Hollister Heat Board of Directors

Monthly Meeting Minutes

date: Tuesday, june 12, 2012

location: YMCA, 351 Tres Pinos Road, Suite A-201, Hollister, CA 95023

I. Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Hollister Heat Board of Directors was held at the YMCA located at 351 Tres Pinos Road, Hollister, CA. The meeting was called to order at 7:08pm on June 12, 2012 with George Ramirez, President, presiding, and Jennifer Bagley, secretary.

Members Present: Lupe Leija, Jennifer Bagley, Shaun Zink, Becky Mattos, Ruben Gaitan, M.J. Miguelgorry, George Ramirez.

Members Absent: Dave Super, Brittany Homen, Kaycee Day, Anthony Hazen, Keith Woeste, Bill Baer.

Guests Present: Richard Herrera

II.  Membership Address


III.  Approval of February Meeting Minutes

Moved by M.J. Miguelgorry that the Hollister Heat approve minutes from the regular meeting of the Hollister Heat on May 8, 2012, Becky Mattos seconded, motion carried.

IV.  Travel Ball Update – Kaycee Day

Kaycee Day was absent. No travel ball managers came to the board meeting as is required of them.

Ruben Gaitan reported for the 10u team. The Generation they are now playing against is younger which has evened the playing field for this years 10u team. The 10u team already has more wins than they did in the entirety of last years season. They are playing a 50/50 mix of B & C teams at the tournament.

The team still needs their second jersey.

Becky Mattos reported that the 14u team hasn’t gotten jerseys yet either. The ‘14u-Young’ team is playing their first tournament this weekend, the Bagsby Classic. The ‘14u-Younger’ team is playing their first tournament and the end of the month.

George Ramirez brought up the fact that we have not yet formally approved assistant coaches at the 8u level. Richard Herrera reported that the 8u team came in 2nd overall at their last tournament.

George Ramirez brought up a concern that a 6 year old was playing on the 8u travel team. There is no ASA ruling if this is permissible, though he is still looking into it. He suggested that we implement a policy setting a minimum age limit on the travel teams next year.

V.  Summer Rec – Lupe Leija

Lupe Leija reported that we have 3 teams and 45 registered players. There are 15 players per team, as decided upon by the Summer Rec coaches. Uniforms for all teams will be distributed Thursday evening. We have had no more inquiries from potential players since the 45th child registered. Games start Tuesday, June 19th at 5pm. Fields need to be prepped for the games. Travel Teams who practice on the Heat fields on Monday and Wednesday need to prep the fields. Currently it is the ’14u-Younger’ team, Ruben Gaitan will show them what to do.

During the Summer Rec season, each team will rotate double headers. Games will be played according to AAA rules. Max Sparrer and Curtis Armstrong will be our Umpires.

M.J. Miguelgorry brought up an issue that Scott Flaherty inquired about coaching, but insists he got no response. Dave is in charge of coaches. Lupe said she believes Dave tried to get in touch with him but didn’t know for sure. Scott planned on bringing a few players with him.

VI.  Approval of Summer Rec Coaches – Dave Super

This section was tabled pending response from Roy Iler about who his Summer Rec assistant coaches were. We returned to it after Item VIII.

Jennifer Bagley – Tony Lewis, Cassandra Lewis, Shaun Zink, M.J. Miguelgorry.

Richard Herrera – Randy Changco, Octavio Barocio, Tracy Mora.

Moved by Becky Mattos that the Hollister Heat approve the proposed coaches for Jennifer Bagley and Richard Herrera’s teams, Ruben Gaitan seconded, motion carried.

Roy Iler – Ray Bravo, James Hagan, Ryan Jones.

Jennifer Bagley reiterated her concerns with Roy Iler and Ray Bravo, but demurred due to the fact that they had already been tacitly approved for coaching.

Moved by Ruben Gaitan that the Hollister Heat approve the proposed coaches for Roy Iler’s team, Lupe Leija seconded, motion carried.

VII.  Financial Report – Shaun Zink

Shaun Zink went over the financial report statement. Lupe Leija reported that Summer Recreation still has a few outstanding payments, 5 girls totaling about $290. Volunteer Refunds came in under budget. Coach Certifications came in on budget. The Heat is positive $14,760 over the year. The checking account balance was $70,090.28 at the end of May. The Snack Bar was positive approximately $4,000 in the Spring season. Financial reports will be presented in a new format which is produced by QuickBooks.

VIII.  Missing Funds – George Ramirez

George Ramirez reported that he had been in communication with the District Attorney for the past 4 or 5 days. As of Friday, June 8, 2012, criminal charges had been pressed against Michelle Diaz. George will send out a prepared message to the Heat families. This statement will not specifically name Michelle in order to avoid possible retaliatory defamation charges. George Ramirez expects there will be backlash from the Heat families for holding on to this information for so long, but did not want to influence public opinion, particularly prior to charges being filed. Shaun Zink inquired if George Ramirez or the DA expected there to be a plea deal, but George Ramirez cited that there were too many variables to predict. Final outcome will depend on the DA.

IX.  Open Agenda

Lupe Leija – Nothing.

Ruben Gaitan – Nothing.

M.J. Miguelgorry – Summer Pics will be scheduled for June 25 or 26. Closing Ceremonies will be July 19th. There will be Trophies for 1st and 2nd place and medals for 3rd. The Sponsor plaques from Spring Rec are in.

Becky Mattos – Nothing.

Shaun Zink – Reported that the service we use for our website now has the option of a Web Store. Apparel could be purchased through the website, which would not leave us stuck with un-purchased apparel at the Snack Bar. Our share of sales would be 10%. Perhaps we could consider maintaining the Snack Bar stock of hooded sweatshirts (which sell well) and leave the rest for the website. He only brought the topic up for consideration, a vote can be taken at a later date.

Jennifer Bagley – Inquired about doing the Horse and Saddle Show parade on June 21, 2012, but she was swiftly reminded that was a Thursday and Summer Rec has games.

George Ramirez – returned us to Agenda Item VI, having received the names ofRoy Iler’s assistant coaches. He then brought up the criminal activities that were occurring at Veteran’s Memorial park. The Hollister Police Department is dealing with the problems. If you witness anything, please contact the PD at 636-4331.

George reiterated that ALL coaches at ALL levels must be ACE certified. This includes Summer Travel team coaches. Jennifer Bagley asked if this applied to Team Parents and was informed that it does, anyone who wishes to assistant in practice or games and is in the dugout during games needs to be 18 years or older, have ACE certification, and Board approval.

George noted the low attendance at the board meeting and asked that if members know they will not be attending to please let him know in advance. Emergencies happen but if people know in advance they should let us know.

X.  Adjournment

Moved by Ruben Gaitan that the June 12, 2012 meeting of the Hollister Heat Board of Directors should be adjourned, Becky Mattos seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

Next Meeting: See Note Time: See Note

Location: YMCA-351 Tres Pinos Road, Suite A-201, Hollister, CA 95023

Post meeting notes – Next meeting will now be held July 9, 2012 at 7:30pm so as not to interfere or take precedence over summer recreation games.

thank you to M.J. Miguelgorry and Becky mattos for providing cupcakes in honor of Jennifer bagley and Shaun Zink’s 12th anniversary.