Murray State University Outstanding Research Award

Selection Guidelines for the A.J. Bauernfeind College of Business (AJB-COB) Award Recipient

The Murray State University Outstanding Research Award is sponsored by the MSU Research Policy Committee. The award is presented to a faculty member in each college and school (including University Libraries) recognizing outstanding research, scholarly or creative activity during the previous calendar year. (Thus, the award presented in April, 2017 would be for research outcomes in calendar year2016). The Outstanding Research Awards provide faculty members recognition for research in like manner as the Regents Teaching Awards provide recognition for teaching.

The award recipientfor the A.J. Bauernfeind COB will be selected by the A.J. Bauernfeind COBResearch Award Committee.The committee consists of a representative from each department and a chair, who is the AJB-COB’s representative on the MSU Research Policy Committee. The award recipient will be honored during a University-wide Scholars’ Week event, be recognized in the program of the Faculty Recognition Banquet, and will be presented a plaque in honor of this achievement.

Bauernfeind COB Faculty members who wish to be considered for the award must prepare a nomination form, with specified attachments, by March 1. The nomination form lists the award criteria, which essentially are research outcomes such as journal articles (published or forthcoming) or other scholarly activities from the prior calendar year. The nomination form is available online from the RPC website (

The COB research award committee will make its selection and notify the award recipient by March 15. The award committee will forward the recipient’s name, no later than March 25, to the MSU Research Policy Committee, for university-wide recognition.

A nomination form without attachments must be emailed to the chair of the AJB-COB Research Award Committee by March 1. A printout of the nomination form with attachmentsshould be submitted to Debbie Nesbitt in the Dean’s Office, for forwarding to the AJB-COB Research Award Committee, no later than 4:30 pm on March 1.


AJB-COB Research Award Committee – Description: The committee includes a representative from each department and a chair, who is the AJB-COB’s representative on the MSU Research Policy Committee (RPC). The AJB-COB Research Award Committee selects the AJB-COB faculty member who will receive the RPC’s Outstanding Research Award. This award is described on the RPC website (

AJB-COB Research Award Committee, Current Members:

*Chair: Stefan Linnhoff, Management, Marketing & Business Administration

L.M. Smith, Accounting

Marc Beck, Computer Science and Information Systems

Junyi Xu, Economics and Finance

Tim Vance, Journalism and Mass Communications

Stefan Linnhoff, Management, Marketing, and Business Administration

Tim Worley, Organizational Communication

*AJB-COB Representative on the MSU RPC.


Previous AJB-COB Outstanding Research Award recipients:

2013 - Dr. Katherine Taken Smith, Marketing

2014 - Dr. Tim Worley, Organizational Communication

2015 - Dr. Stefan Linnhoff, Marketing

2016 - Dr. Vladyslav Krotov, CSISand Dr. L.M. Smith, Accounting

Nomination Form

Murray State University Outstanding Research Award

Bauernfeind College of Business

The Outstanding Research Award criteria are shown below. Any faculty member who would like to be considered for the award should prepare a list of all research outcomes from the prior calendar year as shown on this nomination form, indicating total points by category and aggregate total points. The Outstanding Research Award will be presented to the faculty member attaining the highest aggregate total points. This form without attachments should be emailed to the chair of the AJB-COB Research Award Committee by March 1. A printout of this form with attachments should be submitted by 4:30 pm, March 1 to Debbie Nesbitt in the Dean’s Office, for forwarding to the AJB-COB Research Award Committee.

Categories of Research Outcomes* for the past Calendar Year, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, (published or forthcoming):

1. Refereed journal articles – list here and attach a copy of each article. Assign points to each article, as follows:

Points based on ABDC journal quality list ( ):

A*/A = 50 points, B = 35 points, C = 20 points, Not Listed (NL) = 10 points. For selected journals not on the ABDC list, points are assigned per the appendix to this form. This list of selected journals was created especially for the JCM and COM Departments, but applies to all COB Departments.

[Point adjustments: solo-authored articles - 100 percent of points; coauthored articles with up to 3 authors -100 percent of points; coauthored articles with over 3 authors - 75 percent of points; no points off regardless ofauthor sequence].

