NashwaukCity Hall

June 11, 2013

Mayor Hendricks called the meeting to order at 4:30 in the council chambers

Members Present: Hendricks, Heyblom, Bolf

Members Absent: Fragnito-Smith, Gangl

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the minutesMay 28, 2013 council meeting

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Bolf to approve all bills signed and file the claims report as official record

Ayes all present—motion carried

City Departments:

Paul Vraa-handicap parking for Günter’s: discussed the area and the access could be thru the back of the property, there is limited parking on the street and there is a spot just down from their house already, need to consider the area and the number already issued around town. City should have a policy in place. Heyblom will get together with Vraa and Ketola and discuss how to handle future requests

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Hendricks to not approve the handicap parking spot for Gunter’s

Ayes all present—motion carried

Taser purchase: Discussed the taser and updated on the cost, would like to purchase two with cameras

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the purchase of 2 tasers with cameras up to $3,500.00

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Bolf to approve the communications as read

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the consent agenda as follows:
1) Approve the following Essar invoice contingent upon PUC approval: MN Power $2990.64; Adams Consulting $2,928.68;Leonard Street $3,906.00; JPJ $6,080.00, $518.89$3,033.08, $2,813.34, $2,171.95

Ayes all present—motion carried

Old Business:

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to set meeting for interviews for office assistant June 20th starting at 3:00 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the Alcohol and Drug policy for the Nashwauk Fire and Ambulance

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Bolf to approve Drug testing Consortium for Ambulance and Fire Departments. Initial cost $195 and a drug screen for all employees @ $62.35/ea and then when called $62.35

Ayes all present—motion carried

Dodge Durango-no bids received, one came in but not a sealed bid, Bolf suggested having the street department use the vehicle and then putting it in the county auction in the fall

Hendricks discussed the original request with the city to shoot off the fireworks, it was approved by the county at their county board meeting

*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Bolf to approve the land use permit with ItascaCounty for the fireworks location and allow the mayor to sign

Ayes all present—motion carried

New Business:

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve the Booster Club to clean up the food court on the 3rd and 4th of July $750.00

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Hendricks to approve contract with Second Wind Harmonica for the 3rd of July donation of $300.00

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to accept resignation from Steve Lorenz from the police department

Ayes all present—motion carried

*Motion by Hendricks, seconded by Heyblom to accept resignation from Schuyler Mitchell from zoning commission and advertise for the position

Ayes all present—motion carried

Hendricks thanked Mitchell for all that he did in the community

*Motion by Heyblom, seconded by Hendricks to approve Change order #1 for Pearson and 4th with Casper Construction no contract amount change contingent upon PUC approval

Ayes all present—motion carried

Discussed the offer from Hammerlund to purchase the sweeper in the amount of $2,500.00, Ketola commented on the sweeper and suggested the city try to get $5,000 for it, Heyblom suggested putting it out for bids and see if we can get more money for it

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to call for sealed bids and set the minimum bid for $5,000.00 and discuss the 1st meeting in July

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to approve Zerebko contract for the 3rd and 4th of July for $2,800.00 and allow the Mayor to sign

Ayes all present—motion carried

Dimich is trying to set up a meeting with Calaguire, Mandich and Gangl

Whitson sent a request to Dimich and requested a ride a long with Karen Calaguire and Paul Vraa. Would like to see what they do for the week. City not under any obligation to do this, no action taken

Hendricks will attend the IRRR meeting on the 17th for the street project request. They will also be fixing the sidewalks on Central next week

Karen Calaguire brought a quote in for John Calaguire on the batteries the councilor Bolf had requested

She asked about the letter from Marlyn Halverson regarding the Local Preparedness Committee; it was given to each councilor in their mail box and wasn’t put on the agenda. Hendricks spoke with Halverson who said it was a volunteer position. Calaguire wanted to know if she was appointed how she would get paid. Bolf requested it be put on the next agenda so they have time to review

*Motion by Bolf, seconded by Heyblom to adjourn at 5:15 p.m.

Ayes all present—motion carried


City Clerk