Park View High School

Subject: Gourmet Foods

Syllabus 2016 – 2017

Instructor Information

Name:Jessi Rettle

Email Address:

1. / Course Description-
The application of science concepts in biology, chemistry, and
physics are important to the study of foods.
Students learn the relationship of science to foods, use of technology, nutrition,
wellness, sports nutrition, food safety, and sanitation, time and resource management, foods and cultural diversity, contemporary trends and issues, and the use of the My Plate guide.
Hands-on activities in food preparation skills and techniques and in the actual planning, preparation, preservation, and serving of nutritious meals encourage the development of positive interdependence, individual accountability, social skills, and
effective group functioning.
Students use computers to analyze nutritional content of foods and to plan for special dietary needs.
2. / Students will be able to:
  • Analyze strategies to manage multiple roles and responsibilities (individual, family, career, community, and global).
  • Analyze career paths within food science, food technology, dietetics, and nutrition industries.
  • Evaluate nutrition principles, food plans, preparation techniques, and specialized dietary plans.
  • Apply basic concepts of nutrition and nutritional therapy in a variety of settings.
  • Demonstrate food science, dietetics, and nutrition management principles and practices.
  • Analyze factors that influence nutrition and wellness practices across the life span.
  • Evaluate the nutritional needs of individuals and families in relation to health and wellness across the life span.
  • Demonstrate ability to acquire, handle, and use foods to meet nutrition and wellness needs of individuals and families across the life span.
  • Evaluate factors that affect food safety from production through consumption.
  • Evaluate the influence of science and technology on food composition, safety, and other issues.

3. / Course outline Quarter 1:
  • Kitchen Basics
  • Essential nutrient-- Water
  • Essential nutrient-- Carbohydrates
  • Essential nutrient-- Protein
  • nutrition project
  • Nutrition poster
  • Chef biography
Course outline Quarter 2:
  • Essential nutrient—Fruits and Vegetables
  • Italian Dinner Unit
  • Essential nutrient—Protein
  • Essential nutrient—Calcium
  • International Foods Project
  • Kitchen sanitation
  • Foodborne illness prevention
  • Tablesetting
  • Table manners/Etiquette

4. / Grades will be based on the following items:
  • Classwork/Homework: 230pts
  • Tests: 220 pts
  • Labs: 1500pts
  • Projects: 450 pts

5. / *LCPS Grading scale: GRADING SCALE
A+ 98-100 C+ 77-79
A 93-97 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69
B 83-86 D 63-66
B- 80-82D- 60-62
F 59 and below
6. / Classroom Procedures and Expectations
•Attend class, be on time, be prepared and dressed appropriately.
•Use a classroom card to leave the room – no bathroom passes first or last 10
minutes of class
•Ask permission to leave your seat.
•Listen when people are talking and respect each person.
•Be an active class participant and stay on task.
•Be a responsible group member.
•Practice safety and cleanliness procedures.
•Ask permission before opening a refrigerator or food cupboard.
•At the end of class stay seated until the bell rings
•Do not lose your workbook because it contains homework that will be graded
and it will be used for the end of course assessment.
7. / Materials needed for class (for the year)
  • 1” binder and pen/pencil
  • Lab supply fee

8. / I can best be contacted via email at or at the school during school hours at 571-434-4500
9. / Before or After school tutorials with the instructor available upon request.
  • Activity buses will be available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

11. / Late Work Policy
  • All work turned in late will be graded at full value if pre-approved by teacher.

12. / 8-17 C. Make-up work missed because of absence. (Taken from LCPS)
*Make-up Work Policy
Whenever a student is absent, whether an excused or unexcused absence or a
suspension absence, if the principal requires make-up work, a reasonable amount of time, consistent with the length of the absence, will be given the student to make up the work missed. Upon return from absence, the student is responsible to initiate immediate action to make up the work. Upon such request of the student, the teacher is responsible to provide assignments, tests, and other work that must be made up and to inform the student clearly when make-up work for which grades will be given is due. Failure to complete such make-up work within the time allowed will result in a failing grade for those assignments, tests, or other work. Make-up work turned in within the time allowed will be graded on the same basis as other work.
Park View’s goal is to promote a community of trust that will enhance student achievement and learning. Students who accept responsibility for their own academic integrity learn and take pride in genuine achievement. As members of the Park View community, we are dedicated to honesty, integrity, and doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. The Park View Honor Code represents expectations of behavior that are aligned with effectively preparing community members for success in a global society.
The Park View Honor Council oversees all Honor Code violations. Students have the right to appeal any violations, as long as their appeal is submitted to the Honor Council within seven calendar days of violation notification.
The entirety of the Honor Code can be found on the PVHS homepage under Site Shortcuts and/or Our School at: