Development and Learning in the Junior Primary and Primary Years: Discussion Paper Assessment Rubric

Fail / P2 / P1 / Credit / Distinction / High Distinction
Introduction / Did not provide an introduction to the discussion paper / Poorly structured intro: minimal information, lacks clarity and structure / Some of the background and relevant theories were introduced / Adequately introduced the purpose, background and relevant theories / Excellent intro: purpose, background and argument outlined, references to literature / Exceptional intro: purpose, background, theory and terms defined, argument and structure outlined
Presentation and analysis of the findings / Disjointed discussion paper / Reported some of the findings but did not address the question or criteria / Presented and discussed some of the research findings / Discussed the research findings in light of the basic literature in the area or classroom practice but not both / Discussed the research in light of the literature & classroom practice demonstrating clear understanding of the findings / Insightfully analysed the research literature, outlining implications for learning classroom practice, demonstrating understanding of the significance in the light of current theory and research
Conclusion / Did not conclude the discussion / Reported some of the main points without awareness of significance of findings / Made an attempt to summarise findings. / Summarised clearly and appropriately in light of the findings reported in the papers reviewed. / Summarised major points and showed awareness of their significance. / Summarised major findings: superior awareness of their significance in the light of the research literature. Highlightedthe studies’strengthsweaknesses, & their relevanceto classroom practice
Research Articles / Did not use research articles to support argument / Used journal articles but did not refer to research papers / Used 1 – 2 research articles / Used 2 research articles and other supporting references / Referred to 2 research articles and a range of other texts / Referred to 2 research articles and a range of other texts and journal articles
Referencing / Did not reference / Minimal and inconsistent referencing / Inconsistent referencing / Sound referencing using the Harvard Author-Date system / Excellent and consistent referencing using the Harvard Author-Date system / Exceptional referencing of publication quality
Spelling, grammar and punctuation / Did not proof read / Many basic spelling and grammatical mistakes / Sentence structure and grammar requires attention / Sound use of grammatical and punctuation constructs / Syntactically and grammatically accurate paper / High quality language, grammar & punctuation usage. Correct use of paragraph structure & effective use of textual conventions in highlightingthe arguments presented
Grade / Notational % / Grade Description
High Distinction / 85 – 100 / An exceptional piece of work in every regard
Distinction / 75 – 84 / A good attempt exhibiting high quality work in most areas
Credit / 65 – 74 / A sound attempt exhibiting good quality work in some areas
Pass Level 1 / 55 – 64 / A sound attempt
Pass level 2 / 50 – 54 / Just passable
Fail / Below 49 / Not passable – some/most areas requiring improvement