Total Points: _____

2. Books (30 points each for major publisher, mass market books and 10 points each for other books, such as small press or self-published) – list here and attach a copy of each book.

Total Points: _____

3. Other publications(you can suggest 1 to 10 points each, final points awarded for these items will be determined by the awards committee) such as instructor manuals, study guides, other book supplements, monographs, published case problems, notable creative productions, book chapters, non-refereed articles, and software manuals – list here and attach a brief description.

Total Points: _____

4. Conference presentations (10 points each) – list here and attach the abstract of each presentation.

Total Points: _____

5. Research grants (external grants e.g. NSF grant - 30 points each, internal grants e.g. CISR grant - 20 points each) – list here and attach a brief description.

Total Points: _____

6. Research conference awards (30 points each) such as an outstanding published paper award or outstanding conference presentation award – list here and attach a brief description.

Total Points: _____

7. Notable dissemination of research (10 points total for this item) – can be demonstrated by high number of article downloads on, by “reads” on ResearchGate, by high number of citations of work on Google Scholar, or by other appropriate indicator – describe here.

Total Points: _____

8. Other items (you can suggest 1 to 10 points each, final points awarded for these items will be determined by the awards committee) – list here and attach appropriate documentation.

Total Suggested Points: _____

Aggregate Total Points Unadjusted(including suggested points from 3 and 8):_____

Adjustment to Aggregate Total Points, Multiply by* x_____


*Adjustment to Aggregate Total Points:

Spring/FallMultiply Unadjusted Total

Teaching Load Points by:

2-2 .67

3-2 .84






1. This nomination form was unanimously approved by the COB Research Award Committee on November 10, 2016. Future revisions require unanimity.

2. Any nominee for the COB Research Award who does not win the award but has attained at least 50 aggregate total points will be given an Honorable Mention Award from the COB Research Award Committee and/or recognized at the next COB faculty meeting.

3. A faculty member who receives the award is ineligible to receive the award in the subsequent three years. Example: If Professor X wins the award in the spring 2020, the earliest Professor X could win the award again would be spring 2024.The COB Research Award winner is eligible for the Honorable Mention Award during the subsequent three years.

4. If a tie in total points occurs for nominees from two different departments, the committee members from those departments are required to abstain from voting on the selection of the award winner.

5. Members of the AJB-COB Research Award Committee are ineligible for the award.

6. Time of service on the COB Research Award Committee is 3 academic years.

7. FYI - The Committee felt encouraging collaboration was very important and therefore determined to take off minimal points for co-authorship (25% off for articles with more than 3 coauthors); author sequence was considered irrelevant, as many coauthors contribute equal amounts and list names alphabetically.


Point Values for Journals not on ABDC List*

List 1 of 2

Journals associated with Organizational Communication

A*/A Equivalent Journals (50 points):

· Communication Monographs (18)

· Human Communication Research (24)

· Communication Research (33)

· Journal of Communication (48)

· Communication Theory (24)

· Management Communication Quarterly (24)

· Journal of Applied Communication Research (18)

· The Leadership Quarterly (54)

· Human Relations (45)

· Computers in Human Behavior (86)

· Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (28)

· Personal Relationships (23)

B Equivalent Journals (35 points):

· Annals of the International Communication Association (formerly Communication Yearbook) (h5 index not available)

· Communication Education (19)

· Quarterly Journal of Speech (12)

· Journal of Health Communication (39)

· Health Communication (26)

· Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (37)

· Journal of Organizational Change Management (23)

C Equivalent Journals (20 points):

· Business Communication Quarterly (20)

· International Journal of Business Communication (20)

· Journal of Communication Management (16)

· Small Group Research (21)

· Western Journal of Communication (16)

· Communication Quarterly (17)

· Communication Studies (15)

· Communication Reports (15)

· Communication Research Reports (15)

· Journal of Business and Technical Communication (15)

· Journal of Family Communication (14)

· Communication Teacher (7)

· Southern Communication Journal (11)

· Argumentation & Advocacy (8)

· Women’s Studies in Communication (10)

· Journal of Intercultural Communication Research

· Journal of Sport Behavior

· International Journal of Sport Communication (17)

· Text and Performance Quarterly (8)

· Qualitative Research Reports in Communication (h5 index not available)

NL Equivalent Journals (10 points):

· Journal of Communication in Healthcare (7)



*The number in parenthesis is the h5-index per Google Scholar Metrics (Nov 2016).


