/ Engineering Sciences and Technology / ETLV
Landing on Mars / STI2D
/20 / Nom: / Classe:

PART 1: "The spacecraft"

Open this file and save it in your directory, answer to questions with the instructions below.

First, watch this video that shows the operation's landing of Mars Science Laboratory.

·  Open the website : "the Spacecraft" and read page 35 "MSL landing".

You have also this powerpoint to help you.

Then, answer to questions :

1) Complete the drawing below.

2) How much does the spacecraft weigh?

Total weight of the spacecraft = ______Kg (______lbs).

Rover’s weight = ______Kg (______lbs)

The rover’s weight represents ______% of the total weight.

What the function of the cruise stage?==> read page 35

What the function of the descent stage?==> read page 35

What’s the function of the heat shield ? Justify ==> read page 36 "Aeroshell"

PART 2: "Landing on Mars"

A) Watch this video twice and answerto questions:

Six numbers are mentioned. Listen again and complete the table below.

Number / Corresponds to .....
The spacecraft's speed to Mars
The spacecraft slowdown
The spacecraft's speed after parachute opening
The impact speed with cushion of airbags
The impact speed with retro rockets and landing legs
The impact speed with a big jet

·  What's the spacecraft’s speed when it enter into Mars atmosphere? Give this speed it in mph and Km/h. (Read page 27 ==> Entry, descent and landing)

B)You have seen that we can use different systems to land on Mars.

Match the differents "option landing on Mars" to their system () and write the speed at the impact moment :

Option landing on Mars / System to land safely
Option 1 : Cushion airbag along with retro rockets /
Impact at______mph
Option 2 : Retro rockets and landing legs /
Impact at______mph
Option 3 : Big jet pack to slow down /
Impact at______mph

C)Watch the the video twice and fill in the blanks (one blank = one word)

How do you land on Mars?

Very carefully!

Your spacecraft ______toward the planet at thousands of miles per hour, So you’ll have to hit the ______in a hurry!

First, your capsule needs a heat shield.

It protects the spacecraft inside from the ______and ______of entry into the atmosphere.

Friction slows you down over ______, but not enough to land ______.

Use a ______to slow down even more.

Still falling at over ______miles per hour, you need the right system to land safely!

Here are some options:

Option 1 :

With a small to lid-size rover, use a ______of airbags along with retro ______.

Impact at ______miles per hour and bounce to a stop.

Option 2:

With a large ______, use retro rockets and landing legs to touch down, going about ______miles per hour.

Option 3:

Or, with a large, ______rover, use a big jet pack to slow down to under ______miles per hour.

Then, ______lower it on cables to land on its wheels.

Any way you do it, you’ll need ______and hard work. There’s nothing easy about landing on Mars!

PART THREE: "Landing sequences"

Watch the video and look at landing sequences or "Entry, descent and landing" then match the nouns from the grey box with the corresponding images:

[Peak deceleration] [Radar data collection] [Entry interface] [Retrorockets fire]

[Cruise stage separation] [Backshell separation] [Heat shield separation] [Touchdown] [Parachute deploy] [Mobility deploy] [Sky crane flies away] [Rover separation] [Peak heating]

1 / 2 / 3
Altitude =______miles
Velocity = ______mph / ______ / ______
4 / 5 / 6
______ / ______ / ______
7 / 8 / 9
______ / Altitude =____miles
Velocity = ____mph / T° = _____°F (_____°C)
10 / 11 / 12
Altitude = 0m / ______ / ______
Velocity falls down
at ______mph

What is the correct chronological order? (1 ...... 13)

Answer to Questions :

To slow down the spacecraft, we use 3 systems which are:

1.  What's the temperature inside the spacecraft when we reach 2800°C outside the heat shield?

2.  How is the skycrane powered ?

3.  Why we don't use cushion airbags for the MSL (Mars Laboratory System) like in MER (Mars Exploration Rover)?

4.  Why use a parachute to slow down more ?

5.  How long it takes the landing since entering in the Mars's atmosphere.

6.  What append when the skycrane has done his job? Tick the good answer :

It flies away and go back to the earth.

It flies away and lands near the rover

It flies away and crashes further.

Going further : Record your voice

Teams of 2 students, write a script from the video and show it to your teacher.

After correction, record your voice to explain the landing sequences.

Smaïl Goumeziane / Lycée Georges CORMIER Page 8