Q-talk in the classroom

Objective: Students will be introduced to the Q-talk method of learning new vocabulary and will naturally be able to speak in complete sentences through the use of images.

Note: This is a great program, but it builds on the first unit. Every noun and verb is represented by an image that will be used again and again throughout the year.

For the teacher:

  • Go to qtalkgames.com
  • Login using username and password
  • Click on Upper Elementary/Middle School
  • To access the book and online resource, click on book.
  • Before choosing the book you want, watch the tutorial demonstration.
  • The tutorial demonstration is really important to watch!
  • Click on lesson 1 of the flipbook to access images and activities
  • Worksheets and activities can be uploaded right from the flipbook!
  • Click on “games” to play on-line games with the class or they can play independently on their device. Students will each be given an account and be able to log-in to q-talk.

Advantages: Students will be able to immediately speak in French the very first day! This program gets kids excited about learning a new language and it is easy to differentiate learning experiences for students. It is very personalized. The games are a lot of fun to play and teachers can track student performance. There are many different books to choose from and teachers have a lot of choice based upon their target audience.

Assigning homework: Worksheets can be uploaded from the teacher’s flipbook for the different lessons specifically created to practice different concepts. Students can also complete on-line activities and take assessments.

Lesson Plan:

Activity 1: Introduction to q-talk. This will take a little time to go through the presentation for the first time. Introduce the vocabulary in context with the flip-book. The class will be very engaged and excited! Take plenty of time with it, and have fun!

Divide class into 3 groups to create stations:

Station 1: Students practice using the q-talk program on their device with several fun games and activities. They will have headphones to listen to the vocabulary in context with the images. The online-line lessons allow the students to listen, speak, read, type, and interpret what they see and hear.

Station 2: Mini-lesson with small group. More intensive focus on vocabulary with speaking and listening. This always the teacher to identify where students may be struggling and target student individual needs.

Station 3: Students work together in playing a “card-game” that uses the vocabulary images in context.

Closing Activity: Formative Assessment with Images on the board. Call on students randomly and have them create sentences.

Assign homework: Worksheet uploaded from the teacher’s flipbook for lesson 1 specifically created to practice the concepts learned from the q-talk lesson.