curtin Strategic Plan 2013-2017identifies four key strategies through which it will achieve its vision:People and Culture, Research, Teaching and Learning, and Engagement and Impact. The Plan signals the need for a work environment where quality staff can excel. In terms of People and Culturethe Plan states that Curtin will:

  • Evolve as an agile, responsive and versatile organisation, committed to leadership, innovation and excellence
  • Excel through dynamic staff with shared values and a common purpose
  • Engage students and staff as partners in a flexible, inspiring and technologically advanced environment.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan 2015-2017 supports these goals.


The four objectives of theEqual Employment Opportunity Management Plan 2015-2017are as follows:

1Curtin values EEO and Diversity and the work environment is free from racial and sexual harassment;

2Curtin is free from employment practices that are biased or discriminate unlawfully against employees or potential employees;

3Employment programs and practices at Curtin recognise and include strategies for EEO groups to achieve workforce diversity;

4Curtin maintains a relevant and achievable EEO Management Plan through Communication, Review and Amendment and Evaluation.

Achievements of the previous EEO Management Plan / Additional information

In 2015, Curtin is performing at orabove our Diversity and Equity KPIs and Second Tier Measuresfor:

  • Professional and General Staff Percentage of Women in Management
  • Professional and General Staff Percentage of Women at HEW 10 and 10+

Curtin is performing below our Diversity and Equity KPIs and Second Tier Measuresfor:

  • Academic Staff Percentage of Women in Management
  • Academic Staff Percentage of Women at LE
  • Academic Staff Percentage of Indigenous Australians
  • Professional and General Staff Percentage of Indigenous Australians
  • Academic Staff Percentage of People with Disabilities
  • Professional and General Staff Percentage of People with Disabilities

These areas are targeted in the Curtin University Equal Employment Opportunity Management Plan and associated strategies 2015-2017.

% Representation-Academic Staff

Diversity Group / 2011
(%) / 2012
(%) / 2013
(%) / 2014
(%) / 2015
Women in Senior Executive Service (LE) / 20.8 / 20.2 / 20.6 / 19.5 / 17.6
Women in Management Tiers 1 to 4 / 41.0 / 34.0 / 40.0 / 41.7 / 33.9
Indigenous Australians / 1.3 / 1.7 / 1.1 / 1.3 / 1.3
People with Disabilities / 1.7 / 2.3 / 1.6 / 1.5 / 1.2
People from CALD / 26.6 / 34.2 / 28.8 / 32.9 / 31.1
Youth / 9.4 / 5.5 / 5.7 / 6.6 / 5.5

% Representation-HEW Staff

Diversity Group / 2011
(%) / 2012
(%) / 2013
(%) / 2014
(%) / 2015
Women in Senior Executive Service (HEW10+) / 33.0 / 36.2 / 41.5 / 41.1 / 41.8
Women in Management Tiers 1 to 4 / 60.0 / 50.0 / 54.0 / 45.5 / 49.4
Indigenous Australians / 1.3 / 1.1 / 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.1
People with Disabilities / 1.8 / 1.5 / 1.3 / 1.8 / 1.8
People from CALD / 23.9 / 25.0 / 25.6 / 28.1 / 25.3
Youth / 20.5 / 12.2 / 15.0 / 22.2 / 20.7

•It should be noted that data for ATSI, CALD and PWD is drawn from staff input into the EEO Information page in the Employee Kiosk EEO Information. Percentage calculations shown are those calculated by the EEO Survey by dividing the total number of higher education workers in the diversity group by the total number of employees who have returned diversity questionnaires, across all employment types (Academic Staff 85% and Professional and General Staff 88%).

2015-2017 Workforce Profile and Targets

The Curtin University Strategic Plan 2013-2017 includes Diversity and Equity KPIs and Second Tier Measures designed to focus the University’s effort in enhancing the employment of Diversity Groups currently under-represented in the University workforce. The challenge is to achieve a sufficiently large increase in numbers of staff from these Diversity Groups to achieve a rate of change that will result in increasing representation of these Groups.

