DIRECTORATE-GENERAL Migration and Home Affairs
Directorate D: Security
Unit D.4 : Anti-drugs policy

Application form

for the Civil Society Forumon Drugs


Pleasesend your completed form and required documents to:


Deadline: 27.02.2015

Members will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • The organisation has to correspond to the concept of civil society as set out in point 2 of the Green paper: “the associational life operating in the space between the state and market, including individual participation, and the activities of non-governmental, voluntary and community organisations”[1].
  • The organisation must be legal, be registered and have its main base of operation in an EU member state, EEA, acceding, candidate or potential candidate country[2].
  • Membership of those organisations must be open to those that fulfil transparent criteria and organisations must be financially accountable.
  • The organisation has to have drug related activities as the core focus of its activities. Organisations covering directly different aspects (e.g. treatment, prevention) could be selected to ensure broad coverage of the drugs issue.
  • Credibility: Organisations should have a clear track record of their activities.
  • Representativeness: Organisations should be recognised as being able to speak on behalf of those they claim to represent.

Within these criteria, the Commission would select members for the forum on the basis of the information provided in the annexed application form based on following principles:

  • Priority will be given to those organisations that are established in the form of transnational networks covering a number of eligible countries.
  • Ageographical balance shall be reached.
  • Balance between different areas of activities in the drugs field shall be ensured.
  • The organisation should be able to contribute to the policy developments on a European level and this should be demonstrated by their up-to-date activities, for example at national level.
  • There is not a fixed number, but the number of members' needs to be limited for the Forum to be manageable and operational (40).
  • Reapplying organisations will have to provide information about their involvement in the work of the outgoing CSF on Drugs (2013-2014)-see question 9 of the application form.

The member organisations of the Forum Members are expected to provide active input to the work of the Forum, also when appropriate in between the plenary meetings. They are also expected to act as 'focal points'; that is to keep other relevant organisations in their respective countries abreast of the activities of the Forum and involve them in the Forum's work by sharing relevant information.

General information

1.Name and acronym of the organisation in English, French or German:




2. Address of the organisation:

Street, number: ______


Town: ______

Postcode: ______

Country: ______

Telephone: ______

Fax: ______

E-mail: ______

Internet site (if applicable): ______

President, chairman or secretary (name and contact information):


Number of staff: ______

Number and type of members: ______

3. Year of foundation:______

4.Type of your organisation:

Please select




Professional Organisation

European/international/regional/national network

Umbrella Organisation

Other (please specify): ______

Does it correspond to the definition of civil society as "the associational life operating in the space between the state and the market, including individual participation, and the activities of non-governmental, voluntary and community organisations"?



Membership fees

Public Funding

Private donations

Other (please specify): ______

Previous experience

6. Is your organisation a member of the current Civil Society Forum (2013-2014)?



If yes: please fill all questions below in this section, if no please jump to question 11.

7. Does your organisation fulfilthe new selection criteria?



8.Since the previous call for membership, have there been any changes in your organisation's structure, scope of activities and financing model that could potentially be contrary to thenew selection criteria?

Yes. Please explain:




9. In which way did you personally / a person representing your organisation in the Forum contribute to the CSF work in the last two years?






10. What do you consider to be major achievements of the Forum?



11. What should be in your opinion the goal of the Forum and its priorities that should be achieved in the coming three years?






12. In which way couldyou contribute to achieving those goals?






13. Has your organisation received funding from the European Community?


If Yes, please give details: Year, programme, amount received.


Please list any pending applications: Year, programme, amount requested.


14. Aims:

Please describe briefly the goals, mandate or mission of your organisation.





15. Activities:

Please indicate your organisation's activities that you feel can provide added value for drugs policy at EU level, in particular in relation to the EU Drugs Action Plan 2013-2016[3].



Please indicate, what practical co-operation has already been established between your organisation and the Commission (if applicable).


Please indicate your organisation's experience on practical co-operation at the EU or international level.


Are drug-related activities the core focus of your organisation?


If Yes, please give details on these activities (Coordination, Drug-Demand Reduction, Supply Reduction, International Cooperation, Information, Research and Evaluation).




If No, please give details on your drug-related activities.




Please give a short description of your main activities and achievements during the last five years (or as applicable).





16. Constituency:

Please describe briefly the support base (members/supporters/donors) of your organisation, membership criteria, how you represent the interests of your members and how you ensure transparency in selecting members.



Is your organisation registered and legal in a Member State/EEA country/acceding country/EU candidate/or potential candidate country? Please provide proof of registration.


Where is the main base of your operations?




By what means would your organisation ensure an effective information flow between the Civil Society Forum on Drugs and your members/constituency?




17.Membership or accreditations:

Please provide information on membership accreditation in European and international intergovernmental organisations (e.g. United Nations, Council of Europe).




Please provide information on membership in international/European/regional networks.




18. Geographical representation:

(Please mark the country in which your organisation is represented).




Bosnia and HerzegovinaIrelandRomania


CroatiaKosovo*Slovak Republic


Czech republicLiechtensteinSpain

Denmark LithuaniaSweden

EstoniaLuxembourg"the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"


FranceMontenegroUnited Kingdom


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Name and Signature______

Your position ______

Date ______

Please enclose documents on the statute of your organisation and proof of registration!

The organisations that are members of the current Civil Society Forum on Drugs (2013-2014) do not need to send supporting documents provided already in the previous selection procedure if:

- They comply with the new selection criteria as stated above;

- Since the previous call for membership, there have been no changes in the organisation's structure, scope of activities and financing model, which could potentially be contrary to the selection criteria.

In case one or both of the conditions listed above are not met (i.e. question 7 of this application was answered negative AND/OR question 8 positive), supporting documents need to be sent in.

Please send your completed form and required documents (preferably by e-mail) to:

or to the postal address:

European Commission

Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs

Unit D4 Anti-drugs policy Unit

MO59 – 1049 Brussels, Belgium

Closing deadline: 27.02.2015

[1] [COM(2006) 316 final ]

[2] Identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council summit in June 2003.
