1. In 1870 and 1871, Congress passed Force Acts in order to
a. Protect Native Americans on the Great Plains.
b. Counter the influence of the Ku Klux Klan in the south.
c. Support Chinese immigrants in California.
d. Defend Democratic Party speakers in the North.
e. Require registered voters to participate in elections in New England.
2. President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868 after he
a. Allowed Confederate officials to take their seats in Congress.
b. Violated the Tenure of Office Act.
c. Canceled the Morrill Land grant Act.
d. Signed into the law the Force Acts.
e. Supported the election of black United States Senators.
3. In order to assist the construction of the transcontinental railroad, Congress
a. Promoted the immigrant Russian labor into California.
b. Gave land to the railroad companies.
c. Gave land to all railroad construction workers.
d. Gave retirement pensions to all railroad construction workers.
e. Gave Native American tribes stock in the railroad companies.
4. The American Federation of Labor adopted which policy toward women who worked in industry?
a. Only skilled workers were readily accepted into the union.
b. Union leadership should avoid socialist statements about government legislation.
c. The union adopted contradictory policies toward women.
d. Union leadership concentrated on shorter working hours and safer conditions.
e. All of the above were policies of the AFL.
5. During the 1890s, “New Immigrants” came to the United States largely from
a. England and Wales
b. Germany
c. Ireland
d. Southern and Eastern Europe
e. Philippines
6. In his 1895 Atlanta Exposition speech, Booker T. Washington urged African-Americans toward success through
a. Education and economic independence
b. Civil Rights agitation
c. Legal challenges in the courts
d. Equal pay for equal work
e. The right to vote
7. One reason urban political machines succeeded during the late 19th century was that they
a. Provided assistance to the poor.
b. Were supported by state militias.
c. Used lynching to enforce their will.
d. Insisted that English only be spoken in city government.
e. Were honest and respectable.
8. One factor that accounts for the heightened interest in organized spectator sports during the late 19th century was
a. Government subsidies for stadiums.
b. An increase in leisure time and disposable income.
c. A growth in the farm population.
d. The declining appeal of middle class culture.
e. The ability of women to compete in spectator sports.
9. One reason why national politics in the late 19th century was ‘balanced’ was because
a. Neither political party was able to dominate the political system.
b. Democrats dominated the political system.
c. Voter loyalty was unpredictable.
d. Presidents relied on public opinion polls to make decisions.
e. The number of seats in Congress held by the tow parties fluctuated greatly.
10. The Platt Amendment gave the United States government the authority to
a. Break up trusts.
b. Restrict immigration.
c. Open trade centers in China.
d. Intervene in Cuba’s defenses.
e. Amend the terms of Indian treaties.
11. In 1907-1908, President Theodore Roosevelt negotiated a “Gentleman’s Agreement” which
a. Supported women’s suffrage.
b. Concluded the Russo-Japanese War.
c. Ended the Anthracite coal strike.
d. Allowed the United States to intervene in Latin America.
e. Stopped Japanese immigration into the United States.
12. The Progressive Era reformer, Frances E. Willard, is most closely associated with
a. Immigrants’ rights
b. Education for girls
c. Temperance
d. Birth Control
e. Conservation
13. All of the following are accurate statements about the election of 1912 EXCEPT
a. Wilson won a minority of the popular vote.
b. Roosevelt and Taft together won more popular votes than Wilson.
c. The Socialist party won twice the number of votes polled in 1908.
d. The Progressive party won over four million votes.
e. It signaled the American public’s desire to enter WWI.
14. Under President Wilson’s leadership in 1913, Congress enacted the Underwood Tariff, which provided for
a. A substantial reduction in rates.
b. A general increase in rates.
c. The largest increase in rates ever.
d. The elimination of tariffs in ten years.
e. Tariffs on manufactured goods only.
15. President Wilson responded to the start of WWI in Europe by
a. Extending Lend-Lease aid to Britain.
b. Demanding US freedom of the seas.
c. Honoring the French-American treaty of 1778.
d. Expelling German diplomats.
e. Traveling to Paris to negotiate a peace treaty.