% Representation-Academic Staff

Diversity Group / 2015
(%) / 2015
(%) / 2016
(%) / 2017
Women in Senior Executive Service (LE) / 17.6 / 25.0 / 27.5 / 29.0
Women in Management Tiers 1 to 4 / 33.9 / 47.0 / 48.0 / 49.0
Indigenous Australians / 1.3 / 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.4
People with Disabilities / 1.2 / 2.2 / 2.4 / 2.6

% Representation-HEW Staff

Diversity Group / 2015
(%) / 2015
(%) / 2016
(%) / 2017
Women in Senior Executive Service (HEW10+) / 41.8 / 42.0 / 44.0 / 46.0
Women in Management Tiers 1 to 4 / 49.4 / 47.0 / 48.0 / 49.0
Indigenous Australians / 1.1 / 2.0 / 2.2 / 2.4
People with Disabilities / 1.8 / 2.2 / 2.4 / 2.6


Curtin values EEO and Diversity and the work environment is free from racial and sexual harassment.

1.1 Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity principles are incorporated into the University Values and Signature Behaviours and workforce planning processes. / EmbedValuing Diversity and promoting Equity and Inclusion in the People and Culture Plan / 30/12/15 / COO / EEO and Diversity initiatives and targets are included in the People and Culture Plan.
1.2 Curtin’s commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity principles, and the rights an responsibilities of staff and managers, are clearly articulated in Policy / Review and update Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Policies. / 30/12/15 / DCV&E / Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Policies are updated in line with Policy Framework requirements.
1.3 Managers and staff are aware of their EEO responsibilities. / Maintain SOL EO Online and SOL EO Lite training for all staff.
Promote and monitor SOL EO Online or SOL EO Lite completion by all staff
Continue to include EEO and Diversity responsibilities in line management, leadership and academic training. / Ongoing
Ongoing / DCV&E
Executive Managers. HOS/As
DCV&E, DODU, DCTL / All staff complete SOL EO Online or SOL EO Lite
EEO and Diversity responsibilities are included in line management, leadership and academic training.
At least 80% of staff indicate they do not experience discrimination or harassment in the Your Voice Staff Survey.
Complaints management statistics indicate staff do not experience discrimination or harassment.
1.4 The performance management criteria for managers include attracting and retaining a diverse workforce and promoting an inclusive work culture. / Maintain Diversity and Equity KPIs in EPMS
Include Diversity and Equity KPIs in management WPPRs. / Ongoing
31/12/2016 / VC and Executive
Managers / EPMS and WPPRs for HOS/Directors include KPIs in relation to EEO and Diversity.
1.5 An Equity and Diversity Committee oversees responsibility and achievement of the Plan’s initiatives. / Monitorimplementation of the EEO Management Plan and report to Council / Annually / DCV&EPMC / Plan implementation is evaluated by P&MC and updates provided to Council.


Curtin is free from employment practices that are biased or discriminate unlawfully against employees or potential employees.

