1Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, KULeuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
2 Department of Chemical Engineering, KULeuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Short abstract containing max 10 lines. The title of the abstract is (Calibri, 16, bold). The text of the abstract is (Calibri, 12, italic).This document has an adjusted width of 19.8 cm. Page set up is top 2.2 cm, bottom 4.1 cm, left and right both2.55 cm. For numerical data, use “.” Instead of”,” (cf. 3.45). Use English English (not American English: isation instead of ization, colour instead of color etc.).
The title of the paper is (Calibri,18,bold, caps). Total length of the paper is4 pages.
Content titles are (Calibri, 16, bold). Paragraphs are separated from one another by ‘enters’.
The text (Calibri, 12, normal), distance between the lines ‘at least’ 16 points. This distance is maintained throughout the entire text.
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Second Title
All other sections are the same as the one indicated in the introduction.
Second level of not-numbered titles
The second level titles are (Calibri, 13, Bold).
Figures: Graphs and pictures
Graphs can best be inserted as a picture by copying the picture from the program (excel, sigma-plot, matlab, …) and use ‘paste special’ as picture. If the graph is already in picture format, take care of the size of the picture and be aware that the A4 format will be reduced to a 16 cm by 24 cm format which is only 81% of A4. You can always check the outlook of your paper by zooming in to 81%. 300 dpi is in most cases big enough. A higher size can make the document too heavy. The Figure is centred. The number and name of the figures should be indicated under it also centred (Calibri, 12 points, ‘Figure x: ’ bold, further caption not bold, distance also at least 16 points).
Figure 1: Powder X-ray diffractogram of untreated residue SR1 (1), treated with 0.1 g/g micro-silica (2) and treated with 0.2 g/g micro-silica (3)
If more figures are put next to each other a table can be used and the pictures can be put in the tables as shown below.
Figure 2: Leaching of Pb from bottom ash treated SR1 after 1 week (left) and 5 weeks (right) curing
Tables can be inserted as table format from word or excel or as picture. The number and name of the table should be indicated above it (Calibri, 12 points, not bold apart from ‘Table x: ’). The table is centred to the middle of the page.
Table 1: Example of a table
(wt.%) / Slag 1 / Slag 2 / Slag 3CaO/SiO2 / 1.7 / 1.1 / 1.8
Cr2O3 / 1.1 / 6.7 / 0.9
MgO / 6.5 / 11.0 / 2.3
References are indicated in the text by a number in superscript. Do not use automatic numbering. Some examples of references are given below(Calibri, 10, distance between the lines is at least 13 points):
- D. Durinck, G. Mertens, P. T. Jones, J. Elsen, B. Blanpain and P. Wollants, “Slag Solidification Modeling Using the Scheil-Gulliver Assumptions”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90(4) 1177-85 (2007).
- S. Arnout, M. Guo, D. Durinck, P. T. Jones, J. Elsen, B. Blanpain and P. Wollants, “Phase Relations in Stainless Steel Slags”, in Proceeding of European Metallurgical Conference (EMC 2007), Edited by N. L. Piret. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, Resources and Environmental Technology (GDMB), Düsseldorf, Germany, 2007.
- H.A. vanderSloot, L. Heasman, P. Quevauviller, Harmonization of leaching/extraction tests, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997.
3rd International Slag Valorisation Symposium | Leuven | 19-20/03/2013 1