16. In 1912, the presidential candidate of the Socialist Party was
a. Louis Brandeis
b. Madison Grant
c. Herbert Croly
d. Eugene Debs
e. Robert LaFollette
17. In 1919, when the Senate voted whether to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, President Wilson’s instructions to the Democrats were to accept
a. Only the mild reservations.
b. All of the amendments.
c. None of the Lodge Reservations.
d. Only the amendments of the “irreconcilables”.
e. Only those amendments supported by the democratic leaders.
18. The Teapot Dome scandal of President Harding’s administration involved
a. Oil reserves
b. Uranium mines
c. Woodlands
d. Shipping contracts
e. Urban real estate
19. In 1932, the Bonus Expeditionary Force, which marched in Washington, D.C. demanded
a. Higher social security benefits
b. An end to spying by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
c. Immediate payment of World War I pensions.
d. Increased parity payment for their crops.
e. Integration of the armed forces.
20. The Tennessee Valley Authority accomplished all of the following EXCEPT it
a. Sold electricity at reasonable rates.
b. Developed the economy of the region.
c. Prevented flooding in the region.
d. Built dams and waterways.
e. Passed through congress without controversy.
21. Huey Long, a critic of the New Deal, promoted a plan to
a. nationalize the banking system of the nation.
b. Provide government benefits to the elderly.
c. Balance the federal budget.
d. Redistribute wealth.
e. Draft unemployed men into the military.
22. One of the goals of the Civilian Conservation Corps was to
a. Provide employment for young men.
b. Increase labor union membership.
c. Employ painters and writers.
d. Restore land to Indian tribes.
e. Promote civil rights for African-Americans.
23. One of the most important beliefs of the Liberal Republicans of 1872 was that
a. Reconstruction should be ended
b. Military Reconstruction should be strengthened
c. The federal government should be clensed of corruption.
d. The Democrats were a party of traitors.
e. President Grant should be re-elected.
24. The “Crime of ‘73” resulted in the
a. De-valuing of silver as a monetary standard.
b. End of military Reconstruction.
c. Occupation o f Indian land by whites.
d. Occupation of Cuba.
e. Impeachment of President Johnson.
25. The Compromise of 1877 included which of the following agreements?
a. Lincoln would be granted another term as president.
b. Blacks would receive the right to vote.
c. The slave trade would be eliminated in Washington, D.C.
d. The last federal troops would be withdrawn from the South.
e. Samuel Tilden would be elected president.
26. The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862 was to
a. Distribute land and improve racial equality.
b. Encourage settlement in the West.
c. Permit slavery in the West.
d. Stimulate American migration to Central America.
e. Promote irrigation in the West.
27. After the Civil War, the population of buffalos on the Plains declined for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
a. Buffalo hides were a national fad.
b. Buffalo tongues were a delicacy for many Americans.
c. Buffaloes were frequently hit by railroad traffic.
d. The population of bears, the natural enemy of buffalos, increased.
e. Hunters shot buffaloes for sport.
28. One new responsibility that the federal government assumed after the Civil War was
a. Creating a postal system.
b. Veterans’ pensions.
c. Drafting foreign policy.
d. Collection of tariff revenues
e. Creating an army.
29. One reason that Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 was the
a. Democratic Party’s commitment to eliminate trusts.
b. International pressure to control American corporations overseas.
c. Growing demand for control over corporations.
d. Widespread fear among workers of organized labor unions.
e. Republican Party’s determination to enact an income tax.
30. When Mary E. Lease urged farmers in Kansas to “raise less corn and more hell,” she warned them of the dangers of
a. alcoholic beverages
b. agricultural surplus
c. imperialism
d. populism
e. greenbacks
31. In his 1896 “Cross of gold” speech, William Jennings Bryan urged the Democratic Party to support
a. The coinage of silver.
b. The gold standard.
c. Higher tariffs.
d. An end to antitrust laws.
e. A tax on gold mining.
32. In 1894, “Coxey’s Army” marched to Washington, D.C. to promote
a. Union pensions.
b. Higher pay for federal soldiers.
c. A gold standard.
d. Government relief from depression.
e. Higher tariffs.
33. All of the following helped promote war between the United States and Spain over Cuba EXCEPT
a. Yellow Journalism.
b. Cuban cries for help
c. The DeLome letter
d. The support of President Cleveland.
e. The sinking of the USS Maine.