2.1 Recruitment and selection practices provide equal opportunity and flexibility for all employees and potential employees. / Maintain EEO/Diversity mechanisms inR&S Policy, Procedures and Guidelines
Update Affirmative Action Search requirements for women at positions at ALE and HEW10 and above and Management Tiers 1-4.
Update Affirmative Action Search requirements for ATSI staff for all positions
Update Affirmative Action Search requirements for ATSI staff for all positions / Ongoing
30/06/2016 / DP&C and DCV&E
DP&C and DCV&E
DP&C and DCV&E
DP&C and DCV&E / R&S policies comply with EO requirements.
R&S statistics do not indicate barriers to employment of people from Diversity groups.
Complaints management statistics indicate staff do not experience discrimination or harassment in relation to R&S
2.2 Training in bias free methods is provided to selection panel members. / Maintain existing mandatory training for panel Chairs and members which covers EEO/Diversity requirements. / Ongoing / DP&C / All panel members and Chairs complete training.
R&S statistics do not indicate barriers to employment of people from Diversity groups.
2.3 Induction programs incorporate EEO and diversity principles, including awareness of the EEO Management Plan. / Reference EEO and Valuing Diversity in mandatory Corporate Induction program.
Reference EEO and Valuing Diversity in Online Induction materials
Include EEO and Valuing Diversity segment in Sessional Staff Induction
Include requirement for managers to provide information in relation to policies, mandatory training (including SOL EO Online), and compliance responsibilities in Induction Guidelines
Cover EEO rights and responsibilities in Local Area Induction / Ongoing
Ongoing / DODU
All managers / Corporate, Sessional Staff Induction programs and Local Area Inductions include relevant material.
All staff complete induction.
2.4 Retention and career development practices provide equal opportunity and flexibility for all employees. / Promotedevelopmental opportunities to all staff.
Develop and implement a Women in Leadership Program
Develop and implement a Women in Research Network
Promote developmental opportunities for women through Curtin Women In Leadership e-list.
Publicise flexible work practices to all staff and managers including part-time employment in senior classifications and management positions.
Include career development and flexible work options discussions in WPPR process / Ongoing
31/06/16 / DODU
DP&C / Workforce data indicate equitable representation of people from Diversity groups in uptake of T&D.
Complaints management statistics indicate staff do not experience discrimination or harassment in relation to T&D.
Workforce data indicate equitable representation of people from Diversity groups in uptake of flexible work practices.
Complaints management statistics indicate staff do not experience discrimination or harassment in relation to flexible work practices
All staff participate in WPPRs.
2.5 EEO and cross cultural awareness training is provided to all staff. / Maintain mandatory SOL EO Online training for all staff.
Develop and implement the Indigenous Cultural Competency Framework
Develop and implement a cross cultural training strategy. / Ongoing
31/12/15 / DCV&E
DCV&E / All staff complete mandatory EO Online Training.
All staff complete WOW training by 31/12/17
Staff attend cross cultural awareness training.
2.6 Human resource management policies, procedures and job descriptions are reviewed for both direct and indirect bias and potential barriers. / Continue to review HR Policy to ensure that discrimination and barriers to EEO are avoided.
Review Job Classification system for systemic bias.
Undertake biennial Gender Pay Equity Audit and address any issues identified. / Ongoing
31/12/15 / DP&C and DCV&E
DP&C and DCV&E
DCV&E / HR policy review completed.
Job Classification system reviewed.
Gender Pay Equity Audit completed.
2.7 There is an effective Complaint Resolution Process where people feel able to raise concerns and issues. / Maintain and update existing Complaint management mechanism and promote to all staff.
Provide complaint mechanisminformation via the ISU and in EESJ brochures, website and presentations / Ongoing / DISU
DISU and DCV&E / Existing Complaint Management mechanism is maintained and promoted to all staff.
2.8 Employee terminations are monitored through exit interviews and outcomes are evaluated to determine emerging patterns. / Evaluate Your Voice Staff Survey data to determine patterns and address these in HR planning.
Develop an exit interview process and mechanism to monitor data to determine patterns and address these in HR planning. / Annually (December)
31/12/5 / DCV&E, DP&C and DODU
DP&C / Your Voice Staff Survey data and exit interview results reviewed and any issues addressed in HR planning/policy/training.

Objective 3

Employment programs and practices at Curtin recognise and include strategies for EEO groups to achieve workforce diversity.