List 2 of 2

Journals associated with Journalism and Mass Communication

Rank / Title / SJR / H index
A*/A Equivalent Journals (50 points):
1 / Research on Language and Social Interaction / 4.799 / 39
2 / Journal of Communication / 3.327 / 82
3 / Communication Theory / 2.620 / 53
4 / New Media and Society / 2.592 / 61
5 / Public Opinion Quarterly / 2.295 / 73
6 / Human Communication Research / 2.199 / 61
7 / Communication Education / 2.090 / 42
8 / Information Communication and Society / 2.009 / 36
9 / Communication Research / 1.935 / 72
10 / Journalism / 1.932 / 33
11 / Applied Linguistics / 1.749 / 63
12 / Internet Research / 1.746 / 57
13 / International Journal of Press/Politics / 1.706 / 41
14 / Political Communication / 1.495 / 58
15 / Journal of Politeness Research / 1.441 / 22
16 / Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking / 1.408 / 93
17 / Public Culture / 1.350 / 55
18 / Journal of Advertising / 1.349 / 70
19 / Written Communication / 1.345 / 32
20 / Discourse Studies / 1.292 / 32
21 / Journalism Studies / 1.212 / 14
22 / Learning Environments Research / 1.188 / 23
23 / Journal of Health Communication / 1.160 / 57
24 / Vehicular Communications / 1.152 / 6
25 / Group Processes and Intergroup Relations / 1.151 / 42
26 / Communication Methods and Measures / 1.128 / 10
27 / Public Understanding of Science / 1.086 / 52
28 / European Journal of Communication / 1.068 / 41
29 / Media Psychology / 1.035 / 47
30 / Journal of Social and Personal Relationships / 1.005 / 56
31 / Information Polity / 0.981 / 23
32 / Media, Culture and Society / 0.960 / 44
33 / International Journal of Strategic Communication / 0.950 / 8
34 / Technology, Pedagogy and Information / 0.900 / 17
35 / Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly / 0.887 / 53
36 / Mass Communication and Society / 0.885 / 19
37 / Communication Monographs / 0.877 / 48
38 / Management Communication Quarterly / 0.877 / 30
39 / TripleC / 0.868 / 10
40 / Poetics / 0.867 / 41
41 / International Communication Gazette / 0.867 / 20
42 / Convergence / 0.844 / 25
43 / Health Communication / 0.825 / 45
44 / Public Relations Review / 0.799 / 47
45 / Journal of Advertising Research / 0.771 / 60
46 / Metaphor and Symbol / 0.771 / 12
47 / International Journal of Conflict Management / 0.763 / 38
48 / Feminist Media Studies / 0.763 / 22
49 / Crime, Media, Culture / 0.753 / 19
50 / Discourse Processes / 0.743 / 40
51 / Telematics and Informatics / 0.737 / 32
52 / Journal of Communication Management / 0.735 / 6
53 / Discourse and Society / 0.720 / 47
54 / Journal of Media Psychology / 0.704 / 15
55 / Speech Communication / 0.685 / 73
B Equivalent Journals (35 points):
56 / Journal of Family Communication / 0.670 / 9
57 / International Journal of Communication / 0.667 / 11
58 / Communication Reports / 0.650 / 12
59 / Text & Talk / 0.644 / 28
60 / Popular Communication / 0.641 / 8
61 / Target / 0.641 / 13
62 / Language and Communication / 0.633 / 30
63 / Communication Research Reports / 0.632 / 8
64 / Discourse and Communication / 0.632 / 12
65 / Communication Studies / 0.623 / 9
66 / Journal of Applied Communication Research / 0.617 / 37
67 / Journal of Business and Technical Communication / 0.611 / 25
68 / Information Technology and Management / 0.588 / 24
69 / Discourse, Context and Media / 0.583 / 5
70 / Multilingua / 0.580 / 18
71 / JMM International Journal on Media Management / 0.574 / 9
72 / Communications / 0.547 / 20
73 / RSQ-Rhetoric Society Quarterly / 0.537 / 7
74 / Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics / 0.537 / 16
75 / Games and Culture / 0.530 / 31
76 / Symbolic Interaction / 0.514 / 33
77 / Communication Quarterly / 0.499 / 11
78 / Learned Publishing / 0.495 / 22
79 / Technical Communication Quarterly / 0.489 / 9
80 / Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies / 0.487 / 9
81 / Gesture / 0.484 / 14
82 / Studies in Language / 0.481 / 17
