Room 425 City-County Building
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703-3345
FAX 608/266-4425 TDD 608/266-4941
Director of Administration / CHARLES HICKLIN
DATE:March18, 2014
TO:All Proposers
FROM:Rob Penfield, Purchasing Agent
SUBJECT:ADDENDUM #1 Bid #114029: Motor Fuels Gasoline and Diesel
The following change is hereby part of this bid: “The purpose of this RFB is to solicit bids from responsive and responsible bidders to provide Motor Fuels Gasoline and Diesel.
See below for responses to questions received:
- Can you do better than 30 days for payment terms, i.e. Net 10 or Net 15? No, those are the counties payment terms.
- Do you currently receive a discount for prompt payment of invoices? No we do not.
- When is the award date? There is no specific award date but the contact will begin May 1st 2014.
- When is the first board meeting after the opening? 4/3/2014
- Will decision be made before or at board meeting? Neither
- Is the extension using DTN pricing mutually agreed upon? Yes, it would be mutually agreed upon.
- Have any addendums been released for this bid? No
- Will the bid award be split by product or awarded all to one bidder? Depending on the outcome of the bids, the award may be split or awarded to one bidder.
- What is the Ultra Low Sulfur #1 DIESEL Undyed used for? If it is used for winter blending, can we use a winter additive in place of No1? Dane County uses additives for winter blending. During extreme cold weather we blend Ultra Low Sulfur #1 DIESEL Undyed with the Ultra Low Sulfur #2 DIESEL Undyed.
- Is there a public opening and if so, what information will you be reading out loud from the bids? Yes, 2:00 PM April 1st. All Price Bid information – Part 2 pages 7 and 8.
- What is the percentage of use of conventional gasoline to 10% Ethanol gasoline? Dane County may use either product depending on what is in the best interest of the County at that time.
- Will deliveries be split between locations and/or products? Yes, deliveries may be split between locations and/or products.
- How long after the bid opening are we required to hold our firm pricing before the recommendation? See Part 3, Section 12. Full year contract period.
- On a firm bid we would like to have a name and contact number for someone that can inform us of the low bidder as soon as possible. The results of the bid will be posted at by the end of business on April 8th.
- Will a metered bill of lading be acceptable in place of the metered truck requirement for transport loads? If the entire transport load is delivered to Dane County, the Bill of Lading would be acceptable.
- If we do not attend the bid opening, when and how will we be notified of the low bidder and can we receive a copy of the bid tabulations? The results of the bid will be posted at by the end of business on April 8th.
- Should applicable taxes (Oil Spill, Inspection, State, LUST, etc.) be included in the DTN Mark Up? See Part 3, Section 11.
- How often do you anticipate the tanks to require testing during the contract? See Part 3, Section 5.
- Do you usually award on the DTN pricing or the Firm pricing? Last year we awarded both.
- What is your current awarded pricing formula? It is the same as noted in this Request for Bid.
Please acknowledge receiptofthisaddendum bynoting “Addendum #1 Received”on the bottomofthe SignatureAffidavitwhen you submityourbid.Ifyouhave anyquestionsregarding thisaddendum, please contactmeat608/267-3523.
Robert J. Penfield
Purchasing Agent
Dane County Purchasing
BID #114029