Minutes of the Meeting of the Page 9 of 10

City of Syracuse Planning Commission

March 11, 2013

Minutes of the Meeting of the

City of Syracuse Planning Commission

City Hall, Syracuse, New York

March 11, 2013

I.  Summary of cases discussed herein:

SR-02-01 M1 / SP-13-01 / R-13-02 / R-13-03 / R-13-05
PR-13-02 / SP-13-03 / SP-00-18 M2 / SR-13-01 / SP-98-20 M1
CS-13-02 / CS-13-03 / SP-11-28 / SP-11-29 / SP-11-30
SR-11-05 / SR-11-20 / SP-95-11M1 / SP-84-18 M1 / SP-00-36 M1

II.  Attendance

Members Present Staff Present

Dr. Ruben Cowart Ms. Heather Lamendola

Ms. Linda Henley Ms. Meghan McLees Craner

Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary Mr. Jeff Harrop

Mr. Steve Kulick

Ms. Rebecca Livengood

III.  Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.

IV.  Approval of the minutes

Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to accept the minutes of the February19, 2013 meeting of the City Planning Commission. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

V.  Public Hearings

1)  SR-02-01 M1

Site Plan Review-Communication Antenna

Replace four antennas with six antennas

1387 East Colvin Street

City of Syracuse (owner)

Verizon Wireless (applicant)

Residential, Class B

Lisa Maas-Vangellow, an agent with Verizon Wireless at 175 Calkins Road, Rochester, New York, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of replacing four communication antennas with six new antennas on property situated at 1387 East Colvin Street.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2)  SP-13-01

Special Permit-Restaurant

2400 (aka 2406) Erie Boulevard East

Xiao Feng Huang and Min Wu (owners/applicants)

Commercial, Class B

Mr. Anthony Catsimatides, of Openatelier Architect at 451 South Warren Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists establishing a restaurant within a grocery store on property situated at 2400 (aka 2406) Erie Boulevard East.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission noted the number of deviations the proposal has from the City of Syracuse Zoning Rules and Regulations, as amended, the Commission agreed to keep the public hearing open so the applicant could consider revisions to the proposal.

3)  R-13-02


Combine five parcels into one new Lot

242, 246, 252, 254 and 258-60 Wolf Street

Combine five parcels into one new Lot

Nicholas Angarano (owner/applicant)

Business, Class A

Mr. Nicholas Angarano, at 210 Wolf Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining five parcels into one new Lot in order to establish a church on property situated at 242, 246, 252, 254 and 258-60 Wolf Street.

Three people spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Steve Kulick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4)  R-13-03


Combine twelve parcels into one new Lot

117, 119, 121-23, 125, 127-29 and 131-33 Standart Street and

700, 702, 704, 706, 708, and 710 East Raynor Avenue

New York State-SUNY E.S.F. (owner/applicant)

Planned Institutional District

Mr. Cornelius P. Murphy, President of SUNY-ESF, and Mr. Joseph Rufo, Vice President for Administration at SUNY-ESF, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of combining twelve parcels into one new Lot for future development either as a parking lot for Syracuse University or future academic buildings for SUNY-ESF on property situated at 117, 119, 121-23, 125, 127-29 and 131-33 Standart Street and 700, 702, 704, 706, 708, and 710 East Raynor Avenue.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Steve Kulick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5)  R-13-05


Combine five tax parcels into three new Lots

1009-11, 1025, 1035, 1047 and 1055 West Genesee Street, 405, 407 and 409 North Geddes Street, 712-16 Park Avenue, and 324, 328-30 and 334 Liberty Street

1001 W. Genesee St, LLC (owner/applicant)

Residential, Class A, Business, Class A, and Commercial, Class A

Mr. James Trasher and Mr. Brian Bouchard, both of Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP, at 441 South Salina Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of subdividing five tax parcels into three new Lots to facilitate building demolition and new construction on property situated at 1009-11, 1025, 1035, 1047 and 1055 West Genesee Street, 405, 407 and 409 North Geddes Street, 712-16 Park Avenue, and 324, 328-30 and 334 Liberty Street.

No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission noted the application is a companion case to a Project Site Review (PR-13-02), to which review comments from some City Departments have not been received, the Commission agreed to keep the public hearing open in conjunction with the companion Project Site Review application pending receipt of comments from the City of Syracuse Departments of Engineering and Public Works.

6)  PR-13-02

Project Site Review

Demolition and New Construction

1009-11, 1025, 1035, 1047 and 1055 West Genesee Street,

405, 407 and 409 North Geddes Street, and 712-16 Park Avenue

1001 W. Genesee St, LLC (owner/applicant)

Business, Class A, and Commercial, Class A

Mr. James Trasher and Mr. Brian Bouchard, both of Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP, at 441 South Salina Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists of demolishing a structure at 1047 and 1055 West Genesee Street and a portion of a second structure at 1025 and 1035 West Genesee Street and to construct three retail buildings on property situated at 1009-11, 1025, 1035, 1047 and 1055 West Genesee Street, 405, 407 and 409 North Geddes Street, and 712-16 Park Avenue.

