Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 5th December 2016

Present: Chairman: Mr L C Jenkins

Councillors: Mr J Davies, Miss C Freeman,

Mr S Hunt, Mr G James, Mr B L Parfitt,

Mr M Rivers, Mrs G Smith

Mr D C Thomas

Clerk: Mrs L E Oliver

1 Apologies for Absence

Mr D Francis, Mr P Parfitt

2 Declaration of Interests

Miss Freeman declared an interest in item 6

3 To Receive the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on 7th November 2016

It was RESOLVED that, after one adjustment, the minutes were a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Vice Chairman

4 Matters Arising

There were no matters raised

5 Policing Matters

The Clerk read out a reply from Mr Alun Michaels regarding an incident in Dulais Road. Cllr Hunt said he thought the reply was standard and hoped the promised information was given to the Vice Chairman’s niece as soon as possible.

The Clerk had circulated an updated list of contact numbers for the police to councillors.

There had recently been a PACT meeting and priority matters had changed, although PCSO Tennet would always cover youth and parking problems. Fly tipping was a problem at the moment although ‘clean-up’ operations had taken place. Parking notices were to be erected and monitored. The ‘walking bus’ to the school was to go ahead. Another PCSO had also attended the meeting.

The Chairman reported that parking on the hill by the old Dulais Valley Partnership building was once again a problem, although it was thought most likely to be residents of the area.

6 Community Hall and CHAOSS

The Clerk had received an application for the position of Relief Caretaker from Mr Nigel Horne. There was some concern as Mr Horne had a business if he would be available for emergency callout. It was agreed members of CHAOSS would arrange to interview Mr Horne.

7 Recreation Ground

Mr Thomas reported that the main gate had been left open after a football club meeting. He suggested, if the gate is not kept locked, the key be taken away from the football club. Mr Thomas to telephone Mrs Herdman.

9 Transfer of Lease of Recreation Ground to CHAOSS

Mr Parfitt reported that CHAOSS were to meet with Carys from the CVS regarding obtaining charitable status

10 Brynbedd Cemetary

Mr Thomas said there were no problems to report


11 Reports from Meetings attended by Members

A meeting at the Doctor’s surgery had been attended by The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Cllr Hunt, Mr Rivers and Mr L Parfitt

The Remembrance Day service had been attended by the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Miss Freeman, Cllr Hunt, Mr James and Mrs Smith

The PACT meeting had been attended by Cllr Hunt, Mr James and Mr L Parfitt

‘Cuppa with a Copper’ had been attended by Mr James

Mrs Smith had attended a Governor’s meeting at the Welsh school

Miss Freeman and Mr L Parfitt hat attended meetings at the English School and reported that a new Head Teacher had been appointed who would start in January and a new Special Needs Teacher.

12 Planning Matters

Pre-Planning Application Consultation for a mobile phone base station installation at Heol Heddwych

Cllr Hunt said the base station would not be sited at this position

13 Correspondence

Natural Resources Wales – change of contact number (circulated 15.11.16)

UnLtd Wales Rural Award – Support for Individuals

LDBCW Publication – Electoral Reviews: Policy and Practice

Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ (sent to Cllr Hunt 16.11.16)

Growing Healthy Together

NPTCBC Local Service Revisions

South Wales Police – Contact Numbers (circulated 23.11.16)

14 Clerk’s Report

Income £ p

Cemetery 75.00

It was RESOLVED that the following be passed for payment:

M Miles, November as per contract

L Oliver, November 314.80

B L Parfitt, Poppy Wreath 20.00

H & H Construction, work at Recreation Ground 1759.80 inc VAT

Came & Company, Insurance renewal 3258.16

L Oliver, Expenses 40.36 inc VAT

Cllr S Hunt, Cefn Coed Membership 5.00

Corona Energy – Gas October 277.15 inc VAT

Wired Up Wales – Domain Renewal 90.00

BT – Broadband 86.40 inc VAT

The Clerk had checked the gas bill as requested and said it was estimated and the current one was much lower

Mr Davies said he would like to see the charges for electricity displayed as well although it was paid by direct debit

The next two items were taken in reverse order from the agenda

16 NPTCBC Budget Cuts

Cllr Hunt said the budget cuts were still in consultation mode but did not appear to be as severe as first thought. He still felt councillors should have a meeting to decide their feedback on the proposals. The Clerk would suggest dates for this meeting at the next council meeting.


15 To Consider the Proposed Budget and set the Precept for 2017/18

The Clerk had prepared a budget and circulated councillors

It was proposed by Mr Rivers, seconded by Cllr Hunt and agreed that the Council RESOLVED not to increase the precept for the coming year

17 Doctor’s Surgery

The Chairman reported that, at the recent meeting, councillors had been advised of a new initiative but had been asked to keep this in strict confidence.

He said we had been promised a new Doctor but this was not happening as no-one had applied for the post.

The stoppage of the bus from Coelbren to Banwen was discussed and the Doctors were looking at possible alternatives

Cllr Hunt felt that Powys Council needed to step in as Coelbren is in Powys

The Chairman said that the Doctors would be re-directing patients to Opticians, Specialists etc where possible to ease their load

There would be another meeting in January

The Chairman was pleased they were keeping Councillors informed of developments

18 Soar Chapel Site

Cllr Hunt said a S205 notice had been served on Mr Rees on 19th October 2016.

He reported that Mr Parfitt had killed the weeks on the site so that the grass would grow back in the spring but said we should not access the site at the moment or could be charged with trespass.

19 Community Benefits – Wind Turbines

The Clerk read out a letter from NPTCBC Chief Executive and from Mr Paul Hinder.

Councillors agreed there was no benefit to be had for the community and it was agreed to remove this item from the agenda.

20  Wales Air Ambulance – Invitation to Visit Facility

The Clerk read out information regarding the proposed visit and was asked to arrange some dates in the new year

21 Any Other Business

The Chairman said he presumed there were no objections with going ahead with the Christmas lights as it was included in standing orders

Cllr Hunt had 750 leaflets printed to support the grant application for play equipment.

It was agreed that councillors would hand deliver these throughout the village, they would need to be returned by mid January

Mr Thomas reported that public footpath 43 at Brynteg was still blocked. Clerk to contact Mr Jon Griffiths.

There being no further business the Chairman then closed the meeting wishing everyone a Happy Christmas

Signed: D C Thomas, Vice Chairman Date: 9th January 2017


Clerk’s report to the Monthly Meeting to be held on 9th January 2017

Income £ p

Cemetery 80.00

Accounts for payment

M Miles, November as per contract

L Oliver, November 315.00

P Parfitt, Mowing 625.00

J Trump. Relief Caretaker 108.00

K Morgan, Xmas Lights 250.00

Corona Energy – Gas December 365.16 inc VAT


The Welsh Government re National Development Framework

The Welsh Government re Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance Consultation

One Voice Wales – Buckingham Palace Garden Parties

Rhys George NPTCBC – Community Boundary Review 2016

NPTCBC – Rural Development Programme event

Independent Remuneration Panel events

The Equality and Human Rights Commission – committee vacancies (circulated 20.12.16)

The Welsh Government Bathing Water Review consultation