3.1 Demographic data is systematically collected to monitor and report on the progress of all diversity groups. / Review demographic data and benchmark data at state and national levels and report to PMC and Council.
Evaluate Your Voice Staff Satisfaction data to determine patters and address these in HR planning. / Annually / DCV&E
DCV&E / Data reviewed as part of EOWA/OEEO reporting, issues addressed in HR planning/policy/training, and reports provided to P&MC and Council.
3.2 Workforce planning incorporates appropriate strategies to attract and retain employees from diversity groups. / Implement and review the RAP, DAIP, IAES, AWS; Procedures for the Employment of Indigenous People, and Diversity in the Workplace Procedures. / Ongoing / VC, Executive Mangers, HOS/A, DCV&E and DP&C / Increase in representation of people from Diversity Groups employed at Curtin.
3.3 Diversity objectives are identified to define the workforce profile suited to the agency’s business needs. / Set employment targets for Diversity Groups in the context of the University Values, Strategic Plan, People and Culture Plan, RAP, DAIP, IAES, AWS, demographic data, benchmarking data, Your Voice Staff Satisfaction data and exit interview results. / Annually / VC , Executive / Diversity and Equity KPI and Second Tier Measures targets for Diversity Groups are set and embedded in University Plans and the EMPS.
3.4 Advertising methods are enhanced to attract diverse applicants. / Promote Curtin as an employer which values diversity and promotes equity and inclusion.
Diversity statement included in all advertising
Advertise in media that target diversity groups. / 31/12/15
Ongoing / DP&C
DP&C / Curtin is identified as an employer which values diversity and promotes equity and inclusion.
Media that target diversity groups is used for advertising.
3.5 Strategies are developed and implemented to attract, retain and provide career development opportunities for the diversity groups:
  • Women in Management
/ Review the AWS and implement updated strategy.
Develop and implement a Women in Leadership Program
Develop and Implement a Women in Research Network / 31/07/15 and ongoing
31/12/15 / VC, Executive Managers, HOS/A and as per AWS
DVC R / Diversity and Equity KPI and Second Tier Measures targets are met.
Curtin obtains Employer of Choice for Gender Equity Citation
Curtin meets NHMRC requirements
  • Indigenous Australians
/ Continue implementation of the RAP
Review the IAES and implement an updated strategy. / As per the RAP
DP&C, DCV&E / VC, Executive Managers, HOS/A and as per RAP and IAES / Diversity and Equity KPI and Second Tier Measures targets are met.
  • People with Disabilities
/ Continue implementation of the DAIP. / As per theDAIP / VC, Executive Managers, HOS/A and as per DAIP / Diversity and Equity KPI and Second Tier Measures targets are met.
  • People from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds
/ Develop the Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.
Promote and celebrate significant cultural events. / 31/12/15
Ongoing / DCV&E
DCV&E and DM / Diversity and Equity KPI and Second Tier Measures targets are met.
Significant cultural events are acknowledged.
  • Youth
/ Continue to participate in Traineeship and Apprenticeship Programs. / Ongoing / VC, Executive Managers, HOS/A
DP&C / Participation in Traineeship and Apprenticeship Programs.


Curtin maintains a relevant and achievable EEO Management Plan through Communication, Review and Amendment and Evaluation

4.1 The EEO Management Plan and its policies and programs are communicated to all staff. / Communicate the EEO Management Plan 2015-2017 and the EO Policy and Diversity Policy to all staff through Staff Induction, Supervisory/Management training, EO Online training, website, email, University planning and review process, EPMS and WPPR. / 31/12/15 / VC, Executive Managers, HOS/A, DCV&E / EEO Management Plan 2015-2017 is implemented on schedule.
4.2 Equity and Diversity achievements are promoted and celebrated. / Promote/celebrate equity and diversity achievements throughout the University. / Ongoing / DCV&E and DM / Significant Equity and Diversity achievements are acknowledged.
4.3 The Plan is monitored, reviewed and amended to ensure strategies remain relevant to the operations of the University. / Monitor, review and amend the EEOMP to ensure strategies and actions remain relevant to Curtin. / Annually / DCV&E / Relevant EEO Management Plan and related strategies are in place and are updated where required.
4.4 The Plan and its policies and programs are evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the Plan. / Evaluate and report on progress of the EEOMP and its policies and programs to P&MC and Council. / Annually as per P&MC and Council schedules / DCV&E / Progress reports are provided to P&MC and Council.


ATSIAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

AWSAdvancing Women Strategy

CALDCulturally and Linguistically Diverse