St. Mary’s Finance Council Minutes

February 23, 2017

7 p.m. St. Mary’s School Library

In attendance from the Finance Council: Sue Pakiz (Chair), Connie Bushman, Fr. Steve Brice, Ken Smith, Marty Nigon, Travis Petke,and Sharon Street, Bookkeeper. Absent: Linda Susa and Jenny French

After the opening prayer, the Council looked over the minutes from the Sept. 2016, Oct. 2016, and Jan. 2017 minutes. The September minutes were approved. After corrections were made to the October and January minutes, they were approved.

An addition to the agenda was made to add Scholarship Fund under IX Other.

The council members looked over the Statement of Operations for the past month. There were no issues.

The Statement of Activities was handed out. The repair fund was discussed but no action was taken. Sharon S. clarified several figures in the budget. A question was raised about the organ fund. It is on the 2nd priority list, the kitchen is 1st priority.

Next up on the agenda was that Sue’s year as chairperson was up. She agreed to serve for one more year.

The budget is due at the next meeting. Council members looked at a summary of the actual income and expenditures for the first 7 months of the fiscal year. A budget committee was chosen in January. Ken S., Connie B., and Sharon S. are on the committee but they had not met yet and had no report. A preliminary budget is due by the May 25 meeting and should be finalized by the June 15 meeting. All committees were asked to get their budget requests to Sharon S. as soon as possible.

Teacher contracts and salary schedules were discussed next. The Council would like to compare our payment schedule with St. Anthony’s and Thorp’s Catholic schools. After more discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed to give our teachers a 2-step increase and to revamp the pay schedule for the next school year.

The support staff wages and possible increases were discussed next. Their last raises were two years ago and the rate is $9.36/hour. The Council moved, seconded and passed raises for Sharon S., Julie D., and Holly P. (janitorial). It will be effective for the next pay period.

We are only 50% of the way to raising funds for the Diocesan Annual Appeal. A letter will be sent to all parishioners reminding them of our goal and urging their monetary support.

The purchase of St. Mary’s share of the Music/Rel. Ed. coordinator’s computer by St. Anthony’s Parish has been completed.

Finance Council members received a handout of the cost to the parish for our share of the full-time Director of Religious Education/Youth Minister position. Our 30% portion would be just under $11,000 plus travel expenses.

Our sound system is still snapping. It was determined that it is coming from the mixers and the choir unit. Work will continue on eliminating this problem.

Next item on the agenda to discuss was the Buildings and Grounds report. Bruce Kirn is working on fixing and replacing the plaster in the choir loft. B & G will be getting bids set up and putting a plan together for the kitchen project and fundraising effort. They need to get Diocesan approval by submitting the required paperwork and then get Finance Council approval to proceed. The Finance Council recommended that B & G establish a committee for paperwork portion. According to Sharon, we have credit approval from Sysco for the kitchen project.

Buildings & Grounds shared that the asbestos tiles in the upper hall of the school will be replaced this summer. They do not have an estimate for the fire alarm system bid yet. The dishwasher with an on-demand water heater would cost $10,000 alone for the kitchen project.

An update was given on the House of Mercy. Currently, 2 of the 4 units are occupied. On Saturday, July 22, there will be a meeting by pastors/bishops in Clark County in connection with a fundraiser on the Allen Walter farm. Also, the 2nd collection on the 1st Sunday each month will be used for the calendar day sponsorships.

The next agenda item concerned Sunday money counters and if we had enough volunteers. We need to replace two volunteers. An announcement will be put into the bulletin asking for new volunteers.

Under other business, setting up a scholarship fund for the youth of St. Mary’s was discussed. A proposal explaining the reasons and set up of the scholarship was distributed to Council members. After discussion. It was moved, seconded, and passed to set up a scholarship fund. A committee consisting of Connie B., Travis P., and Sharon S. was appointed to set up the rules and application forms.


  1. Parish Mission with Fr. Mark Pierce will be March 20-22 starting at 6:30 each evening.
  1. Diocesan annual finance meeting is Tuesday, May 9. Let Sharon know if you plan to attend.
  1. Our next joint Finance Council meeting will be May 25, 2017, at 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s.
  1. Regular St. Mary’s Council meeting is June 22 at 7 p.m.

After a closing prayer, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Submitted by Connie Bushman

St. Mary’s Finance Council Secretary