Parkway Middle School

Performing and Visual Arts, CITY, STEAM

School Advisory Council MeetingAgenda

Room 126

Agenda and Minutes

October 10, 2017

6:00 p.m.

  1. Welcome & Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:10pm

  1. Approval of Minutes from the MaySAC Meeting:

EOC Clarification for 2017. Ms. Cox motioned and Mr. Clark seconded to approve the minutes with clarification on all the end of course exams.

  1. Topics of Discussion
  1. Title I
  2. SIP (School Improvement Plan)
  3. Parental Involvement Plan: The first District Title 1 Parent Night was held at Parkway Middle
  4. District Parental Involvement
  5. SPAR Report: School Accountability Report -
  • Parent Compact: in the 1st week packet – all parents to need to make sure they returned the form to the school
  • Parent Newsletter: put the School Improvement Plan on the school website along with helpful parent links; 2017-18 process of
  1. School Enhancement: Bond money; things need to be done in the front office area committee of renovations in the main office. Furniture, shelving, carpet is suggested, the school has funds for beautification – Mr. Mattair will try to use for irrigation, sod, looking to get a playground for the elementary students; the old locker room will be utilized for storage for guidance, café tables with lol embedded, marquee $3500,
  2. Block Schedule: Administration will take it to the Faculty and Staff to explore different scheduling options for next school year
  3. After School Activities: Currently soccer, cross country, golf, cross country, 21st Century, and YMCA
  4. Accountability Funds: Administration asked if we could Bus Stop – HERO – positive behavior will bring back to SAC for incentives

IV. F.A.C.E. Initiative (District - Family and Community Engagement): Ms. Bell mentioned that the district is continuing their initiative to on working to increase family engagement throughout the district

V. Committee Members Positions (see attached): We need to attempt to get the committee composition by Nov. 14, majority of SAC composition need to comprise of parent and community members

VI. SAC Meeting Dates 17/18 – all meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month @ 6:00pm, unless noted. (Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Jan. 16*, Feb. 13, Mar. 13, Apr. 10, May 8)

*(there was a date change) : Ms. Nails motioned to moved the January 9th meeting to January 16th and Ms. Dixon seconded since we would be just returning off of the Winter Break.

VII. Concerns/Suggestions:

a. Custodians put in a lot of work to help get the school back in order, when we see them, give them a thank you or some thoughtful or kind words.

  1. PTSA dates are tentative
  2. Suggested that we have Parent Trainings for those parents that don’t know how to assess CANVAS, Office 365, Broward’s Single Sign On, etc. (call it Parent Tech Night)
  3. Next District Title 1 Parent Training is October 26, 2017 @ Banyan Elementary
  4. The Annual Title 1 Parent Training will be at the signature Grand January 27, 2018, we need to start getting volunteers
  5. Ms. Cox suggested that try to announce cancellation the day before so that students may make other arrangements in case buses don’t run, or the high schoolers have Professional Study Days

VIII. Adjourn: Ms. Bell motioned to adjourn at 7:00pm and Mr. Mattair second.

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