83 / Language and Intercultural Communication / 0.476 / 12
84 / Comunicar / 0.472 / 12
85 / Quarterly Journal of Speech / 0.461 / 26
86 / Educational Media International / 0.455 / 11
87 / Technical Communication / 0.452 / 25
88 / International Journal of Advertising / 0.451 / 26
89 / Visitor Studies / 0.425 / 8
90 / Profesional de la Informacion / 0.422 / 15
91 / Rhetoric and Public Affairs / 0.403 / 6
92 / Comunicacion y Sociedad / 0.387 / 6
93 / Social Semiotics / 0.379 / 18
94 / International Journal of Listening / 0.368 / 8
95 / Journal of Media Economics / 0.358 / 23
96 / Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social / 0.358 / 4
97 / Visual Communication / 0.357 / 13
98 / Javnost / 0.356 / 18
99 / Negotiation and Conflict Management Research / 0.350 / 4
100 / Media, War and Conflict / 0.346 / 9
101 / Palabra Clave / 0.343 / 3
102 / Western Journal of Communication / 0.341 / 27
103 / Nordicom Review / 0.337 / 7
104 / LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition / 0.335 / 4
105 / Media International Australia / 0.330 / 9
106 / American Speech / 0.324 / 19
107 / Journal of Communication Inquiry / 0.320 / 19
108 / Journal of Media Business Studies / 0.318 / 4
109 / Translator / 0.315 / 13
110 / Applied Environmental Education and Communication / 0.315 / 11
C Equivalent Journals (20 points):
111 / Global Media and Communication / 0.307 / 16
112 / Informatics in Education / 0.305 / 11
113 / Interaction Studies / 0.299 / 26
114 / Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico / 0.299 / 7
115 / Journal of International and Intercultural Communication / 0.298 / 8
116 / Communication Review / 0.294 / 10
117 / Journal of Intercultural Communication Research / 0.287 / 7
118 / Intercultural Pragmatics / 0.286 / 20
119 / Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao / 0.285 / 12
120 / Critical Studies in Media Communication / 0.284 / 32
121 / Pacific Journalism Review / 0.282 / 8
122 / Media History / 0.279 / 5
123 / Cultural Trends / 0.278 / 8
124 / Journal of Media Practice / 0.278 / 2
125 / 2013 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2013 / 0.276 / 8
126 / Asian Journal of Communication / 0.262 / 10
127 / International Journal of Web Based Communities / 0.261 / 17
128 / The Southern Communication Journal / 0.258 / 7
129 / Howard Journal of Communications / 0.257 / 14
130 / Babel / 0.253 / 4
131 / Journal of Radio and Audio Media / 0.250 / 4
132 / Critical Arts / 0.242 / 5
133 / Open Communication Journal / 0.238 / 1
134 / Northern Lights / 0.237 / 3
135 / Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao / 0.234 / 5
136 / American Journal of Semiotics / 0.232 / 7
137 / Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict / 0.228 / 4
138 / Studies in Communication Sciences / 0.228 / 2
139 / International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics / 0.222 / 3
140 / Observatorio / 0.222 / 4
141 / Language Problems and Language Planning / 0.215 / 7
142 / Journal of Mass Media Ethics / 0.213 / 6
143 / Information and Communications Technology Law / 0.209 / 6
144 / Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society / 0.209 / 3
145 / Journal of Mobile Multimedia / 0.208 / 5
146 / IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, RWS / 0.208 / 5
147 / Screen / 0.206 / 17
148 / Reseaux / 0.205 / 10
149 / Text and Performance Quarterly / 0.203 / 7
150 / 2013 IEEE 10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2013 / 0.202 / 6
151 / Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication / 0.198 / 5
152 / Medijske Studije / 0.198 / 1
153 / Women's Studies in Communication / 0.196 / 6
154 / Communicatio / 0.194 / 5
155 / Advances in the History of Rhetoric / 0.193 / 1
156 / Psychology of Language and Communication / 0.192 / 3
157 / Archives and Manuscripts / 0.189 / 3
158 / Journal of Communication in Healthcare / 0.189 / 2
