Appendix B - Lesson Observation Tool

Cooperating teachersand Field Supervisors, please use the electronic version of this document located at

Name of Intern: / Date:
Cooperating teacher: / Observer:
(please check)
Field Supervisor: / Observer:
(please check)

Scale (check one in each competency)

NA / Not Applicable
NE / Not Evidenced
E / Emerging
IP / In Process
M / Met
NA / NE / E / IP / M
1.The teacher candidate sets learning targets that address the GLE and state content standards.
C.Developmental & Instructional Appropriateness
E.Multicultural Perspectives
2.The teacher candidate demonstrates knowledge of the characteristics of students and their communities.
A.Developmental Characteristics
C.Cultural Backgrounds, Ethnicity, Language Development, SES, Gender
D.Approaches to Learning
E.Prior Knowledge and Skills
NA / NE / E / IP / M
F.Community Factors that Impact Student Learning
3. The teacher candidate plans and establishes effective interactions with families to support student learning and well-being.
C.Cultural Responsiveness
D.Two-Way Communication
4. The teacher candidate designs assessment strategies that measure student learning.
A. Alignment
B. Technical Soundness
C. Formative and Summative Assessment
D.Multiple Modes and Approaches
5.The teacher candidate designs instruction based on research and principles of effective practice.
B.Lesson Sequence
C.Research-Based Pedagogy
D.Academic Knowledge and Perspective
E.Culturally Responsive Learning Activities
F.Materials and Resources
G.Use of Technology
H.Heterogeneous Grouping
  1. The teacher candidate aligns instruction with the plan and communicates accurate content knowledge.

  1. Alignment

  1. Meaningful Opportunities to Learn

  1. Accuracy

NA / NE / E / IP / M
  1. Interdisciplinary Instruction

  1. Cultural and Gender Responsive Instruction

  1. Students participate in a learning community that supports student learning and well-being.

  1. Democratic Classroom

  1. Respect

  1. Learning Community

  1. Self-Directed Learning

  1. Diverse Perspectives

  1. Heterogeneous Grouping

  1. Students engage in learning activities that are based on research and principles of effective practice.

  1. Questioning and Discussion Techniques

  1. Delivery and Pacing

  1. Differentiated Instruction

  1. Active Learning

  1. Technology

  1. Students experience effective classroom management and discipline.

  1. Use of Classroom Materials

  1. Equitable Discipline

  1. Transitions

  1. Response to Intervention

  1. Democratic Practices

  1. The teacher candidate and students engage in activities that assess student learning.

  1. Alignment

  1. Multiple Modes and Approaches

  1. Feedback

NA / NE / E / IP / M
  1. Self Assessment

  1. Student Reflection

  1. Positive Impact on Student Learning

Additional notes regarding the candidate’s skills in this domain:

Overall remarks:

Areas of concern/improvement:

Have you addressed these items with the intern and/or field supervisor:

I have shared this evaluation with my intern.