Preliminary Bibliography

Due Date: ______

Your preliminary bibliography is the next stage due in your research paper. We begin a preliminary bibliography before the note cards so that you can find out if you have enough information to begin your research paper. These are the requirements for the preliminary bibliography:

1.)  The bibliography will include at least 10 sources that relate to your topic.

2.)  The bibliography will be written according to MLA style (See “Works Cited” section of your research paper packet for more information). Here is a sample newspaper reference written in MLA style (Notice that EVERY BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ENTRY ALWAYS ENDS WITH A PERIOD!):

Austin, S.C. Steve. “Wrestlers Fight for Respect in Rough Industry.” Buffalo News 18 October, 1998, B1+.

3.)  Preliminary bibliography must be typed or word-processed and must have proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar and follow the MLA format.

4.)  Definitions: A Bibliography is an alphabetical listing of ALL the sources you have consulted in your paper, whether or not you have referred to them or quoted them in your paper. A Works Cited page includes all the sources from which you quoted or paraphrased in your paper. Both MUST be included in your final paper. DOING YOUR BIBLIOGRAPHY CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME, COLLECTING ALL INFORMATION AND RECORDING IT WILL SAVE YOU TIME! If you don’t correctly record your information required by MLA style, you will have to try to track down the information again later.

5.)  As with all research paper assignments, each stage must be completed before moving on to the next one. If you have not turned in an approved thesis, for example, your bibliography will not be accepted until the thesis is complete and turned in. All late assignments will cause you to lose points on the assignment. Not completing the assignments may result in a telephone call home from Mr. Iten, who, by the way, doesn’t enjoy this stipulation.