159 / Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication / 0.188 / 3
160 / Documentaliste: Sciences de l'Information / 0.187 / 3
161 / Chinese Journal of Communication / 0.187 / 8
162 / 2013 International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications, ComManTel 2013 / 0.183 / 5
163 / Historia y Comunicacion Social / 0.182 / 3
164 / Journal of Chinese Cinemas / 0.179 / 3
165 / Terminology / 0.178 / 16
166 / Review of Communication / 0.178 / 6
167 / Photographies / 0.175 / 4
168 / Journal of Transnational American Studies / 0.174 / 5
169 / 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2014 / 0.174 / 3
170 / Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education / 0.173 / 5
171 / Scire / 0.172 / 3
172 / Journal of Visual Culture / 0.171 / 16
173 / Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies / 0.170 / 2
174 / Publishing Research Quarterly / 0.168 / 10
175 / Atlantic Journal of Communication / 0.166 / 6
176 / Transinformacao / 0.165 / 2
177 / Journal of British Cinema and Television / 0.161 / 3
178 / Global Media Journal, Canadian Edition / 0.161 / 1
179 / Journal of Science Communication / 0.159 / 7
180 / Proceedings - 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Mobile Services, MS 2014 / 0.158 / 2
181 / International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies, ACCT / 0.157 / 4
182 / Biosemiotics / 0.153 / 9
183 / Journal of Asian Pacific Communication / 0.152 / 8
184 / Communication Teacher / 0.149 / 5
185 / International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting / 0.144 / 10
186 / 2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops, GC Wkshps 2014 / 0.144 / 2
187 / Cultural Politics / 0.143 / 5
188 / Visual Communication Quarterly / 0.143 / 4
189 / Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap / 0.142 / 4
190 / Radio Journal / 0.142 / 3
191 / SoMeRA 2014 - Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis, Co-located with SIGIR 2014 / 0.141 / 1
192 / Journal of Creative Communications / 0.139 / 6
193 / Platform / 0.138 / 4
194 / Tourism, Culture and Communication / 0.135 / 10
195 / International Journal of the Book / 0.135 / 2
196 / Senses and Society / 0.134 / 8
197 / Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television / 0.134 / 11
198 / Studies in Australasian Cinema / 0.134 / 2
199 / Grey Room / 0.133 / 8
200 / Ecquid Novi / 0.132 / 5
201 / European Science Editing / 0.129 / 8
202 / Journal of Media and Religion / 0.129 / 6
203 / Ibersid / 0.129 / 1
204 / Communication Law and Policy / 0.127 / 7
205 / Journal of Technical Writing and Communication / 0.126 / 12
206 / Journal of Modern Periodical Studies / 0.125 / 2
207 / European Microwave Week 2014: "Connecting the Future", EuMW 2014 - Conference Proceedings; EuRAD 2014: 11th European Radar Conference / 0.125 / 1
208 / Medijska istrazivanja / 0.124 / 3
209 / Journal of the Early Book Society / 0.122 / 4
210 / Journal of Intercultural Communication / 0.121 / 2
211 / Journal of Multicultural Discourses / 0.121 / 5
212 / Global Media Journal / 0.118 / 4
213 / Journal of African Media Studies / 0.117 / 4
214 / / 0.117 / 2
215 / 2013 11th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services, TELSIKS 2013 / 0.117 / 3
216 / Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, EUC 2014 / 0.115 / 2
217 / Communications Law / 0.113 / 4
218 / Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education / 0.113 / 3
219 / American Communication Journal / 0.112 / 8
220 / Informacao e Sociedade / 0.112 / 2
NL Equivalent Journals (10 points):
221 / Publishing History / 0.112 / 0
222 / IEEE International Professional Communication Conference / 0.111 / 10
223 / Quarterly Review of Film and Video / 0.111 / 3
224 / International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media / 0.111 / 3
225 / Discursos Fotograficos / 0.111 / 1