34. Which of the following was true of politics in the late 19th century from 1870-1900?
a. National issues generated more interest than local issues.
b. The spoils system was of little concern to voters.
c. The supporters of the two major political parties could be differentiated largely by cultural, ethnic, and religious criteria.
d. Racial issues played a minor role in Southern politics.
e. The supporters of and opponents of immigration restriction showed no ethnic or cultural distinctions.
35. In the Root-Takahira agreement of 1908, the United States and Japan agreed to
a. Limit Japanese immigration into the United States.
b. Limit the number of warships.
c. Support Philippine independence.
d. Respect each other’s territories in the Pacific.
e. Close the Open Door in China.
36. In order to make up for the loss of revenue under the Underwood Tariff, Congress
a. Cut government spending in general.
b. Enacted an income tax.
c. Reduced the size of the navy.
d. Sold public lands in the West.
e. Restored the gold standard.
37. During the Wilson administration, banking reform was achieved through the
a. Underwood Tariff
b. Federal Reserve Act
c. Federal Trade Commission Act
d. Clayton Anti-Trust Act
e. Adamson Act
38. President Wilson promoted all of the following “progressive” laws during his first term EXCEPT the
a. Federal Farm Loan Act
b. LaFollette’s Seamen’s Act
c. Workingmen’s Compensation Act
d. Adamson Act
e. Pure Food and Drug Act
39. In his 1903 book, The Souls of Black Folk, WEB Dubois
a. Promoted the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA).
b. Supported Booker T. Washington’s views on education.
c. Attacked the Booker T. Washington’s philosophy of the Atlanta Compromise.
d. Urged African-Americans to support the Socialist Party.
e. Defended the goals of Redemption in the South.
40. The “New Woman” of the early 20th Century was defined by all of the following EXCEPT
a. Increased number of children.
b. Greater longevity of life.
c. Fewer years at home with children.
d. Higher level of education.
e. More years of work outside the home.
41. During WWI, the War Industries Board was created to
a. Establish a military draft.
b. Monitor the loyalty of American citizens.
c. Encourage economic decision-making by local communities.
d. Nationalize businesses and coordinate the production of WWI military supplies.
e. Sell Liberty Bonds.
42. Congress enacted the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921 in order to
a. Establish an immigration quota system.
b. Encourage more immigrants from Asia.
c. Eliminate immigration from Latin America.
d. Allow entry only to well educated immigrants.
e. Discourage immigrants who sought Social Security payments.
43. The National Origins Act of 1924
a. Ended a quota system for immigrants.
b. Limited immigration from Africa.
c. Reduced the quota for Eastern Europeans to 3% per year.
d. Based the quota system on the 1860 Census.
e. Restricted immigration to those under thirty years of age.
44. The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920’s was committed to all of the following EXCEPT
a. Purging alien influences from society.
b. Enforcing prohibition.
c. Instituting compulsory Bible reading in schools.
d. Limiting divorce.
e. Expanding gender equity.
45. Upton Sinclair’s chief purpose in writing The Jungle was to
a. Glorify the sanitary conditions in America’s meatpacking plants.
b. Aid the plea for better housing for immigrant stockyard workers.
c. Rally public support for the Meat Inspection Act.
d. Join other muckrakers in attacking the political corruption in Chicago.
e. Advance the fight against “wage slavery”.
46. The United States Census of 1920 was significant because it demonstrated for the first time more
a. Japanese than Irish lived in the United States.
b. Americans lived in cities than on farms.
c. Americans lived in suburbs than in cities or on farms.
d. Blacks lived in the North than the South.
e. Women worked outside the home than at home.
47. In 1932, President Hoover supported establishment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. The main purpose of which was to
a. Create jobs for unemployed workers.
b. Lend money directly to home buyers.
c. Pay a bonus to WWI veterans.
d. Lend money to banks, railroads, and businesses.
e. Provide retirement benefits to the elderly.
48. The Congress of industrial Organizations was created in the 1930s in order to
a. Suspend antitrust laws.
b. Promote the work of capitalists.
c. Organize unskilled workers into a union.
d. Challenge the legitimacy of segregated schools.