Website is:


P.O. BOX 4171



1.This league shall be under the direction of managers of teams entered in the league and governed by the policies adopted by the Recreation Division of the Town of Greenwich and the Greenwich Softball Organization, Inc. (hereafter referred to as “G.S.O.”) as they appear in the Constitution.

To the extent that any references to the Amateur Softball Association (A.S.A.) Rules are made in this Constitution or any other document relating to the Greenwich Department of Parks and Recreation Softball Leagues, the A.S.A. Rules are only followed for guidance as to the playability of the game itself. The A.S.A. Rules do not govern and are not followed or adhered to as a guide for technical or other recommendations or requirements for or as to field layout, location, surface, fencing, backstop, height distances, dimensions, benches, bleachers, and any other aspects or components of the playing field, structures and surrounding areas. (2/11).

The G.S.O. maintains its own website. Information on by-laws, membership, meeting minutes and financial statements are posted at: .

Note: The A.S.A. is beginning a brand name change to U.S.A. Softball.

Contacts for Donald Mohr: Office: 203-622-7825. E-Mail: .

Contact for G.S.O.: E-Mail: .


  1. Game time is 6:15 pm through July 31, and 6:00 pm starting August 1. Teufel Field game times are as listed on the schedule. (2/11)
  2. Courtesy period is 15 minutes. Teams must have a minimum of nine (9) players to start the game, or a forfeit is called. Courtesy period is by umpire’s watch or his/her designated watch.
  3. Teams may start with nine (9) players. A tenth player may be added (batting 10th) during the game; however, an eleventh player (EP) cannot be added once the game starts.
  1. In case of inclement weather, managers must call the Softball Info-Line (203-977-1701), AFTER 3:30 p.m. for an update on the status of games. Information will be posted on the Greenwich Softball Organization Website, and on the Recreation Division’s site, . The G.S.O. or Recreation Division often sends e-mails to managers if we know games will be rained out in advance. If no cancellation information is on the information line/website, or if it rains prior to game time, teams shall report to the fields, and the plate umpire and two (2) team managers, by a majority vote shall decide if the game can be started safely. Under this rule, a team must have enough players at the field to start the game or risk forfeiture. Once the game is in progress, the umpire’s decision shall prevail. (2/12)
  1. Rain-out games must be played as scheduled by the Recreation Division. The regular season will consist of ten (10) games, followed by a play-off round to be determined in consultation with the G.S.O., starting after the July 4 Holiday. Excessive rain-outs may be moved to the end of the play-off or dropped. Failure to meet schedule constitutes a forfeit. A team will be given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice to make-up a game. Playoff games will be excluded from this rule. (2/16).
  2. Continuing in 2016: The Women’s League regular playing night will be Tuesday. There is the possibility of (1) game per week being played on Thursday. This is based on the overall availability of teams and it is an attempt to get teams playing on predominantly the same night. (3/15).

G. Playoff games will not be played to decide regular season ties. Tie breaking procedures for teams with identical records will be decided by the following:

a). head-to-head competition

b). fewest runs allowed (this is for all games played during the regular season.)

c). the flip of a coin

Note: Once a tie-breaking procedure has been passed, it will not be returned to. (3/13).

H. Holiday dates for 2016: Monday,May30 and Monday,July4. (2/16).


A. Nine (9) players are required for a team to start. Games forfeited are a win for the team with enough players. Their batting order must be entered into their scorebook and signed by the umpire.

B. Double forfeits will constitute a loss for each team.

C.Teams withdrawing from the League after playing one or more games, shall have all games dropped from the League standings.

D.Forfeit Fee: $56.00 per game, to be deducted from returnable bond. (3/15).


  1. An entry fee of ($675.00) that includes a returnable bond ($112.00), will be levied on each team before the team is officially entered in the league. It will again be possible to add an Umpire Fee of $336.00 (12 Games x $28.00) to the entry fee and submit a total of $1,011.00. The Manager will receive a refund check of $336.00 to pay the umpires at the field. Posting of this entry fee and registration card is evidence of entry. A late fee of $25.00 will be required of any team paying after the deadline specified in 4B. This does not guarantee that a team will be entered in the League. The G.S.O. reserves the right to deduct any later or penalty fees or unpaid exempt status fees from the team’s returnable bond. (2/16).
  1. Please make checks payable to “Greenwich Softball Organization, Inc.” Entry fee is due by Tuesday,March22, 2016 at 5:00 pm. The entry fee must be mailed to: Greenwich Softball Organization, Inc., P.O. Box 4171, Greenwich, Ct. 06831. (2/16).
  1. Refund Policy: A team withdrawing from the League before their first regularly scheduled game will be eligible for a refund, less any expenses paid by the G.S.O., for team registration, insurance, forfeits, plus a $50.00 administrative fee. Teams withdrawing from the League after this time will not receive a refund. (3/12)


A.A woman will only be allowed to play on one team in the Greenwich Recreation Women’s Softball League, unless she plays as a full time employee for her company on an Industrial Team, and plays on another team as a Town Resident or Exempt Status. Players participating on two (2) teams under this rule must choose only one (1) team for the playoff round. She may also play on a Co-Ed Team. (2/16).