Two people spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission noted it could not make a proper SEQR declaration pending receipt of review comments from the City of Syracuse Departments of Engineering and Public Works, the Commission agreed to keep the public hearing open pending receipt of comments from said Departments.

7)  SP-13-03

Special Permit- Restaurant (New Construction)

1009-11 (aka 1001) West Genesee Street

1001 W. Genesee St, LLC (owner/applicant)

Business, Class A, and Commercial, Class A

Mr. Brian Bouchard, of Clough Harbour & Associates, LLP, at 441 South Salina Street, spoke to the Commission about the proposal, which consists constructing and establishing a restaurant on property situated at 1009-11 (aka 1001) West Genesee Street.

One person spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal.

After further discussion and review, whereupon the Commission noted it could not make a proper SEQR declaration pending receipt of review comments from the City of Syracuse Departments of Engineering and Public Works, the Commission agreed to keep the public hearing open pending receipt of comments from said Departments.

  1. Old Business

1)  SP-00-18 M2

Special Permit Modification-Restaurant

Floor Plan Modification

725 East Fayette Street and 216-218 Forman Avenue

Huang Si Bin- JNJ Syracuse, Inc. (owner)

Anthony Catsimatides (applicant)

Commercial, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to deny the application without prejudice. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. New Business

1)  SR-13-01

Site Plan Review

Replace three communication antennas with three new antennas

701-705 East Genesee Street

Richfield Syracuse Hotel Partners, LLC (owner)

Christine Howell (applicant)

Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

2)  SP-98-20 M1

Special Permit Modification – Restaurant

Void Motion

2719 James Street

NAA James St. Corp. (owner)

Maria Campanella (applicant)

Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to void the motion made on December 10, 2012, for the proposal due to the applicant’s inability to meet the condition. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

3)  CS-13-02

Certificate of Suitability – Single Family

916 Westcott Street

Philip Tricca (owner)

Michael Feng and Esther Feng (contract purchasers)

Residential, Class A-1

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4)  CS-13-03

Certificate of Suitability – Single Family

206 Berkeley Drive

Michael Marin Properties (owner)

Joseph Tupper (contract purchaser)

Residential, Class A-1

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5)  SP-11-28

Special Permit-Interim Recreation Field

Extension Request

476 West Kirkpatrick Street

Salt City Enterprises (owner/applicant)

Lakefront, T-5, T-4, and GR

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to approve an extension until January 9, 2014. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

6)  SP-11-29

Special Permit-Parking Lot

Extension Request

922 North Geddes Street

Salt City Enterprises (owner/applicant)

Lakefront, T-4

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary made a motion to approve an extension until January 9, 2014. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

7)  SP-11-30

Special Permit-Access Drive

Extension Request

1032-1040 North Geddes Street

Salt City Enterprises (owner/applicant)

Lakefront, T-4

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to approve an extension until January 9, 2014. Ms. Rebecca Livengood seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

8)  SR-11-05

Site Plan Review-Building Demolition and Site Alterations

Extension Request

373 and 377 Spencer Street

Salt City Enterprises, LLC (owner/applicant)

Lakefront, T-5[2]

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to approve an extension until December 31, 2013. Mr. Steve Kulick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

9)  SR-11-20

Site Plan Review-Building Rehabilitation and Site Improvements

Extension Request

450 West Kirkpatrick Street

Salt City Enterprises, LLC (owner/applicant)

Lakefront, T-4 and T-5

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to approve an extension until December 22, 2013. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

10) Notice of Intent to Act as Lead Agency

328-334 and 336 South Salina Street

Infinity Armory, LLC (owner)

Syracuse Industrial Agency (applicant)

Central Business District, General Service A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Ms. Rebecca Livengood made a motion to defer Lead Agency to the Syracuse Industrial Development Agency (SIDA) for this proposal as requested by SIDA. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  1. Minor Modifications

1)  SP-95-11 M1

Special Permit Modification – Gasoline Service Station

Modify Signage

971 East Brighton Avenue

SUNOCO Inc. (owner)

UA Projects Company, LLC (applicant)

Commercial, Class B

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, the Commission determined that the proposal warranted a public hearing.

2)  SP-84-18 M1

Special Permit Modification – Restaurant

Modify Floor Plan, Signage, and Elevations

601-623 Butternut Street

Lodi & Butternut St. Associates, LLC (owner)

Carrols, LLC (applicant)

Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, the Commission determined that the proposal warranted a public hearing.

  1. Modification Consideration

1)  SP-00-36 M1

Special Permit Modification – Restaurant

Modify Floor Plan and Signage

1849-1851 Grant Boulevard

Giovanni Vigliotti (owner/applicant)

Business, Class A

Ms. Heather Lamendola, City of Syracuse Zoning Administrator, spoke to the Commission about the proposal.

After discussion and review, Mr. Arpad Kolozsvary made a motion to approve the request with a negative SEQR declaration. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

X.  Authorizations

Mr. Steve Kulick made a motion to authorize those cases listed for Monday, April 1, 2013 meeting, in addition to four public hearings held open and two cases considered at this evenings meeting. Ms. Linda Henley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

XI.  Adjournment

Ms. Linda Henley made a motion to adjourn at 8:52 p.m. Mr. Steve Kulick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.