Crater Regional Workforce Investment Board
114 North Union Street, Petersburg, VA 23803
Phone: (804) 732-7053 Fax: (804) 732-6668; Email:
Board Meeting
January 30, 2015
11:30am – 1:30pm
Hilton Garden Inn Southpark
800 Southpark Blvd.
Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Board Members Present: Martha Dodd-Slippy, CB Sinclair,Earnest Greene, Ryan Dunphy, Dale Batten, Louise Tomlinson, Karen Aylward, Joe Fleming, Mary Rudisill, Antoinette Archer, Scharnelle Hamlin,Amanda Wilson, Madeline Taylor, Mac McGinty, Pam Allen, Kathy Anderson
Board Members Absent: Sarah Beadle, Kim Garey, Jim Mott, Gloria “LaVern” Jackson, Bill Barga, Cathee Andrews, Nathaniel Pride, Tanya Hale, Rufus Tyler, Renee Wyatt-Chaplin, Joe Princiotta, Wayne Edmunds, Nelson Diaz,
Guests Present: Beth Groff, Brenda Drew, Suzan Marshall, Sophenia Pierce, Clarence McGill, Dr. George W. C. Lyons, Danielle Nikolaisen, Brett Tavel, Martin Short, Jeff Stokes, Etta Morehouse
Staff Present: Levin Sullivan, Earlene Jones, Kern Gardiner, Recie Small, Ryan Follett
Welcome/Introductions and Call to Order:
- Mr. Fleming called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m.
- Next, Chairman Fleming moved to the “Public Comment Period” by asking any guest present to express any comments they may have…there were none.
Chairman’s Reports:
- REVIEW OF MINUTES: Chairman Fleming asked everyone to review the September 26, 2014 meeting minutes for any corrections or changes. Antoinette Archer stated that she was not present and that Louise Tomlinson gave a report. A motion to accept the minutes with noted changes was made by Ms. Martha Dodd-Slippy, and seconded by Ms. Louise Tomlinson.
- Chairman Fleming announced that under thenew WIOAPolicy, there are some required changes to theBoard.
- Chairman Fleming also reported that he attended the Community Listening Session held at Fort Lee on January 8th regarding thepost realignmentfor 2020.
- BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE:The next Board meeting will be held on May 29, 2015
- EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT:Levin Sullivanreported on the skills/credentials report that was submitted to Secretary Maurice Jones at the end of October, 2014. He also reported that under the Governors’ workforce initiative, he is pushing and putting in the forefront his agenda onoccupational credentials and skills training. Also, part of his agenda for workforce development, was a bill passed through the State general assembly whereby the local WIBs are required to ensure that 40% of its allocated Adult and Dislocated Workers funds must be spent towards credential training.
Mr. Sullivan requested that the Board give him approval now, to develop a 40% policy, requiring the One-Stop Centers and Contractors to start adhering at once; and when VCCS develop the State Policy, we modify it to be incompliance if not already. Martha Dodd-Slippy made a motion to accept the request, Mac McGinty seconded the motion; the motion carried with Antoinette Archer stating she opposed.
Ms. Dodd-Slippy requested that once a policy is drafted, could it be sent out to the Board members for prior review, and be discussed at the next Board meeting in May. Kathy Anderson asked if it would help if a committee is formed to review the policy once it has come out.
Next, Ms. Karen Alyward reported that Fort Lee is looking to be more than a logistics site. Also, BI Chemical was purchased by a Chinese company.
- And lastly, Mr. Sullivan summarized the letter received from Maurice Jones, Secretary of Commerce and Trade, regarding the Commonwealths’ workforce development strategic focus and changes for the next three years.
FINANCIAL REPORT:Danielle Nikolaisengave a report on the annual audit. She stated that an unmodified report was given without and findings. Staff, Kern Gardiner reported from his Revenue and Expenditure report for the period ending December 31, 2014. He mentioned the three major funding areas under WIA program, which are Adult, Dislocated worker and Youth programs. He explained the difference between the fund expiry dates for 2014 WIA funding which expires June 30, 2015. He also briefly mentioned the other funding sources and programs that the Workforce Board manages. These include TANF,Cameron Foundation and Disabilities Employment Initiative.
Ms. Louise Tomlinsonreported that in the last program year the VEC had 700 hires and 6,000 referrals (job orders). The VEC has been charged to market services and recruit employers. She asked how many board members have taken advantage of the VWN. It has been determined that social media is a big challenge for them.
Etta Morehouse reported that ILuka is closing at the end of the year.
- WIB YOUTH COUNCIL: Dr. George Lyons presented a Motion to transition the Youth Council to a standing committee under WIOA. He asked that the Motion be emailed to the Board members and voted on at the next board meeting.
- PROGRAM SERVICES. WIB Staff, Ms. Earlene Jones reported that WIOA guidance is expected to be available in the spring. States were given permission to prepare for its implementation. Due to the changes under WIOA we are completely changing the design of the youth program. The out of school youth age has been increased to 24. Also funding has been shifted to 75% of the allocation going to the out-of-school youth program and 25% going to in-school youth program. The new youth program design will focus on 3 industry sectors with the participants receiving services 4 days a week.
Ms. Jones stated that the Youth Summit was originally scheduled for March but has been moved to the fall. Also the annual local monitoring will be conducted soon.
- DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT INITATIVE: Ryan Follett reported that equipment is being purchased for the three accessible workstations to be located at each of the One Stop locations.
- OTHER REPORTS: Kathy Anderson reported that the GED testing center is almost ready to open. The administrators needed to be certified. The price of the test increased from $58 to $120.00. During the year 2014 a total of 4,000 people took of which 2,312 actually completed the test and 1,140 earned their GED.
Old Business: (None)
New Business:
With no other business,Chairman Fleming adjourned the meeting at 1::36pm.