B.Managers are responsible for correct address, and other matters of eligibility of their players and will be held accountable in the event that eligibility of players is challenged. The Managers will be responsible for the completion and submission of the Official Team Roster Form, the declaration of any exempt status players and the payment of Exempt Status Fees. (3/12)

C.Beginning in 2012, all players must sign the Official Team Roster. This is a one page document (teams will need two), with a waiver approved by the Town of Greenwich Law Department. Individual forms will no longer be required. All players must fill in their information and sign in ink. Exempt Status Players must be declared on this form. Managers are responsible for their team rosterand the payment of exempt status fees. The Official Team Roster must be turned in before the conclusion of your team’s second game. The roster may be mailed to the Greenwich Softball Organization, Inc., P.O. Box 4171, Greenwich, Ct. 06831 or e-mailed to: . Rosters are not submitted to the Recreation Office. Only players who have signed the Official Team Roster Form may be used in League games. A team using an ineligible player in a league game will automatically lose that game and any game in which the ineligible player played once discovered. A protest is not necessary for action to be taken against an ineligible player and the team using that player. (3/15).

D.Official Roster Forms must be submitted before the first game or all games played will be forfeited.

E.Only the following categories of players are eligible to play in the League.

1)Town of Greenwich inhabitants (must hold Greenwich as a primary residence, where one eats, sleeps and keeps household primarily).

New for 2012: All Resident Players must sign the Official Roster Form of the team they wish to participate on. Proof of residency is not required, but if a player is challenged on residency, she will be required to submit satisfactory proof of residency to the Greenwich Recreation Division Athletic Committee. The burden of proof will fall on the player. The decision of the Athletic Committee is final. Player rosters will be posted on the Greenwich Softball Organization website and managers must check tis information for accuracy and to see the players on other team rosters. (2/12)

2)Full time municipal employees of the Town of Greenwich are eligible to participate in Recreation Division Leagues. Players participating under this rule must pay the $25.00 Exempt Status Fee and sign the Official Team Roster Form. (2/12)

3)Any Greenwich sponsoring business team having more than one (1) non-resident employee on its roster, must be registered as an Industrial League Team. Any Open Division Team using only one (1) non-resident employee of the sponsor must pay the $25.00 Exempt Status Fee and the player must sign the Official Team Roster Form. (2/12)

4)Exempt Status - Any person who is a past primary resident of the Town of Greenwich and was a primary resident of the Town of Greenwich for a minimum of five (5) consecutive years from the time of attaining the age of twelve (12) years and can prove this with a High School Transcript of other acceptable proof to the G.S.O. may be granted exempt status. Exempt status once granted will make that person eligible to play softball in a Greenwich Recreation sponsored league in future years. (3/85)

a)Application for exempt status must be made prior to the start of the season up to the cut-off date. A manager may challenge the granting of exempt status during the initial season and any person using fraudulent proof may have exempt status denied and her team disciplined.

b)Exempt Status Fees: $25.00 per year per team played on. Checks are payable to “Greenwich Softball Organization, Inc.” and mailed to: G.S.O., P.O. Box 4171, Greenwich, Ct. 06831. Players must also sign the Official Team Roster of any team they play on. (3/13).

c)Effective in 2013, players who previously had Exempt Status are grandfathered. New Players and Grandfathered players having exempt status may still be challenged by other teams and may be required to submit proof of their past residency to remain eligible to play. (3/13).

d)Players appearing on the team roster as exempt status players must pay the $25.00 fee, unless the G.S.O. is notified by e-mail that the player is released from the team. If not paid, this fee may be deducted from the team’s returnable bond. (3/13).

  1. Each team will be permitted to pick-up two (2) players per season who are non- residents. These players will be in addition to any other players participating under other non- resident rules as listed in this Constitution. This was voted on by the Greenwich Softball Organization (G.S.O.). These players must still sign the Team Official Roster Form and pay the $25.00 exempt fee. (4/12).

H.It is expected that players will sign the Official Team Roster Form before the Manager submits it. You may add a player to your roster by coming to the Recreation Division Office between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday, submitting a supplemental Official Team Roster signed by the added player(s). This must be done before 4:00 pm on the day of the game to be eligible to play that night. Rosters will close on Friday, June10,2016 at 4:00 pm. If a team is short players after the cut-off date due to legitimate reason (injuries, etc.), the team may petition the Athletic Committee through the recreation Division to add an additional player or two. Details must be submitted in writing and approval will be based upon teams adding players consistent with their ability level. (2/16).

