Customer Deliverables List

Below is a list of items that should either be added to the Project Planning Details spreadsheet or be sent to the PSI Project Manager to ensure successful project planning. Your Project Manager will assist you with any questions you have regarding each deliverable.

Technical Deliverables:


Complete Server Specifications to include:

o  Primary MAC Address (aka Physical Address) -

o  Server Name -

o  IP Address -

o  Platform -

o  OS & Version -

o  Server Manufacturer (Brand Name) -

o  Processor(s) -

o  RAM -

o  Storage -

o  Authentication -

Database Specifications to include:

o  Type -

o  Version -

o  Installed Locally or Remotely -

Scan Station Specifications to include:

o  OS & Version -

o  Processor -

o  RAM -

o  Storage -

o  Monitor Size -

o  Single or Dual Monitor -

o  Full-Size SCSI Slot Available -

o  SCSI or USB Connection -

o  Location

Typical Workstation Specifications to include:

o  OS & Version -

o  Processor -

o  RAM -

o  Storage -

o  Monitor Size -

o  Single or Dual Monitor-

o  Location -

o  Remote Installs -


Web Server:

o  Complete Server Specifications (see list above) if WebNow is to be installed on a separate server from ImageNow

J2EE Application Server:

o  Manufacturer (Tomcat, JRun, WebLogic, WebSphere, Oracle, SAP) -

o  Version -

Web Server:

o  Manufacturer (IIS, Apache, Netscape) -

o  Version -


o  User Authentication Type

Planning Deliverables:

The following should be completed for each department/process area. This information will be requested at different times during the planning process and finalized with your PM.

ImageNow General

Team List (Name, Title, Role, Telephone & Email Address)

Group/User List with ImageNow Access

Existing Process Flow or Description

Document Type List / Document Matrix

Screen Shots of Linking / Viewing Screens from Host Application

Proposed Index Scheme

Sample Documents

ImageNow Workflow

Workflow Queue Names

User Access per Queue

Sign-Off on Workflow Diagram

Sign-Off on Script Requirements


Button added to any screens where embedded control is required

ImageNow Printer Server-Side

OS & Host Application

Number of servers and where applications will reside

Document in workflow?

Sample print stream for each document (printer spool file)

Printed copy of the actual document (this is a hardcopy sent in, not a fax or electronic file)

Identify index values in the print file

Determine script requirements if using iScript