EXERCISE 1 1 CLASS: ______


  1. Examine the latest global information for significant wave heights and winds at the Ocean Weather.com Website. Before you proceed, read the note on "How do I read a wind barb?" on the Overview page. Then, write a brief paragraph describing the current global pattern of significant wave heights and the correlation that exists between the worldwide pattern of significant wave heights and the current wind speeds and directions.
  1. Investigate the NOAA Marine Environmental Buoy Database Website.

(a) Using the interactive map, select a geographic region along either coast of North America.

(b) Select one buoy that has available "Latest Condition/Site Info."

Write a short summary of the latest conditions being monitored at the site of the buoy.

(NOTE: Print and attach a copy of the buoy's latest conditions report to this Response Form.)

3) To help in your understanding of ocean currents, review the Global Circulation and California Current expedition module from Professor Don Reed's online oceanography class at San Jose State University.

When you have finished the exercise, write a brief description of what you have learned from the expedition.

4)  In Exercise 11 you investigated the coastal landforms associated with Point Reyes, CA. Extend your knowledge of the area by exploring this Geology of the Pt. Reyes Peninsula Website.

When you have finished examining the information, write a short summary of the geology of the region. In particular, what impact has plate tectonics had on the peninsula?

5)  Using the information available at this National Ocean Service (NOAA) Website, write a short statement comparing the tides during the same time period at:

1) Montauk, NY

2) Key West, FL

3) Corpus Christi, TX

4) Neah Bay, WA

(NOTE: Print and attach a copy of the plots for Montauk, NY; and Neah Bay, WA, to this Response Form.)