OF RISK FOR / Workplace Location(s)
Gwyrosydd Primary School
Task / Activity
Halls and Corridors / Date December 2012
Assessment Review Date December 2013
Look only for hazards which you could reasonably expect to result in significant harm under the conditions in your workplace. Use the following examples as a guide:- / WHO MIGHT BE HARMED
There is no need to list individuals by name - just think about groups of people doing similar work or who might be affected, e.g.:- / IS THE RISK ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED?
Have you already taken precautions against the risks from the hazards you listed, for example:
What more could you reasonably do for those
risks which you found were not adequately controlled?
•  Slipping / tripping hazards
•  Fire
•  Chemicals
•  Moving parts of machinery
•  Work at height
•  Ejection of materials
•  Pressure systems
•  Vehicles / •  Electricity
•  Dust
•  Fume
•  Manual handling
•  Noise
•  Poor lighting
•  Low temp.
•  Violence / •  Office staff
•  Maintenance personnel
•  Contractors
•  People sharing
•  your workplace
Pay particular attention to:
•  Disabled staff
•  Visitors / •  Operators
•  Cleaners
•  Members of the public
•  Inexperienced staff
•  Lone workers / •  Adequate information, instruction or training?
•  Adequate safe systems or procedures?
Do the precautions:
•  Meet the standards set by a legal requirement?
•  Comply with a recognised standard?
•  Represent a good practice?
•  Reduce risk as far as reasonably practicable?
If so, then the risks are adequately controlled, but you need to indicate the precautions you have in place. You may refer to procedures, manuals, comply rules, etc. giving this information. / Priority should be given to those risks which affect large numbers of people and/or could result in serious harm. Apply the principles below when taking further action, if possible in the following order:-
•  Remove the risk completely
•  Try a less risky option
•  Prevent access to the hazard (e.g. by guarding)
•  Organise work to reduce exposure to the hazard
•  Issue personal protective
They may be more vulnerable
List hazards here: / List groups of people who are especially at risk from the significant hazards which you have identified / List existing controls here - or note where the information may be found / List the risks which are not adequately controlled and rank them high, medium or low. Describe the action you will take to improve matters where it is reasonably practicable to do more.
Specify also the target date for action.
Collisions, particularly if pupils are running.
Pupils (and staff) slipping on wet floors, particularly during wet weather.
Congestion during evacuation of building.
Corridors blocked by obstructions. / Primarily Pupils / Pupils regularly reminded not to run and to walk in the corridors. Accident book is reviewed termly and action taken if necessary.
Spillages dealt with promptly and wet floor sign placed.
Regular drills carried out to ensure that pupils remain calm during evacuation, several evacuation routes provided to limit congestion.
Corridors kept clear of obstructions. / Low: None.
Low: Floors to be checked and dried if necessary on wet days.
(Responsibility: SS)
(Action Date: As necessary)
Low: None.
Low: Ensure that corridors do not become obstructed.
(Responsibility: HT & SS)
(Action Date: Ongoing)