I.A player who moves after the start of the season begins (April 25th), may continue to play in the league for the current season provided she notifies the Recreation Division in writing of her new address within seven (7) days after her move. This rule applies only to players who were Greenwich residents and league participants the previous season.(2/16).

J.Using a Player that doesn't conform to the League's eligibility rules for two of more games means instant suspension for that team until decided upon by the Athletic Committee. Players on teams that are suspended will not be able to switch to another team.

K.No player whose name appears on a team roster shall be eligible to play for any other team, unless released in writing by her original team's manager. Players properly released may only switch to another team up to the cut-off date as specified in Article 6 G. Written releases must be submitted to the Recreation Division. Once a player has played a game with a team, she becomes a member of that team and must obtain a release before the cut-off date to leave that team.

L.The minimum age for participation in the Women's Softball League will be 14. Exceptions for 13 year olds will be made if the manager feels the girls are mature enough to handle themselves on the field.

M.Industrial Teams Only

1. Players participating must be full time employees (30 hours per week or more) for a Greenwich business, corporation or firm, working year round (School year is acceptable for school employees) working at the Greenwich location. No outside support personnel (accounting, security, cleaning, etc.) working for the company may be used. Employees must be paid by the sponsoring company.

2. All players must sign the Official Team Roster Form. Managers must submit this form along with a letter from the Company’s Human Resources Director verifying full time employment at the Greenwich location of all players.

3. All team members must have their photo license, GHS I.D. or State issued Photo I.D. card with them at all scheduled games, failure to present license at request of opposing manager or Recreation Division Official will result in a forfeit. Company issued Photo I.D.’s are not accepted. Teams must notify the Recreation Division Office to protest in this case. The umpires do not get involved in matter of eligibility.

4.Exempt status players participating on Industrial League teams must follow the usual Exempt Status procedure in regards to payment and must also sign the Official Team Roster Form. All players must still have photo licenses available at each game. (2/14).


State representatives will be discussed at the Pre-season Manager's meeting. To qualify as an Industrial Team for State or National Tournament Competition must be comprised of 100% company full-time employees. Teams that are comprised of a mix of company employees and residents are not eligible for any State Tournaments.


A.All equipment used or worn in league games must conform to rule 3 of the official A.S.A regulations, unless modified by this constitution.

B.No metal cleats will be permitted. Footwear will be comprised of Plastic and/or Rubber materials.

C.The League will be changing to a COR 52/300 Compression Ball as soon as this ball is available in the 11” size, which should be in 2017. Until then, the Worth YS11RSA3 (COR 44/375 compression) optic yellow ball will be provided for games, this is also know at the Worth Green Dot. Each team will receive 12 balls at the start of the season. If you need to supplement game balls they must be 11” optic yellow in color balls with a rating of not more than COR 44/375 compression. (2/16).

  1. All teams in all Leagues will use only bats supplied by the G.S.O., Inc. for their games. The bats are A.S.A. approved, chosen by the G.S.O. and the Greenwich Recreation Division. They will be stored in the light shed at Teufel Field on in the job boxes at other fields and will weigh between 26 and 28 ounces. (2/16).
  2. In the event a batter is caught using any illegal bat, the batter will be called out, any action form the play will be negated, ejected from the game, suspended for a minimum of one (1) game, without appeal and referred to the Athletic Committee for additional disciplinary action. Once a player steps in the batter’s box with an illegal bat, she is guilty of using an illegal bat. (2/16).


A.$28.00 per game per team, payable in bills is paid the umpire before the start of the game. Failure to pay this fee shall result in a forfeit. Note: If two (2) teams wish to request that two (2) umpires be assigned to their game, each team would be responsible to pay one (1) umpire $44.00 in bills. This is totally the team’s choice and must be requested in advance. It is not required for any game.


B.Umpires shall be A.S.A. registered and approved and assigned and assigned by the Greenwich Umpire Association (G.U.A.).

C.At a game where no official umpire shows up the game will be considered legal if the two teams involved agree to play the game with umpires of their choice. The teams will be reimbursed the umpiring fee by the Umpire Association for the “missed” game if the teams paid a substitute umpire.

D.Umpire complaints and/or commendations will only be taken in writing and on the Officila Umpire Report Form. Please be complete and objective. This form will now be available on the G.S.O. Website.

  1. Umpires shall check the line-ups before the start of each game and sign the official scorebook.
  1. Umpires are responsible for reviewing ground rules prior to each game.