226 / International Journal of Communication and Linguistic Studies / 0.111 / 1
227 / ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies / 0.111 / 1
228 / Signa / 0.110 / 2
229 / Temps des Medias / 0.109 / 3
230 / New Cinemas / 0.109 / 2
231 / Studies in Documentary Film / 0.107 / 4
232 / 2013 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems, ANTS 2013 / 0.107 / 2
233 / International Journal of Work Innovation / 0.106 / 1
234 / Zeitschrift für Evaluation / 0.105 / 3
235 / International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems / 0.105 / 7
236 / Creative Industries Journal / 0.105 / 2
237 / SRIF 2014 - Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2014 Workshop on Software Radio Implementation Forum / 0.105 / 2
238 / Journal of Integral Theory and Practice / 0.104 / 7
239 / Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico) / 0.104 / 1
240 / Health Progress / 0.103 / 7
241 / International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication / 0.103 / 9
242 / 20th European Wireless Conference, EW 2014 / 0.103 / 1
243 / Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion / 0.102 / 2
244 / Hermes (Denmark) / 0.102 / 2
245 / 2013 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2013 / 0.102 / 1
246 / IEEE International Conference on Adaptive Science and Technology, ICAST / 0.102 / 1
247 / Signo y Pensamiento / 0.102 / 0
248 / Proceeding - IEEE COMNETSAT 2013: IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite / 0.102 / 1
249 / OPTICS 2014 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Optical Communication Systems, Part of ICETE 2014 - 11th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications / 0.102 / 0
250 / Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema / 0.101 / 2
251 / Studies in Hispanic Cinemas / 0.101 / 2
252 / Studies in South Asian Film and Media / 0.101 / 2
253 / Emerging Communication: Studies in New Technologies and Practices in Communication / 0.101 / 3
254 / BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies / 0.101 / 4
255 / SEARCH (Malaysia) / 0.101 / 1
256 / International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Communication / 0.101 / 0
257 / International Conference on Space Science and Communication, IconSpace / 0.101 / 2
258 / HERMES (France) / 0.101 / 2
259 / 2013 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, RFID-TA 2013 / 0.101 / 1
260 / Communication Booknotes Quarterly / 0.101 / 0
261 / 2014 20th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2014 / 0.101 / 1
262 / Media Watch / 0.101 / 0
263 / 2014 IEEE Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium, MRRS 2014 - Proceedings / 0.101 / 1
264 / Smart Grid Conference 2014, SGC 2014 / 0.101 / 0
265 / Kodikas/Code: Ars Semiotica / 0.100 / 1
266 / Linguistic Insights - Studies in Language and Communication / 0.100 / 2
267 / Mass Communication Research / 0.100 / 3
268 / New Review of Film and Television Studies / 0.100 / 4
269 / Digital TV Europe / 0.100 / 1
270 / Informacios Tarsadalom / 0.100 / 2
271 / Studies in European Cinema / 0.100 / 2
272 / Innovation and the Public Sector / 0.100 / 2
273 / Film International / 0.100 / 1
274 / Journal of Writing in Creative Practice / 0.100 / 3
275 / UCMMT 2013 - 2013 6th UK, Europe, China Millimeter Waves and THz Technology Workshop / 0.100 / 0
276 / TEIN 2012 - 2012 3rd International Conference on Telecommunication and Information / 0.100 / 0
277 / 2014 the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for the Muslim World, ICT4M 2014 / 0.100 / 0



A faculty member can make a recommendation to add a journal to this list but must support the recommendation with metrics for the journal e.g. Cabell’s ICC rating, journal impact factor, Google Scholar’s h5-index, or other indicator of the journal’s quality. Subsequently, the Committee will make a decision regarding adding the journal and its point value to the list.